ice x reader [ part two ]

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"Going on a vacation!" he cheered as party poppers exploded everywhere.

All of you were dumbfounded and looked at him confused. You all snapped back and yelled,



"uhm.. I'm sorry but can you repe-" you were cut off.

"A VACATIOOONN?!" Gopal's eyes gleemed as he yelled with excitement.

You rolled your eyes as you sighed. "But why are we-"

"OH MY GAH I CAN'T WAIT! VACATION! VACATION! VACATIOOON" you were cut off again. You began to feel annoyed but remained your cool.

"uhm.. Why are we goi-" Yaya was about to speak when..

"Because-!! " Gopal's mouth was covered with your hand as you tightly grip it, looking down at him as if you're going to beat the crap out of him.

"say a word, you go bye-bye" you said as you gave him a i'll-kill-you look.

He began regretting his actions and struggle in defeat, nodding his head like mad man.

You sighed in relief and then Fang spoke, "Like they said, Why are going on a vacation, commander"

Koko Ci adjusted his shades and said, "To be clear with you, i wanted to reward you all for your hard work these past few months. And what would be better than a vacation!"

"Where are we going exactly?" Yaya asked.

Koko Ci smirked and said, "mhmm..good question." that made you all more confused. "You're going to.. SWITZERLAND!" and party poppers exploded everywhere again. All of you sweat dropped.

He then spoke before us, explaining, "Now before you say anything, the season in switzerland and here are very different. Winter seasons in Switzerland starts around January and it's the best place to have a vacation. You all get to experience a winter wonderland!" he seems to be enjoying himself.

"Eh? It's good an all but how are we going to get there?" Ying asked.

You didn't notice that Ice appeared beside you. You were startled at first but smiled and caresses his cheek before saying, "Yeah, we don't have enough money for that.." Ice started nudging his head onto yours like a cat. You slightly blush as you smile, enjoying it. Ever since that day at the park, he's been clinging onto you most of the time. You didn't mind though, you loved the sight of seeing another side of him.

"There's nothing to worry about. I've got it all covered. We're going to take you there by ship and land you on a resort. Then it's up to you. Money isn't a problem too. You'll be staying there for 5 days, but as long as you contacts us everyday, there wouldn't be a problem."

You all smiled and excitement filled all your systems. Out of happiness, Yaya, You, Ying and Gopal lounge yourselves onto Koko Ci, giving him the biggest hug he could get. He started screaming and struggling, "HEY! ENOUGH! PHYSICAL! CONTACT! YOU'RE ALL CRUSHING ME!" All of you laughed as you loosened up the hug. Fang sighed as Ice just looks away.

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