When We Bid Adieu

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Kongpob's POV

I sat discussing matters with Dimitri in my parlour. The Ascetics will cast a charm so that Arthit's memories will be erased the moment he steps out of the Palace. He will become unconscious and they will place him in a safe place on the coast of Sotusalaxy, in a place where someone or the other will surely find him.

I tried to hold back my tears. The end was so near. He would be gone forever in an hour and I would be left all alone for all eternity. But my parents had taught me to always stand for whatever was right. So I had to do this, to honour them.

Suddenly, the door to the parlour was flung open by a panting Arthit. I looked at him in sheer shock.

"Dimitri, can you please give us a moment alone?"

My Supervisor only nodded and left the place, leaving me alone with the man who would probably keep me awake for the rest of my life. As soon as the door closed, he ran to me and smashed his lips against mine. He opened his mouth for me to taste one last time.

I plunged my tongue down his throat, my teeth biting his lips hard enough to draw blood but he didn't seem to mind. I cupped his face and kissed him hard, our tongues moving in perfect unison with each other. He tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss, allowing me to take more.

As we pulled apart for breath, I took in the image before me, locking it in my memory. His lips were red and swollen from my onslaught, his breath coming in short gasps while his hair was a mess and his pale skin was flushed deep red. I looked into his eyes, basking in his love.

"Don't cry, I don't want my last moments with you to be spent in gloom. I want to see your smile, hear your laugh, before I go away. I love you."

"I love you too, baby... so much... no tears now." I told him, trying so desperately hard to stop the tears that threatened to slip out any second. I took his hand in mine and kissed his knuckles and he let out a small laugh. I kissed him in the crook of his neck, resting my head there, inhaling his sweet scent for a final time.

"When I am gone, you are going to be lonely. Try to find someone soon. Okay?"

I laughed raspily and nodded, though I suspected that he already knew that I wouldn't be able to love anyone other than him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me close to him, patting my hair as I gripped his waist.

"I had fallen for you the moment I saw you, you are hotter than hell." He said.

I laughed. "I thought I was the only one whose heart had gone crazy. Good to know you felt the same way."

We tried to ease the atmosphere, cracking silly jokes.

"I love your eyes the most." He told me.

"Your smile is the prettiest thing in the world." I returned.

Ever heard that time flies quickly when you don't want it to go by? I attest to that theory, it's true. The minutes slipped out of our fingers like sand. At last, he told me, "Kong, don't come to see me off. I won't be able to take it. I might cling to you and threaten to kill myself if you let me go. That would be embarrassing. I already told Tay and Off to announce that you wouldn't be there to see me off."

He had tried to pass off the whole thing as a joke so I laughed along with him. But we both knew we were just pretending. I laid my head on his lap as he took a seat and we stayed like that for some time, laughing and professing our love to each other again and again.

All too soon, Dimitri appeared, saying that it was time to go. We separated reluctantly, he stood up and gently kissed my forehead, my eyes, my nose and finally my lips. I pulled him in closer for a deep kiss and he obliged willingly. Our tongues found each other and so did our hands. We kissed each other like there was no tomorrow, which was true for us anyway.

We pulled apart and he drew his hand back. "Be happy okay? I love you." He said. I nodded, my tears already spilling out even as I plastered a smile on my face. "Goodbye My King." He passed me his sweet smile, although his tears glistened his eyes. Then he turned and walked out of the room and out of my life.

My facade broke and I slumped down on the floor, my legs unable to support my weight any longer. Tears rained down my face and I felt my entire life plunge into darkness as I watched my Sun literally walk out of my life, the door closing behind him.


Arthit's POV

I walked out of Kongpob's life, not even turning back once, because I knew there was no way I would be able to leave if I turned back one time. My heart screamed for one more kiss, one more touch, one more glimpse, some more time, but somehow I managed to walk out, leaning on Dimitri for support. I could no longer keep up the pretence and my tears flowed freely.

As I walked out, I saw New, Gun and even Tay and Off in tears. I hugged them all, one by one.

"Be happy, always. New, tell your babies about me, will you? Tell them about our time together. Gun, remember me at your wedding and when you pop out your own babies, tell them about me too. And you two, Tay and Off, look after them well. I love you all." I said, trying to smile through my tears.

They all nodded. "You too, remain happy. You were a part of us and you will forever hold a place in our hearts." New told me. I smiled.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sam wiping his tears. I walked over to him, "Why are you crying Sam?" I still didn't particularly like him, even though I knew that he had already found his Fated, a sweet boy called Studd.

"You made Kongpob happy, Arthit. I had never seen him so alive before, and I have known him all my life. I can't believe you have to leave before you two could even start a life together."

"We never had a chance Sam. Look after him for me, will you? Try to keep him happy. My spirit won't let you live in peace otherwise."

He laughed a little and nodded before pulling me into a tight embrace. Even though I had taken a strong dislike to him, I cried for the loss of him as well.

The Ascetics did what they had to do and I turned to Dimitri, "Protect him, look out for him, try to heal him. Please." I pleaded. I knew Kongpob would be broken. He nodded, tears glistening in his eyes too. "Take care of yourself Arthit. Remember, Love always finds a way." I blacked out soon after but I could swear that before I lost consciousness , I heard him whisper, "We will meet again soon."


My eyes fluttered open and I stared at a familiar ceiling. I was in my bed chamber in Sotusalaxy. I have no idea how long I had been out but the strange part was, the first thought as soon as I gained consciousness was, Kongpob, My Kongpob.


Sooooo, this chapter had me howling out. I swear my eyes were red when I wrote this. I apologise for the pain. But I swear the angst won't last long. Only 2 more chapters, at max.

Do y'all think Arthit remembers everything? Or just Kongpob's name? Does Dimitri know something that no one else does?

Stay tuned for more, I will try to upload as soon  as possible.

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Yours sincerely,

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