thorn x reader

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You woke up by the sound of your mother calling your name. You groaned, not wanting to get up. Few minutes after, your mother barged into your room.

"Y/N! You need to get up. Mommy have a very important appointment and I can't go when you're not settled." She said while pulling the covers.

You groaned and lazily went to the bathroom to wash up.
"Breakfast is ready downstairs." She said before exiting the room.
You did your usual thing. Brush teeth. Wash. Change uniform. Eat. Say goodbye. Leave.

The walk to school was very tiring. You couldn't help but yawn once every five minutes. You got to school earlier than you expected. There weren't that many people yet. You directly went to your classroom.

When you walk towards your seat, your froze. What you saw was a single rose. Placed on top of your desk. You rubbed your eyes thinking you were just seeing things. But no, there's a freaking single rose on your table. And you know what that means? Yes, the freaking sender possibly freaking likes you. And that scares you the most. "Who would like me of all people!?" You thought.  You looked around, thinking maybe someone misplaced it but no, people were just minding their own business.

"Okay, maybe i didn't wash my face well." you thought again. You facepalmed yourself as you awkwardly sat on your chair. You picked up the rose and thought, "This can't be freaking happening.." No one knew you love flowers, especially roses. Twirling it around and observing every part. You smiled to yourself. "If no one wants this i guess i'll take it."

You stood up from your chair with the rose in your hands, carefully holding it, you went to the school's greenhouse. You look around for something to put it in so that it won't die on you. After settling the rose into a much cooler place, you quietly said, "I'll come back for you when classes are over okay?" Then you left the greenhouse.


Classes are finally over and you were trying to pack your things faster so that you can take your rose home. When your pencil case dropped to the ground and all the things inside scattered. You slightly groaned and kneel down picking them up. You were about to reach for your erase when your hand made contact with another hand. You look up and see thorn grinning at you.

"No wonder you were taking too long"

You blushed a little and panicked a little. Taking back your hand. "w-Well i'm sorry..! you should've just left without me!" you pout as you started picking up your things again. 

"hahaha i'm sorry don't be mad" he said as he pat your head and started picking up the rest of the things. He stood up, offering his hand for you to take.

Him patting your head was the greatest feeling ever. You hesitated at first in taking his hand but eventually gave in. He turn to you and said, "Let's go. It's getting dark." he slightly bumped your forehead with his fist and that made your face heat up.

Taking your bag you said, "We need to go to the greenhouse first." you took his hand and started dragging him. This made him blush and cover his face, letting you drag him along.

When you both arrived at the greenhouse, you told him to wait outside. Few seconds you got out with the rose on a small vase you found. You turn to look at thorn, "This rose was on my desk earlier this morning! Isn't it pretty?" you said as your eyes gleamed and your cheeks tinted pink. 

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