Kings Make Mistakes Too

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Kongpob's POV

I woke up to see a peaceful Arthit sleeping on my chest. He looked beautiful, to say the least. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I pecked his forehead and then his nose and finally his lips. Before I lost my control, I turned away and got off the bed.

I walked back into the room from a bath to see Arthit lying on my side of the bed, his head pressed into my pillow. My heart jumped out of my chest at the adorable sight before me. My resolve threatened to break every time I thought of the night we had just spent. It was the best night of my life yet. Just thinking about how he begged me for more, begged me to take him harder, faster, how beautiful he looked when he finally came, how amazing my name sounded on his lips, it all drove me mad with desire for him, but I had to do this. I paced up and down the room, trying to find a nice way to tell Arthit that...

"Owww! What in the wide world?" I spun around at Arthit's exclamation.

He was trying to sit up, but because of our...uhm... activities last night, I doubted he would be able to do so. I walked over to him, an uncomfortable ache stabbing my heart seeing him in so much pain, because of me.

"Arthit? Are you ok?"

"Does it look like I am ok?" He snapped, pouting and I resisted the urge to kiss him deeply.

I took a deep breath before starting to say, "Ar-Arthit, I am sorry. We should never have done this in the first place. Y-you... this... it's.... I promise this won't happen again."

Arthit stopped fumbling with the bed covers and looked at me. "Do you regret the night we spent together?"

I nodded feebly. "We should not have done this. It's n..."

Before I could complete my sentence he said, his eyes brimming with tears, he said, "Why? Was I not good enough?"

"No, Arthit, it's not that."

"Then what is it? You don't get to do this! You can't give me the best night of my life and then snatch it away like this! You bastard!" He screamed and tried to walk out of the room, which was clearly not possible in his current state. He barely took one step before crying out in pain.

"Let me help you..."

"Stay away from me! Don't try to sweet talk me... don't ever touch me again! Ever!"

I winced as he scrambled for his clothes and hastily put them on, before wobbling out of the room. I told myself it was all for the best. I couldn't get attached to a human. Arthit was bound to leave, he had his own kingdom, his own people, his own responsibilities. Besides, why would he fall for me? I could never be enough for someone so perfect as Arthit.

I would soon find out however, that staying away from Arthit would never be an option for me. I was already in too deep.

Arthit's POV

I stumbled back to my room before slumping down on the bed, face down. My body was sore and my heart was numb. How could he do this to me? I kept asking myself. I cried my heart out. I was hurt, frustrated and mostly angry with myself for losing my dignity to the King, for having no control over my body, for submitting so willingly. I was angrier at the fact that I would very willingly do it again, all the King had to do was look at me the way he looked at me last night.

I couldn't sit, I couldn't walk. I could only cry and cry. At some point I fell asleep, dreaming about a certain merman.


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