That Is A Fatty Red Train

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Hagrid had left us in absolute confusion. He had given us tickets for a train on platform 9 ¾. As Harry asked the train master I looked up and down the platform trying to find some sort of sign. Harry walked back up to me disappointed when a group of gingers distracted him. There were four boys, one of them a set of twins, and a young girl.

"It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course." The mother of the group said rushing through people. I heard Harry mummer something before he started to follow the group. "Harry!" I shouted at him dragging behind him.

"Come on. Platform 9 ¾ this way! All right, Percy, you first." The woman said to the boy that looked the eldest. The boy nodded before rushing forward, straight towards a brick wall. I was about to shout at him to stop until he disappeared through the wall. I gasped.

"Fred you next." The woman said to one of the twins. "He's not Fred, I am!" The boy shouted, "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother!" The other added. I just laughed at how dramatic they were being. "Oh, I'm sorry, George." The mother said shaking his head. One of the boys moved forward towards the wall before turning to his mum. "I'm only joking. I am Fred." He said smirking before running through the wall his twin right behind him.

Harry started to move forward so I quickly followed behind him. "Excuse me! C-could you tell us how to" He said looking towards the wall in shock. "How to get on the platform? Yes, not to worry, dear. It's Ron's first time to Hogwarts as well." She said gesturing towards the last red headed boy smiling. "Now, all you've got to do is walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run if you're nervous." She said placing him right in front of the wall.

Harry nodded. "Good luck." The girl said from next to her before he ran at the wall disappearing through it. "Thank you." I said causing her to send a warm smile my way before I followed Harry through the wall closing my eyes tight.

Hesitantly, I opened them only to be met with a scarlet red steam engine. "Wow." I breathed as Harry pulled me closer towards it. We both grabbed our luggage before finding a compartment. Difficultly, I lifted my luggage into the overhead carrier and placed Hades down next to me.

"So where are you from?" Harry asked sitting down across from me. "Stratford." I answered boredly as I pulled out a book from my satchel. "Oh, I'm from Surrey. Do you not live in a wizarding family then?" He asked as I tried to find my page. "I live in a care home where I am constantly mistreated, and a bitch thinks she is better then me." I deadpanned. "Noted." He nodded in shock.

We had been going for a few minutes before the red-haired boy from earlier came up to our door. "Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full." He asked sheepishly his ears burning red. "No, not at all." Harry said happily, they both looked at me, but I merely shrugged. He came in and put away his luggage before sitting down next to Harry.

"I'm Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley." He said cheerily. "I'm Mia." I said turning my page before he looked at Harry. "I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Harry said happily. Ron gasped. "So-so it's true?! I mean, do you really have the...the..." Ron stuttered. "The what?" Me and Harry asked confused. "The scar." Ron whispered causing me to roll my eyes.

"Oh, yeah." Harry said smugly before lifting up his fringe. "Wicked." Ron said leaning back. We heard rattling before a whole cart of sweets appeared in front of the door. "Anything off the trolly dears?" And elderly woman asked popping her head round the door. "No, thanks, I'm all set." Ron said holding up what looked like some sort of sandwich. I just laughed in pity as Harry looked at it sadly.

"We'll take the lot!" Harry said pulling out multiple golden coins. "Woah." Ron gasped. We collected the different sweets sharing them out between us as Ron brought out his rat which personally disgusted me. "Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans?" Harry asked looking at the back of the box.

"They mean every flavour! There's chocolate and peppermint, and there's also spinach, liver and tripe. George sweared he got a bogey-flavoured one once!" Ron said his eyes widening as Harry pulled a disgusted look taking the bean he was chewing out of his mouth. "These aren't real chocolate frogs, are they." Harry asked picking up the gold and purple box.

"It's only a spell. Besides, it's the cards you want. Each packs got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 myself." Ron bragged as he chewed on some sort of gummy snake. Harry opened the box only for the frog to jump out of it and go out of the window. I just laughed as Harry looked out of the window in shock.

"Oh, that's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with." Ron said as Harry picked up the card from the bottom of the box. "Hey, I got Dumbledore!" Harry shouted happily. "I've got about six of him." Ron shrugged looking through the rest of the sweets. "He's gone!" Harry then shouted in surprise. "Well, you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you?" Ron said as if it was obvious before the rat on his lap squeaked.

"This is Scabbers, by the way, pitiful, isn't he?" Ron said as we all looked down at the rodent. "Just a little bit." Harry said politely making me laugh. "Yeah, a little bit of understatement." I added causing Ron to glare at me. "Fred gave me a spell as to turn him yellow. Want to see?" Ron asked us. "Yeah!" Harry said excitedly whereas I just looked at him in doubt.

"Ahem. Sun-." Ron started clearing his throat, but he was interrupted by a girl appearing in front of our door with big bush brown hair. "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." She asked looking around the bottom of the compartment. We all just shrugged. She sighed before her eyes caught Ron's wand. "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then." She said smartly crossing her arms over her chest. Ron cleared his throat again before starting.

"Sunshine, daises, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" Ron shouted causing sparks to fly out of his want, however nothing happened to the rat. "How anti-climactic." I sighed turning back to my book.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple spells myself, and they've all worked for me. For example..." She said coming to sit next to me in front of Harry causing to recoil into the corner. She pointed her wand right between Harrys eyes before murmuring, "Oculus Reparo". The tape on the frame of Harrys glasses disappeared into thin air surprising all of us.

"That's better, isn't it? Holy Cricket, you're Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger...and you are...?" She said turning to Ron. "Ron Weasley." He said with a full mouth causing me and Hermione to pull a face. "Pleasure." She said before turning to me. "Mia." I said with a fake smile, she just nodded before standing up and walking back to the door.

"You three better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon." She said turning the corner before she came right back looking at Ron. "You've got dirt, on your nose, by the way, did you know? Just there." She said pointing at her nose before leaving. Ron just started but rub it off embarrassed.


They have got shorter again lol


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