Happy Reunions 🔞🔞🔞

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Kongpob's POV

"Kong, I am back." I heard the voice I had been dying to hear every single day for the past 1and a half months. Had I begun to hallucinate now too? I so desperately wanted him to be here with me. I opened my eyes, not expecting to see a familiar pair of black eyes looking at me.

"Arthit?" I croaked out. I couldn't believe my own eyes. Was he really here or was it just my imagination? I sat up, looking bewildered, "Are you really here or is it just my mind playing tricks on me?" I asked as my hands reached out to touch him, my body screaming for some sort of contact with the man who had haunted every breathing second of my life for the past three months.

I placed my hand on his arm, fully expecting him to disappear in a puff of smoke or something and I gasped when my skin made contact with his soft skin. He was really there!

"What do you think, Kong?" He asked me, his eyes twinkling. My heart panged as I realised I had clearly underestimated how much I missed him. But he couldn't be real, could he?

"You are real, is this a dream? H-how are you here? Did I die already or something?" The last option seemed particularly lucrative to me. I simply couldn't go on anymore without my Sun beside me and now here he was, or at least I thought he was here.

He pinched my arm and I yelped. "What was that for?"

"You aren't dreaming, or dead, or anything else. I really am here."

"And you remember me? And you are back here? How exactly?" This was too good to be true.

Arthit giggled. God, I had missed that sound! "The enchantment did not work on me Kong. I never forgot you. I had been trying to find a way back to you for the past 3 months. I missed you so much."

I stared at him for some time. "But the enchantments only do not work if you have something connecting you to this place. And I made sure you didn't have anything even remotely connected to Andromeia."

"Oh, but you didn't take into account the things you gave me." He smiled again, his dimples popping up and I resisted the urge to kiss him senseless.

"Arthit, what are you talking about? I didn't give you any..." I was cut off when he grabbed my hand and placed it on his belly, muttering "You are so stupid, Kong."

I gasped as I felt the energy flowing onto my hand from his belly. There was life and I felt the pull of my own blood coursing through that life. Baby , my baby, our baby. I looked at him in surprise, "H-How is this p-possible?"

"Twins. You feel their presence, don't you?"

I nodded. I couldn't think up any logical explanation for this. And suddenly, guilt hit me hard. I had let him go through his very first pregnancy all on his own, at least for the first few months. I wasn't there to support him, or help him, or soothe him down when he became hysterical, or make love to him when he needed me to.

"I am so sorry baby, I-I had no idea... I would never have left you alone if I had known that your memories weren't erased, if I knew that you are pregnant, I would have brought you back to me at any cost, I swear I wouldn't have left you or our babies all alone."

"It's ok Kong, I don't blame you. I tried to find ways to contact you, to tell you that you are going to be a father soon. But I couldn't do anything."

"But how did you come back? How are you even pregnant, you are human, you aren't supposed to be able to bear children."

"Turns out my mother is actually an Angel. I am not completely human." I looked at him, stunned. His mother was an angel? Something that I had once learnt before assuming my duties as King came back to me in a flash.

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