The King and The Prince Make An Intimate Acquaintance 🔞

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Kongpob's POV

I returned from supper with Arthit and I swear my heart was ready to burst out of its cage. The damn human was just so alluring without even trying. My manhood could barely contain itself, I really really wanted to bury myself in him. I need to go for a swim.

Just as I was about to get into my merman form, a messenger came to announce Dimitri, my Supervisor. I sighed. I swear this man had the worst possible timing. Seeing no choice, I welcomed him into the room.

"How was your supper with the Prince, Your Majesty?"

"It was just a formal supper, nothing so grand about it." Dimitri smirked. I should have known better than to lie to him.

"Is he going to be present at the Royal Ball tomorrow, Your Majesty?"

"I don't see why not. He is a guest after all. Once he leaves, he won't ever come back anyway. He can enjoy this while it lasts." I wondered if that last part was for me or for him.

"You would not happen to have any news to share with me would you?" Dimitri asked. My supervisor had known me for an incredibly long time, and I was certain he already had a hunch about the current condition of my mind and body.

But I shook my head in response to his question and turned away. Dimitri chuckled to himself and walked away. If I had paid a little more attention I would have heard him whisper, "Love finds a way."


Arthit's POV

Whoever said life isn't fair was absolutely correct. Because I was now being forced to attend a Royal Ball where the King would definitely be present, along with a hundred other dignitaries. My brain could barely function around Kongpob, how the hell would I be able to survive this night without making an utter fool of myself?

Little did I know, that night was going to be more exciting than I could ever imagine in my life.


I stood with New and his husband Tay, my eyes anxiously searching for the cause of my misery (and ecstasy). When I finally spotted him, he was holding some other man in his arms, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

I felt a hot rage settle in my chest. Jealousy. Never in my life had I ever been jealous at all! Well, maybe a little but sometimes but not the kind I felt right now. If I could, I would have ripped off the man's head right then and there.

How dare he embrace my King? Fists clenches, I asked New through gritted teeth, "Who is the man with the King?"

"That is Sam, a close friend of the King. It was rumoured that they are lovers but both of them have always vehemently denied those rumours."

If I was jealous before, I was now angry. I had a good mind to go and grab Kongpob and kiss him here, in front of all these people. He was mine! I wanted to scream and in all my fury I failed to notice New and Tay passing each other looks of amusement.

I felt the air around me get electrified with energy, negative energy. I felt my anger boil up inside me and then spill out to the air around me. Just then, Kongpob's eyes met mine and it was like he knew. He knew what I felt, he could feel it. But the most surprising thing to me was not that, it was the fact that my anger instantly vanished as soon as our eyes locked. It was almost like I had been reassured, all my insecurities gone.

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