blaze x reader [ part one ]

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henlo darlings!~  a pleasent morning afternoon or evening to everyone, whenever yall reading this :D i'm so so sorry for the super late ulpoad :'D i'd let yall virtually hit me :" ) btw THIS might be a little LONG so please bear with me XD well, happy reading! onwards to the story! \(≧▽≦)/


[Third Person's POV]

It was a normal Saturday.  You and the gang are at TAPOPS for the daily training. Since all of you are a part of TAPOPS now, you're all going out for missions and do training to enhance your powers. Not too long ago, you met Boboiboy and the gang. After you knew about this whole power things and after you saved Ochobot from bad guys with your martial arts, he gave you powers like Boboiboy and the others. And those are Mind Reading and Telekenesis.

[ Just wanna say a quick THANK YOU and a SHOUTOUT to ayumu0110 for giving me the idea of the powers. Although i changed the title a little bit but it still does the same hehe thankyousomuch honey! have a nice day or night, whenever you're reading this :)))) ]

In the arena, there all of you stood in a line against each other and at the side lines there stood Commander Koko Ci and Admiral Tarung, well in his 'strict' mode. The admiral has assigned you all to fight each other but girls vs boys. The six of you were separated by this line and giving each other stares. Literally stares that means "you're all going down" "hell no you're going down first".

Admiral Tarung shouted, as usual, "OKAY!! ARE YOU ALL PREPARED !!" 

All of you did a salute and shouted in unison, "WE ARE ADMIRAL!!!"

[ Buckle up yall, i dont know shit on how to write action scenes lololol this isn't going to end well xD ]

The Admiral and The Commander steps back. "BEGIN!!"

You sighed and started closing your eyes to concentrate. You could already see it. You opened your eyes as you see all of the movements around you started to slow down. Fang is fixed to move first with Shadow Tiger. You moved your way through Yings mind using telepathy and said, "Ying, Fang will use Shadow Tiger. He'll aim at Yaya first. " She looked at you and nodded. Fang uses shadow tiger and attacks Yaya. Ying uses Time Reverse on Fang and he rewinds to doing nothing again, making the shadow disappear. 

He snaps out of it and said in confusion, "Huh?! WHAT THE--! " 

Ying just snickered and said with a thumbs up, "hehe pretty cool right?" Ying keeps using it on him and he tries to use his powers or make something to get out of it, making the two occupied with each other.

[ am i the only one who thinks they look cute together? shhsakhaska sorry don't blame me xD ]

You moved next reading Gopal. You moved through Yaya's thoughts and said, "Gopal will use Food Transformation Blasts and try to shoot you Yaya." You both looked at each other then nodded. Gopal interrupted both of you by calling out to you. He did a little smug look first then did a pose, pointing at Yaya with his left hand forming a gun form, "heh! you're going to lose!" 

Yaya just grinned evilly and both her hands started to glow pink. Both her hands started to form into fists as pink circles surrounds it, like a ball. "I'm gonna kill you Gopal." Gopal jumps back frightened and started using Food Transformation Blasts, shooting Yaya. Yaya flew and dodged all of it, she then uses Gravitational Lift on Gopal making him stop and float. He panics and started shouting but Yaya cuts him off by throwing him across the arena. 

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