The Prince Has a Broken Heart

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Arthit's POV
A few days later.....

I stared at the ceiling, my heart heavy and my expression blank. I only had 3 more days left in Andromeia and to say that I was heartbroken couldn't suffice for the pain I felt. More so because Kong wanted to obliterate my memories. He had told me last night after an intense session of love making that he thought it was best for me to forget everything. It was to be a safety measure as well, so that human forces could never attack this land.

As if I'd betray these people. In the past few days, this land had become more like home than my own land. I had the man I loved, people who were generous and sympathetic, no one was marred by any discriminatory lines, neither in terms of riches nor anything else. I felt like I belonged here.

But Kong wouldn't listen, he was stubborn as a mule. He thought it was better for me to go back. That I could understand, I did have my own responsibilities though I suspected I wouldn't be able to really rule Sotusalaxy when my heart belonged to Andromeia. But erasing my memories?! That was too extreme. So for the first time last night, we had fought. I had screamed and shouted and cried and begged him to not do it. But he was adamant.

So I had stormed off and I hadn't seen him since. Tears soaked my bedclothes and I didn't think I could cry anymore, since I had been crying for the past 10 hours straight. I didn't want to submit to him, this was ridiculous, but I didn't want to fight him either. Also, I suspected that there was some other reason behind his desire to erase my memories.

So I did the only thing I could do. I decided to walk to Dimitri's office and try to gather answers.


I knocked on the door and Dimitri's familiar voice beckoned me in. I entered the room and spotted the man sitting and reading, looking extremely busy.

"Uhhh.... I can come back if you are busy."

He looked up at me and asked me to take a seat.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Prince Arthit?"

"Kong wants to erase my memories. Why?" I jumped straight to the point.

"Well, I suppose he must have told you the reason already. It's a protective measure for the land."

I gave him a sharp look and he chuckled. "The real reason please Dimitri..."

"Well well well, uhm... you should probably ask Kong himself."

"But he can't keep doing this to me, pushing me away. I understand why I have to leave, but this? I want to remember him, us, everything and everyone here. I-..." my voice broke as I started sobbing again. Dimitri gave me a sympathetic look.

"You should go and talk to him Arthit. He hasn't cared so deeply about anyone since his parents' death. He was so young then. He loves you and..."

"If he loves me then why is he sending me away? I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want my memories erased, I want to be with him. Is that too much to ask for?"

"No it's not, but loving someone doesn't necessarily mean that you get to spend a lifetime with them. Talk to him, fighting won't work. Especially since time is so little."

"Why can't I come back once I leave?"

"Because our land is well hidden. You wouldn't ever be able to find it on your own. Honestly, it still puzzles me that you got here in the first place. But here you are. And without your memories, you won't even remember this place."

I sighed, got up and reached out for the door when Dimitri called out, "And Arthit? Love finds a way."


I knocked on the King's chamber doors. The guards outside were by now aware of our situation so they paid me no heed. Kongpob opened the doors about 10 seconds later, looking like a complete mess. His hair was disheveled and he clearly hadn't slept last night. I walked past him into the room and sat down on the bed.

"Let's talk." I said.

"Arthit..." he croaked out softly, tears glistening in his eyes.

"Tell me honestly Kong, why do you not want me to remember this?"

"Because it would hurt... it hurts to not have the people you love around you. I love you so much... I... I don't want to to have to feel any pain because of me..."

"That's absurd, dear. I want to remember us. These days were the best of my life, I can't lose them."

"Arthit, you can go back and forget about all this, find a woman, fall in love with her, have kids, be happy. You don't ever have to revisit this place again. You can move on, go away from all of this. We will never see each other again after you leave. What is the point in causing yourself so much misery when you could lead a happy, normal life with your people, in your world?"

"Wouldn't I be a better judge of what is good for me?"

"I have lost people I love before. One can never get over that pain. I don't want you to suffer. Please, for me, please. Consider this a parting gift to me, please."

He came and knelt down on the floor in front of me. Tears fell from our eyes.

"And what about you?"

"I'll find a way to survive."

"Promise me you will move on too. Find someone else, be happy." It burned me to say that. But if not with me, I wanted him to find happiness with someone else, even if that other person was Sam.

He nodded slightly and I knew he wouldn't do it, wouldn't be able to do it. Just like I would never be able to be happy or fall in love with anyone else. Even if we were far apart, I knew our hearts would only beat for each other.

He came closer to me and laid his head on my lap. I ruffled his hair as we both cried our hearts out.

Life is so cruel to me. I find my everything to only lose it all. I thought bitterly.


I thought back to the past few days. I and Kongpob had grown closer than ever, spending every second together when he wasn't busy. We went on little tours around the land, lazed around together, kissed, made love to each other. I had never felt more alive.

Yet at the back of our minds, we knew this was a beautiful dream bound to end. But the ending came far too quickly. The worst part was that I didn't just love Kongpob, I loved Andromeia.

I wasn't just upset about leaving Kongpob behind, I was sad that I would never get to see New's babies or attend Gun's wedding. They had all become family to me.

My own family seemed forgotten somewhere and I wondered if one could even call that a family. I hardly knew anything other than caring about my Father's strict orders. But here, I had found love and life.

And I would have gladly chosen death over this separation.


A short chapter 😬😬😬
How many of you are annoyed by Kongpob?
Also, this story will have a happy ending, so you can rest your worries about that. I couldn't bear to keep these babies separate.

I hope the next chapter will make you bawl your eyes out. So stay tuned.

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Yours truly,
Peraya _yeah.

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