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I woke up to bright lights, uncomfortable clothing, and a banging headache. I looked around me to see that I was in the hospital wing. "Miss Promfry!" I shouted as I sat up, clutching my throbbing head with my hand. "Here drink this." I heard Miss Promfry say as she shoved a glass into my hand. I chugged it down immediately regretting it due to the fact that it tasted like cat piss.

I shivered as it slithered down my throat but miraculously my headache started to disappear. "You are going to have to keep some of that with you at all times for a couple of day since you got quite a hit to your head." She said as she scribbled something onto the clip bored. "How long have I been asleep for?" I asked as I looked out of the window to see the sun start to set.

"Just for the day, you can leave in a few minutes I just need to go get you clothes then you can leave." She said before briskly walking away. I huffed as I lent back into the bed recalling last night's events. I wonder who that cloaked figure was. The trio will have already figured it out I bet. I'll have to speak to them after dinner.

I finally got out of the hospital wing and headed straight towards the great hall, dear lord I was hungry. I open the large doors only for the whole of the great hall to stare at me. I gave everyone a confused look as I went and sat down at the Slytherin table. "Thank god your ok!" Pansy squealed as she gave me a tight side hug. "I'm fine Pansy." I said as I started to shovel things onto my plate.

I looked ahead of me to see Draco with a small smile on his face. "I glad that your ok." He said softly. "So am I." I smiled before we both ate our meals. I looked over to the Gryffindor table to see Ron, Hermione, and Harry looking at me with crazy faces. "Meet outside the hall." Hermione mouthed to me as Harry and Ro pointed to the great hall doors. I nodded to them before Pansy started filling me in on the gossip I had missed out on.

Once Dumbledore sent us off to our beds I quickly met up with the Trio near the door. "What have I missed?" I asked them as we moved away from the rushing crowd. "We think Snape is trying to get the stone for You-Know-Who." Harry said quietly making sure no one could overhear. "I've told you I don't think that its Snape guys." I sighed. "But Mia all the evidence points to him. The injury on Halloween, jinxing Harry's broom, stopping Quirrell in the halls." Hermione tried to reason with me, but I just shook my head.

"No, you three just think that its him because he is Slytherin and he picks on the Gryffindors. I know he isn't the best guy but that doesn't mean that he is involved with Voldemort." I scolded them causing Hermione and Ron to flinch at the name. "I know he is your head of house Mia but it just all points to him." Harry said sheepishly. "Whatever, just don't get mad at me when I say I told you so." I said before heading down towards the common room.

Ever since then the trio and I had ignored each other a bit. I spent more time with my slytherin friends and found out that I had got into their parents' good books. As summer neared and we relaxed in the sun on the grounds I got invited to many of their houses in the summer. I doubted the care home would let me, but I told them I would try, nonetheless.

I as I walked along the humid halls my shirt untucked tie slung around my neck my robe draped over my satchel. I didn't know it could get this hot in Scotland, but I stand corrected. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when three Gryffindor's rushed into me. "Woah, what has you three in a rush?" I asked picking up my bag which had fallen off my shoulder.

"Someone is going to steal the stone, tonight." Harry said urgently. Before he continued to rush past me towards McGonagall's classroom the other two trailing behind him. I huffed before following after them. I waited outside the classroom for them not even knowing what they thought they were going to accomplish. Adults wont take kids seriously no matter how right they are.

"That was no stranger Hagrid met in the village. It was Snape, which means he knows how to get past Fluffy." Harry said as they walked out of the classroom towards me. "Wait what?" I asked but I was ignored. "And with Dumbledore gone." Hermione said as Snape walked up behind them.

"Good afternoon. Now, what would three young Gryffindors and a Slytherin such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?" He asked us in his usual monotone voice. "Uh...we were just..." Hermione started trying to come up with an excuse, but she immediately failed. "You want to be careful. People will think you're." He paused due to Harry glaring at him like a crazy person. "Up to something." He finished his eyes widening before walking away.

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asked helplessly. "We go down the trapdoor, tonight." Harry said determined. "Hold up, none of you are going down their without me." They all looked at me in surprise clearly forgetting that I was here. "Listen, we may have been ignoring each other for the last few weeks but I'm not letting you go down there without extra help." I said to them as I crossed my arms over my chest stubbornly. They looked at each other before nodding at me. "Meet us at the third floor, tonight"


We are almost at the end


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