blaze x reader [ part two ]

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Hi~DARLINGS! Here's part two of blaze's oneshot :))) I am so sorry for the delay and also this might be too long or not lololol there will be an announcement at the end of this chapter so stay tuned! ;))) ONWARDS TO THE STORYYY! XD 


You woke up with a massive headache and you see a plain blank wall. You were still weak to think and move but eventually, you realized that you're staring at a ceiling. You slowly move your body to sat up. As you did, you rubbed your eyes and looked around. A shot of pain came across you and you held your head. 

You groaned and murmured, "Ugh.., what.. happened?"

You are in a room you are not familiar with. It was massive and it's designed with elegant features. You feel like your living the life of royalty.

And you felt right. A knock on the door was heard and a maid entered. You were confused and surprised. The maid stood a few feet from you but close enough to talk to you.

Her eyes were closed and that made you terrified. It made you even terrified when she bows at you and said, "You have woken up, your highness. We must get you ready, his highness is waiting for you.

You were surprised. Your..highness? What the crap? You thought. 

"Uhm..i-i'm sorry, there must be a mistake... i'm no 'highness'... and where am i"

"It seems that his royal highness has taken a liking to you so he just can't wait to have you. He has chose you to rule this kingdom with him as his queen and bear his children" the maid explained and blushed a little at the last sentence.

You were shocked again and shouted, " BARE HIS WHAT NOW?! KINGDOM?! QUEEN?!! " then a shot of pain came across your head again. Out of pain you held your head and groaned. [ i laughed so hard while typing this lmao xD ]

" We must give you medicine and fix you first before you meet his highness. And for your friend, she's on the other side of the room being taken care of as we speak"

You looked up to here and said, "Ying? Is she safe?" the maid  nodded and you sighed in relief. 

Before you can even speak, she took you by the hand and started grooming you. She lets you pick from this hundreds of dresses. Too tired to argue you went with the flow. You wanted to see where this will go so you chose your dress.

[pick the on you like :3 i really had a hard time finding dresses that goes with the story.. more like out of this planet type of dress, ya know xD so sorry lolol ]

 more like out of this planet type of dress, ya know xD so sorry lolol ]

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