Chapter 36

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   "Eloise, are you coming to bed now?" Anthony asked. I was wrapped in my robe and was looking out the window. The sun was setting now and he sky had a orange - purple hue.
     "What are we going to eat?" I asked, walking over to the bed where he sat. He placed his arms around my waist and kissed my stomach. I put my hands in his hair because I was standing over him.

    "What would you like to eat love?" he asked me. "I dont know, something simple. Could you make me a grilled cheese?" I asked him.

   "Whatever you'd like my love" he said. He kissed my stomach once again before he stood up and exit the room.

   He was only in a pair of black boxers and his broad back was in clear view.

   After my bubble bath, I rinsed my self of all the soapy water and Anthony blew my hair dry. Anthony then had a shower of his own while I admired the sky and the outdoor scenery.

    That's basically what happened up until this moment.

     I walked down to the kitchen where Anthony was gathering stuff to get the meal put together. "Anthony, what happened with Ruth?" I asked as I took a seat at the island.

    "I really dont know Eloise, Cassandra said they called the police but by the time they got there Ruth was nowhere to be found" he said, walking over to hug me.

   I wrapped my arms around him and placed my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat and going up and down with the steady rise and fall of his chest.

    "There is a warrant out for her arrest, I'm sure she knows we would take action, so I think she'll be smart enough to stay away. Hopefully" he says and I nod.

    "I hope so too. I can't constantly be walking on egg shells, waiting for her to appear" I confessed.

   "While you were at the hospital I called the security company and arranged for an upgraded security system to be installed by morning" he said, he kissed my forehead and then got back to preparing the food.

    "How are you feeling?" I asked him. He looked up at me and smiled a sad smile. "I'm feeling alot better now, knowing you are ok. I dont know what I would have done if you were seriously injured" he said.

    I nodded and he continued to cook as we fell into a comfortable silence.


*Ruth's P.O.V*

   The night of the accident. 11:00 pm.

       I open the front door and hurriedly enter, making sure I closed it behind me.

     As I stepped inside fully the lights came on. "Ruth what the hell have you done!" Patrick shouted at me and I flinched.

    I was pumping with adrenaline fuelled by anger earlier. I don't know what came over me.

    "Dont shout at me Patrick " I said and I dropped my stuff by the door before I took off my shoes and walked pass him and into the kitchen.

      "Tell me why did police officers come here today saying they had a warrant out for your arrest?" he came walking behind me.

   "Leave it alone Patrick" I said. My head was pounding and all I wanted right now was a hot shower and a pain reliever.

     "What do you mean I should leave it alone?! You're my fucking sister, what the hell did you get yourself into?" he shouted.

   I shoved the centerpiece from the island and it fell to the floor, shattering into tiny pieces.

     "Stop it Ruth. This is what you always do. You get yourself into messes and then you attempt to self destruct. Well this time you've gone too far Ruth.

      The police told me what you did, I was just hoping you would be woman enough to say it. This is it Ruth. This is the last fucking straw!" he shouted at me and he started to walk away from me and towards the phone mounted on the wall.

    "What are you doing Patrick?!" I shouted. "The right thing Ruth. You need help, you're mentally unstable, I'm convinced" he said. He took the phone into his hand and started to dial a number.

   "Put the phone down Patrick" I warned him. My anxiety started to flare up once again and I could here my heart beating in my ears. That's how hard my adrenaline was pumping.

     "Put down the fucking phone now!" I shouted. He placed the phone to his ear and I ran over to him trying to grab the phone from his hand.

   He placed the telephone above his head so I could not reach it. "911 what's your emergency?" I hear someone come in on the telephone.

    "Give me the phone!" I shout. He starts to back away and ends up slipping on the broken pieces of glass that were scattered on the floor.

    He fell backwards and his head came in contact with the sharp corner of the counter. His body slumped to the floor and his eyes were wide open as blood seeped from his head.

    I screamed so loud I thought my eardrums were going to burst. "Hello, please stay on the line. A dispatch will be with you soon" I heard the voice say.

    "Patrick! Get up, you cant do this to me. Get up!" I shouted and he lay there unmoving with his eyes wide open.

   I was choking, I wanted to cry but it was hard to do so. My breathing was heavy and tears fell from my eyes like a heavy downpour.

    "Hello, are you with me?" the person on the phone says and I back away.

   I run to the front door and grab my bags and ran as fast as I could to my car.

    'I'm so sorry Patrick' I thought to myself as I sped out the driveway, barely seeing the road properly as it was so dark and my eyes were filled with tears.

   My heart was racing and I could hardly breathe.

     Down the road from our house I pass the police. They were racing by with their sirens blaring. I could not go back now, this was it. I need to get away from here, as far away as I can.

     'This is it Ruth' I spoke under my breath, trying to calm myself but was failing horribly.

   I killed my brother. It was an accident but I was the cause of it. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. There is no coming back from this.

   I head in the direction of the highway and I drive until a voice says drive no more.


   Well that's a dark twist. I hope you guys are as upset with Ruth as I am. Please continue to let me know what you think, vote and please give me a follow.

   It's all very much appreciated.


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