The Mirror of Erised

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I walked out of the empty common room up towards the great hall. "Merry Christmas suckers!" I shouted walking over to the Gryffindor table. "Merry Christmas." they coursed. "Look Fred, Mia has one as well!" George shouted catching Fred's attention. "Your part of the family now Mia." Fred said swinging his arm over my shoulder.

I just laughed as I sat down with them. I said never seen so much food. There was turkeys and chickens and pigs in blankets. Roast and smashed Potato's. I was in heaven. The crackers were amazing too. I pulled one with Ron and we got engulfed in red smoke. What popped out was a fedora and some magical pens. I pulled on the fedora and pranced around the table, apparently it suited me.

I looked up to the teachers table to see that Dumbledore had swapped his usual pointed hat for a nice flowery bonnet. Hagrid had just drunkly kissed McGonagall and to all our surprise she giggled and blushed.

After we had eaten, we all wrapped up warm and went outside to have a snowball fight. It was me Fred and George against Harry Ron and Percy. And at the moment we were definitely winning. While Fred and George constantly hit Percy. I made sure each and every single snowball hit Harry and Ron in the face.

"How many times is that now!" I shouted at them. "Oh shush!" Ron shouted back over at us. "We should go back inside; I can't feel my fingers." Fred said rubbing his hands together. We all came back inside shivering. "Come on let's go upstairs." George said. They all nodded and headed up the stairs, I just stood there awkwardly at the bottom. "I'll see you guys tomorrow then." I said sheepishly tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Oh yeah, well I'm sure you can come up. Just this one-time, right Percy." George said as they all looked up with pleading eyes. "Oh fine. But only one time." He said with a stern look before turning away from us. We all cheered before I was dragged up the stairs towards the Gryffindor common room.

Fred and George had clamped their hands over my ears and eyes so I wouldn't know where the common room was or the password. We were currently sat in the armchairs near the fireplace. The Gryffindor common room was so much homier and warmer then the Slytherin one. The room felt brighter and happier than the dark shadows in the Slytherin one.

Percy had gone up to bed and Harry and Ron were playing wizards chess. Fred and George were telling me about all the pranks they had pulled as we drank the hot chocolate we had taken from the kitchens. "Wow, I didn't realise how late it was." I said looking at the grandfather clock. "There is no way I'm going to be able to sneak down to the Slytherin common room this late." I groaned.

"Well we have plenty of spare beds, just stay here." Harry said. "Are you sure?" I asked them, they all just nodded. "Ok then." We all went up stairs and Harry lent me some pyjama bottoms so that I didn't have to sleep in my jeans. Just as Ron fell asleep Harry quickly scrambled to the end of his bed. "Harry what is it?" I asked tiredly.

"My invisibility cloak." He whispered excitedly pulling something silvery out from underneath his bed. "What do you mean invisibility cloak?" I asked as I walked over to him. "It was my dad's." He said to himself before looking back up at me. "Come on we have to try it out." He sad grabbing my wrist. "Harry what do you mean?" I asked somehow grabbing my bag as he dragged me out of the room.

"Come on we can test it out in the restricted section." He said as we got closer to the common room door. "Fine, but maybe we should cover ourselves with the so-called cloak first." I said stopping him. He looked down into his hands before nodding and placing the cloak over us. I couldn't even feel the thing over us it was so light. We immediately headed towards the library trying not to trip over each other's feet.

Harry held out a lantern as we walked through the library. We slowly walked towards the restricted section and unbolted the door. We carefully walked over to the Fs before removing the cloak and placing it on the banister the lantern onto of it. "Famous fire eaters...15th Century Fiends...Flamel...Nicholas Flamel...where are you?" Harry read out as he walked along the spines.

He picked out a book and opened it up only for the book to scream in his face. "Oh my fucking god!" I shouted. Luckily the scream covered it up. Harry quickly slammed the book shut before shoving it back into its place. "Who's there?!" A gruff voice shouted. "Filch." I mouthed to Harry snatching the cloak knocking over the lantern. "Shit." I whispered as I through it over us.

"I know you're in there. You can't hide." Filch whispered menacingly as me and Harry slipped through the restricted section door. "Who is it? Show yourself!" Filch said as we walked past him before rushing out of the Library. As we walked across the hallway I almost stepped on Mrs Norris. That was until we walked around the corner only to see Professor Quirrell pinned up against the wall by Professor Snape.

"Severus...I-I thought..." Quirrell stuttered as Snape held his wand tightly at his side. "You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell." Snape said angrily. "W-what do you m-mean?" Quirrell asked the sweat dripping from his forehead. "You know perfectly well what I mean." Snape started before hesitating, I quickly covered my and Harry's mouths to stop our breathing.

Snape moved towards us before grasping the air. He looked at his hand before quickly turning back to Quirrell. "We'll have another chat soon...when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." Snape said before moving away from him. That was when fling came around the corner, our broken lightbulb in his hand. "Oh, Professors. I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." They all looked at each other before rushing back down the hallway.

I slowly moved my hands away from mine and Harry's mouth. "Go in there." I whispered to Harry noticing the door next to us. He nodded before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the room. It was basically empty. It wasn't an old classroom it was just empty. Except from a lonely mirror stood up against the wall.

As Harry walked around the room, I looked back through the door to check that the teachers were gone. "I think we should stick here for a bit, just until we know that they have probably gone to bed." I said before quietly shutting the door only to see Harry stood in front of the mirror memorised.

"Mum? Dad?" He breathed out quietly as I walked up to him, gazing in the mirror. "Harry what are you talking about?" I asked him looking up at the mirror. Scrawled across the top in in faded gold lettering was 'Erised stra ebru oyt ube cafru oyt on wobsi'. That's weird it doesn't look like any type of language.

"Mia look it's my parents." Harry said happily looking over at me. I grasped his hands. "Harry, your parents passed away." I said softly. "No no look." He said pulling me in front of the mirror. "Harry, I only see myself." I told him. "No, look harder." He said grabbing my chin and turning it back to the mirror. I rolled my eyes before looking back at the mirror only for what looked like smoke to swirl around me.

Surprisingly the next time I looked at myself I was with a young woman in a small apartment. Her eyes were mahogany brown like mine and her hair was in tight dark curls. A young man came up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist. He smiled brightly as he looked down at me patting me on the head. I had his smile.

"Do you see them?" Harry asked me. "No no, I see my parents, I think." I said reaching towards the glass. "I wonder if it shows you your dead family." Harry said looking back into the mirror. "I don't know Harry; I think we should just go back to bed." I said dragging him away from the mirror. "Yeah your right, we should go get Ron." He said rushing towards the door.

"No Harry we should just go to bed." I said slowing him down. "How about I take you down to your dorm, and then I'll go get Ron." He said brightly. "Fine, just come on quick. I want to go to sleep." I said before pulling the cloak over us. Harry quickly took me down towards the dungeons, I stopped him before we got to the secret entrance. "Harry, please don't waste away in front of that mirror." I pleaded grabbing onto his hands. "Don't worry Mia, I'll just show Ron and then I'll go to sleep." He said looking me straight in the eyes.

We stood there for a few minutes, neither of us wanting to be left alone. "Merry Christmas Mia." He said kissing me on the cheek before rushing off taking the cloak with him. I reached up to my cheek feeling the blush rush up. "Merry Christmas Harry." I wisped under my breath before heading through the secret entrance heading straight up to bed. Boy was I shattered.


Never thought I would say this

But I wanna go back to school


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