ᴛʏᴘɪᴄᴀʟᴍᴀꜱᴏᴄʜɪꜱᴛ ( special )

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hi! how yall doin'? so an announcement xD

I will be posting a few special chapters today for some reasons ≧ω≦ This is one of them. STAY TUNED FOR THE REASON AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER (。・ω・。)


Get to know the author.

- i have a YouTube acc lolol

- i listen to nightcores and i make some back in the days

- i watch anime and read manga

- i watch cartoons

- i'm picky when it comes to clothes

- my favorite colors are blue, black, white and purple

- i'm turning 17 this april 22

- i love the sight of blood

- i love the sight of bruise or bruises

- i'm inlove with fictional characters

- i play rpg/ role play games

- i'm asian woW xD

- i collect stuffed animals

- i hate socializing cause i'm bad at it

- i read books and write stories

- i have insomnia lolol

- i stan smol youtubers and smol animators

- i love musicals

- i own 2 electric guitars and 2 acoustic guitars

- i write songs and play the guitar

- i prefer fictional characters than real people

- i once poked an eye of my classmate

- i punched my guy classmate multiple times

- and he gets back at me by squishing my cheeks or trapping me in his arms and crushing me

- we fight a lot though but we cool

- he mostly abuses me for fun and I'd do the same

- he's probably one of the reasons why i got addicted to the sight of bruise and bruises cause he gave me tons of them : ))))

- i cut my arms ( THAT WAS IN THE PAST CHILL )

- i'm 5'2 :"))))

- i hang out with boys more than girls

- i watch and read yaoi

- infact i freaking love it

- i sometimes wondered why wasn't i born in the fictional world and why is the world not like the fictional world

- i'm an embarrassment lololol

- i love cats and dogs equally

- i have never traveled but i want to, so so bad

- i own a bunch of black cats :3 i think they formed a family now lolol

- i have weird tastes

- and weird hobbies

- i hate entertaining people in real life ( like you know, acting shows like that )

- i don't know how to ride a bike.. until a week ago.. i finally learned but still can't get the hang of it :")))

- i'm kinda dumb

- dumber than you think

- lolololololol

- i love kumamon ////-////

- i have four heartbreaks :"))) ( like being rejected and all)

- i have white skin and long straight hair

- i wanna cut them short though

- i stand out most in my friends cause i'm fat

- also being bullied by that

- i love nights more than day

- i have multiple group of friends and that made me fall apart

- never been on a date

- i hate awkward people (even though im awkward myslef xD but still)

- i love and listen to kpop (don't bash.scroll along)

- mostly bts and my bias is yoongi (。・ω・。)


so the reason is... yall probably notice because of the book or maybe not... Hahahahaha

I will be giving special chapters in celebrating my birthday.

yaaaay xD

Which is tomorrow lolol im getting old shshshshsh


Thank you so much for the 621 reads!! I love you all so much! Like literally! If only i can give each of you a hug I'd do it XD

Thank you for supporting me and this book! Follow me for more books like this :)

Oh and don't worry about the next chapter, I'm working on it hehe i'll post it VERY SOON:)))

Have a pleasant day, afternoon, or evening, whenever you're reading this.

Lots of love! ~

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