thunderstorm x reader

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hi~ so sorry for the late upload hehe i'm having writer's block at the moment huhuhuh OH and btw despite the virus going around, yall better stay at home and wash yall hands okay? STAY TUNED FOR ANOTHER ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER. ON WARDS TO THE STORY! XD


 [Third person's P.O.V]

It was another normal day in Rintis High School. You were walking down the hall way holding all your things you need in your Chemistry class. You're having problems balancing your things. You're amazing. You're an independent woman and you don't need help. You thought. You were busy with your thoughts when you didn't notice that your pencil case and a couple of notebooks are about to fall off. 

That's it. Public humiliation here we go. You thought with imaginary tears running down your face. 

Or so you thought. You didn't hear any noise. You didn't see anyone staring at you. You look up to the person who caught your things. He slowly stands up, holding your things and looks over to you. Your face begins to flush fifty shades of red. You see none other than Thunderstorm looking at you with a serious face. 

You were taken aback at first because no one really talk to him. They were afraid of him. Despite that, you didn't thought of him as a bad person in the first place. You gathered up the courage to say, "Th-thank you!"

In Thunderstorms P.O.V, you were sparkling while you said that. It was like you were in slow-motion. The blush on your face, the warm atmosphere surrounding you and all those stars and bubbles he saw. Which only HE saw. He thinks you're pretty. 

A tint of blush began to form on his face.

A tint of blush began to form on his face

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 "Mhm." he mumbled before taking the remaining things from your hands which leaves you with nothing. You were surprised at his sudden action and you began to panic.

"O-Oh! You d-don't need to do that! The Ch-chemistry room is r-right down the hallway! I-I CAN DO IT ON MY OWN " You wave your hands around and pointing at the chemistry room direction. 

He looks at you and said, "We're on the same class. I'll help." He was looking at you so eagerly and you can't just decline it right? I mean HE IS SO HANDSOME RIGHT? YOU HAVE NO CHOICE. You sighed in defeat as you nod. The next best thing happened. You were surprised and that stupid red blush showed up in your face again. He smiled at you and motions you to follow him since you were busy being starstruck, you didn't notice he was already in front of you starting to walk.

 You were processing what just happened. Thoughts began to pile up on you head. DID HE JUST TALKED TO ME? DID HE JUST HELPED ME? DID HE JUST SMILEEEEDD?! There was an imaginary explosion on your head. Your face was flushed red before you caught up to him. On the way to the room, you were asking him a questions with stuttering on your mouth of course. And all he can answer is a nod or he would mumble 'Mhm.'

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