lightning x reader

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You are sitting on the dining table eating your breakfast. Time is 6:30 am and It's a school day. Your mom is making breakfast while you and your siblings sat on the table while watching t.v. 

"We bring you the weather forecast"

You sat quietly as you listened to the news. "I hope it won't rain.." you thought.

"Good morning citizens around the world. We bring you the weather. As you can see heavy rain clouds and thunderstorms are approaching. We are expecting heavy rain, thunderstorms and lightnings. It is best to stay indoors and if you go out out, bring raincoat or umbrella. That's it for the weather."

Your heart beats faster and pain shot on your chest. Hearing the word 'thunderstorm' or 'lightning' just brings you back to that day. That painful day you wished it never happened. You could feel yourself tear up but held it in. Taking a deep breath you turned the t.v. off. Your siblings whined at you as you ignore them, finishing your food. K King JH hgc

"Hurry up and eat your breakfasts or else I'm leaving all of you." you stood up and put your dishes on the sink. Your siblings hurriedly finished their foods, doesn't want to be left behind.

Your mom just stared at you with sad eyes as you walk down the hall towards the door. You put your shoes on as one by one your siblings came, putting their shoes on too. They opened the door yelling 'Bye mom!' as you follow behind.

Before closing the door you see your mother looking at you, "Be careful honey"

A small weak smiled appeared, "We're off mom"

You walked with your siblings to Rintis Highschool.


You sat on your chair as you listen to your teacher discussing a lesson. You were taking down notes when you hear a soft rumble. You looked out the window and you see dark clouds. Soft thunder can be heard as it started to rain. It wasn't that bad but it was still raining.

You sighed as you ignore the pain that started to come back again. You try to focus on the lesson but memories came back. It hurt. Again.

You began to tear up as the thunder became louder and thicker. You covered your ears as you duck your head on your desk.

Memories came flashing in your head.




"D-don't *inhales deeply* c-cry.."

"N-No.. NO! NO! NOOOO!"


That was the last thing you heard before you completely blacked out. Your hands fell beside you as you fell unconscious.

"Okay, number 5. hmm.. Ms. L/N"

No response as your classmates turn to look at your form. They thought you were just sleeping. 

"Ms. L/N!" your teacher called again.

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