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We were all sat in the great hall munching away at the Halloween feast. I presumed that Hermione was still in the girl's toilets since she hadn't joined the Gryffindor table. I made sure to give Ron a hard glare every time he caught my eye but apart from that I just ate the treats spread across the table and laughed with friends.

That was until Professor Quirrell came rushing through the doors. "TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" He screamed as he ran into the middle of the room. "Thought you ought to know." He said out of breath before collapsing on to the floor.

The room immediately broke out into panic. Draco screamed and flung his lollypops on to the table causing me to burst out into laughter. "SILLLLLEEENNNNCEEEEE!" Dumbledore bellowed causing the whole student body to freeze. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." He said causing everyone to move into orderly lines.

Slytherins were told to stay in the great hall since the dungeons were where our dorms were. That was when I realised, Hermione was in the dungeons. I looked around me to make sure no one was watching before slipping out of the hall heading straight down the stairs.

"What are you two doing here." I whispered as I came up behind Harry and Ron near the girl's toilets. "We came to get Hermione." Harry said before the ground started to shake. W e all quickly hid only to watch the troll go into the toilet where Hermione was. "Come on." I said grabbing their wrists before leading them in the direction the troll went.

We rushed into the toilet to see Hermione under smashed cubicles, the troll tumbling over her. "Hermione, move!" Harry shouted at her as the Troll swung his club again. "Help! Help!" Hermione shouted as I rushed over to her while the boys distracted the troll by throwing broken pieces of wood at him. "Hey, pea brain!" Ron shouted trying to get our attention, but the troll quickly noticed me and Hermione and swung for the sink next to us smashing it to bits.

Harry pulled out his wand and rand towards the troll only to be caught by the club and flung up onto the troll's shoulders. The troll swung forward and backwards causing Harry to stick his wand up the troll's nose. "Ew." Me and Ron said in unison. The troll grabbed Harry's leg and pulled him off his shoulder and got ready to swing his club at him.

"Do something!" Harry shouted at Ron as the troll missed Harry. "What?!" Ron shouted back causing me to roll my eyes. "Anything!" Harry shouted back as the troll missed him again. Ron looked over to us for help. "Swish and flick!" Hermione shouted at Ron as the troll got ready to try and hit Harry again. "Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron said aiming his wand up, causing the giants club to stay up in the air.

"Cool." Ron breathed before the club hit the troll in the head causing him to drop Harry. The troll swayed side to side before starting to fall to the ground. "Harry move!" I making Harry quickly move back to Ron before the troll squished him to a pulp. The ground shook as the troll crashed to the ground. I wearily helped Hermione up before carefully moving over to Harry and Ron.

"Is it...dead?" Hermione asked keeping his eyes on the creature. "I don't think so. Just knocked out." Harry said before crouching down and pulling his wand out of his nose. "Ew. Troll bogies." I grimaced as he wiped them on his robes. Footprints rushed towards up making us all turn towards the door only to see McGonagall, Snape and Quirrell come rushing in.

They all looked at the mess before looking at us surprised. "Oh! Oh, my goodness! E-Explain yourselves, all of you!" He said looking at me, Harry, and Ron. We all started to speak before Hermione cut us off. "It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." She said causing all of our moths to drop.

"Ms. Granger?" McGonagall questioned in shock. "I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry, Ron, and Mia hadn't come and found me...I'd probably be dead." She said. Me, Harry, and Ron looked at the teachers to see if they would believe her.

"Be that as it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would have expected more rational behaviour on your part, Ms. Granger. 5 points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgment. As for you three I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many students could take on a full-grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 5 points...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck." She said before her and Snape left the room.

"Perhaps you ought to go...M-might wake up...heh." Quirrell stuttered as he looked the troll scarcely. The four of us rushed out of the room. "Well I better head to my dorm." I said awkwardly looking down the corridor. The three of them nodded. I looked up at Ron to see that he had a shameful look on his face.

"Look Ron I'm sorry for earlier, you just made me really angry. Mates" I said hesitantly putting out my hand for him to shake. He looked at Harry and Hermione, who both nodded at him, before looking back down at my hand. "Mates" He said with a toothy smile. "See you lot tomorrow." I said happily before heading down to the dormitory.


Oooooo friends

Defeating troll friends

Only the brits will know


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