special chapter [ part one ]

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Zion x Reader ( my oc )

okay darlings, i hoped you remember the oc i used in the previous chapter. So you might as well know that 'Zion' is not the official name but just a fill in for this story lolol

This story takes part when you ended up with Prince Zion living in royalty.

Well, what are waiting for lolol ONWARDS TO THE STORY!


You wake up in your usual bedroom. Scratch that, yours and Prince Zions bedroom. Your vision is still blurry so you gently rubbed your eyes with your hands. You then turn to your right side and see your husband lying beside you. In which he still hasn't waken up and sleeping soundly. You hadn't notice until now that he has his right arm wrapped around you. Around your waist to be exact and was facing you.

You smiled as you lean in to him and kissed him. If you remembered it correctly, it has already been a year after you came to Planet Bepra. You felt like it was only yesterday. You suddenly hear a soft groan from your side and you see that your beloved is on the verge of waking up. He used his other hand to rub his eyes while the other not leaving your waist.

You giggled softly and you kissed him again. "Good Morning Darling." you said.

He kissed back as he sneak his other arm around your neck and deepen the kiss. You blush furiously as you both stayed like that for a few moments then you broke the kiss by gently pushing him. You both gasped for air as you began to speak again. "d-darling e-enough! hah..i need to get ready"

He laid down again and groaned, "uhghhh... five more minutes..." you giggled. You were about to get out of bed when he pulls you back to the bed again and trapping you in his arms. Your back was facing him as he nuzzles his face in to your neck.

"stay in bed with me..." he whined.

You laughed and said, "I forgot you're clingy when you're sleepy"

He giggled and so did you. You finally got away from his arms and did a few stretches as you stand up. You turn to face him and pulled the covers. "Darling!" you pout. "Get up! We have work to do!"

He groaned and stretches, "Alright, alright..." You smiled as you made your way to the huge bathroom. "I'll head first then you follow okay?" shutting the door behind you as you did your business. After a while, you two finally got ready for the day. Breakfast is still being prepared downstairs so you both head down while he's holding your hand.

You made your way to the dining table and sat down. As soon as he sat down beside you, butlers came rushing in with plates of food in their hands. Then the head butler, Henry, came up to you. "A pleasant morning to you, your highness"

You smiled to him and said, "Good morning to you too Henry"

"Good morning Henry" Zion said as he took a sip from his tea. "What will be our schedule for today?"

Henry adjust his glasses then took out his clipboard and said, "Your highness needs to check how are things going in the kingdom. The resources and the sources. At noon, you are scheduled to have a meeting with the neighboring planet to form a treaty. The trainee guards are in need of checking too and lastly your paper works, your highness."

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