leaf x reader

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It was a start of june. You just transferred to Rintis Highschool and you have to admit, you were not happy about meeting new people. You were satisfied enough in staying inside your room watching anime and fangirl on fictional characters. But no, you had to go to school.

Oddly enough, you survived the morning assembly and now you were sitting on your chair inside your new classroom. The teacher was calling your names to get your attendance.

"Yaya" he said. A girl with pink veil or hijab then replied, "Present Teaher!"

"Ying" he said next. A girl with two black twintails then replied, "Present Teacher!"

Then your name being called made you jump, "Y/N" he said. And you replied, "Present Teacher"

After the girls were done, it was the boys next."Fang" he called. A boy with black hair and a dark aura surrounding him replied, "Present Teacher" He looks dangerous. You thought but brushed it off when the teacher spoke again.

"Gopal" A boy with a headband replied, "T-teacher present!" while he was munching on something? The teacher gave him a confused look but proceeded anyway. "

"Leaf" A boy with dark hair and has a green cap replied, "Present Teacher!" You stared at him for a few moments and thought, "He's.. kinda cute." You blushed knowing what just thought. "Forget it Y/N. He's never going to notice you. WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING!?"  

Before you even know it, he was already staring back at you with a grin in his face. Your face were flushed red and you turn away. "Great way to start the day Y/N" You mentally slapped yourself as you slam your head on your table.

"Okay class, the next thing i want you all to do is to join the club you want. I'll give you all a piece of paper and you write your name at the top and your chosen club. Pass it to me before the day ends. Is that clear?" The teacher said and the students replied by saying "Yes teacher"

"For now, i want you all to roam around the school and visit the clubs. Be back here in 1 hour."

With that you all went out of the classroom and started roaming around the school. But you know, socializing isn't really your thing. You'd rather sit in bed, watch something in bed, eat in bed and sleep in bed. But there's one you are oddly fond of. Gardening. Somehow it calms you. The sight of calming plants and fresh breeze just makes you want to lay down on a big field and just forget about the world.

You passed by the canteen where you see that Gopal guy eating at a table... again. "He's slacking off." You thought as you continued walking. You passed by the cooking club next, where again you saw what you think is Yaya. Cooking with a smile and other girls surrounding here. "Yep..i don't know how to cook." You sighed and continue to walk. You passed by a field next. A football field and another field that you can do a sprint race right next to it.

Surprisingly, that guy named Fang was playing football and a girl whose named you recalled maybe Ying was running around at that sprint field. You sighed in frustration, "Looks tiring. Loses a lot of energy. Big no." You started to run. This whole club thing is getting to you. 

Your feet brought you to the back of the school. Where only plants and bushes were only found. You sighed in relief and feel like you've found heaven. You walked around admiring the green place and the fresh breeze then you found yourself staring at a greenhouse. 

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