A Happy Prince Faces An Unfortunate Situation

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Arthit's POV

I woke up in my grandiose bedroom with a beam of sunlight filtering through. It's happening! I thought to myself. I was turning 21 today, which meant I would officially be required to take over my father's throne in a few days. I still had mixed feelings about that particular event. Becoming the King of our land of Sotusalaxy would mean I would not be able to hang out with my friends anymore, I wouldn't be able to enjoy myself at my friend Bright's tavern, I would not be able to sleep around with beautiful women. I sighed.

That was a disastrous thought. Sotusalaxy was one of the most prosperous Kingdoms of our times. It was a beautiful land, lying along the coast of the sea of Andromeia. Once I took over the throne, I would have to ensure that my Kingdom's legacy continues.

But all that could wait. Today I was going to have a blast! My friends were going to throw me a big party and all big parties ended the same way, with a beautiful lady.

I jumped out of the bed and rushed out of my bed chamber. As expected, I saw a beautiful arrangement of presents for myself. One of the maids, May, smiled sweetly at me when she came to call me for breakfast. May was a pretty woman. If she hadn't been so below my status, I would have taken her long back. Shaking all such thoughts from my head, I went to the dining hall.

My father, the King, sat at the head with my mother and sisters beside him. I had three sisters, all younger than me. "My King." I curtsied as I walked in and my father stood up to hug me. My family blessed me and we began to eat.

The royal celebrations for my birthday would begin from the next day and would last for a week so I had this night all to myself. This would probably be the last time I could ever really be Prince Arthit because at the end of my birthday celebrations I would be coronated as the new King. I decided to enjoy myself as much as I could.

The carriage dropped me at Bright's Tavern and just as I had expected I saw all of my closest friends waiting outside for me. Let me introduce my best friends: Bright, Prem, Tutah and Knot. The five of us practically grew up together. Bright was the son of one of the richest businessmen of our Kingdom, Prem and Tutah came from affluent families and their fathers were ministers in my father's court while Knot was the son of my father's adviser. We were very close and had even attended all our trainings together- sword fighting, ancient literature, name it all.

"Ai Arthit! Happy Birthday! My dear friend!" Bright wished me as he enveloped me in a tight hug. I swear sometimes I wondered if this guy could ever grow up. It's like he is a grown child.

I received wishes from all the others too and I also nearly choked when Tutah hugged me. That guy had an iron grip! Just as I started to walk inside, Bright caught my arm, saying "Today we are not having a party inside. We will take my ship and have a party on the sea of Andromeia!"

This night just kept getting better!


Not even the Royal family could throw parties like Bright's family did! So, it wasn't a surprise that my birthday party was just splendid! The party had everything any young man with money could want. The best Ale, the best dishes and the most beautiful women. I was overjoyed!

Halfway through the party, a young woman caught my eye. Seeing her,I already knew who my queen for the night would be. I smiled at her but to my surprise,she looked away and started walking in the opposite direction. This had never happened before. No one would dare to reject my advances, I am the bloody Prince. My ego was completely bruised and I vowed that I would make this woman beg for me! Little did I know, this vow would turn my whole life upside down very soon.

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