water x reader

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I'm so sorry for the late update loves. Update starting to get slow for personal reasons. Anyway, here ya go :)))

It was a rainy Monday. You were sitting in class and drew scribbles on your notebook. The lesson wasn't really getting to you. It was almost lunchtime and you can't help but yawn.

You took this moment and looked at your friends. You looked first at Yaya who's sitting in the front row. As expected from the class president. She has her full attention on the lesson and is participating.

You sighed. If only i was smart and pretty like yaya. You thought.

You then turn your attention to Ying who's sitting in the front row also but 2 chairs away from Yaya. She's also listening to the teacher. After all, she and Yaya had always been battling for the highest grades.

Ying is also smart too. I wish i could be more like them. You thought again.

You then turn to Gopal across the room. He's trying his best to not fall asleep. But he kept falling asleep and his head falling over. Every time that happened he would snap and look around, and falling back asleep again. You giggled and turn to Fang. His at your row and one seat away from you. He looks uninterested as always. He yawned and turn his face towards you. You blinked twice and just gave him a grin. He stared at you and then look out on the window. Your face formed into a pout. Not cool at all.

Your attention turn last to the seat in front of you. You stared at his back. He was looking outside the window. The rain seems to calm him down. After all, whatever things he do, he's always at peace. Peaceful like water streaming along the river.

Water Boboiboy. You thought. So cool~

It was lunchtime and you are eating with Ying and Yaya. You three were sitting at a table at the canteen. You three talk and laugh about some things. You know, girl talks. You don't know where the three boys had gone. After you were done eating, you excused yourself to go and study because you have an upcoming quiz. They bid you goodbye with a smile and you headed your way to the school library. (yall i don't know if Rintis Island PS has a library but in this story there is xD)

As you walk on the hallways of your school. The rain started to get heavier and heavier. The air seems to be thicker too and you're starting to feel cold. You shrugged it off and proceeded to the library.

As you enter the library, you sighed in relief because not much people are there. Also the fact that it's early lunch time.

You roam your eyes searching for a quiet place to sit with no people

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You roam your eyes searching for a quiet place to sit with no people. An empty table at the very corner caught your eye. Jackpot. You thought. You searched for a book first then you'll sit there after. You were searching the bookshelves. Without knowing, you're already at the end of the library. One more shelf and its the last shelf. You proceeded to the last shelf and your eyes became wide and your cheeks started to form a shade of pink. You see Water (Boboiboy) leaning against the last book shelf and was asleep.

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