2|High School Blues

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I walked through the hallways and accidentally took a deep breath. A disgusting scent of oranges and fresh paint tingled my nostrils, making me scrunch up my nose in disgust. I went to my locker and kept my bag in there. 

"Hey Jenny" said a sickly sweet voice. Ugh! Amanda.

So putting on a sickly sweet smile, I turned around to face a sight which almost blinded  me. She wore a bright pink neon tank top, with a bright, sparkly pink skirt, which was coated with layers of pink glitter and sequins. She had an overly bright pink makeup to go with, which badly clashed with her outfit. What was she trying to be? Princess blinding sparkles?

" So princess blinding sparkles, how have I received the unfortunate privelege to meet your presence today" I exclaimed and curtsied sarcastically, hoping she would leave me and my sore eyes alone.

"Oh come on don't be rude. We are friends after all. We care for each other." she said in her sickly sweet voice flashing me a fake smile.

Seriously? WE USED to be friends, until she started something which none of us wanted.

"Oh really? Cause I don't think so. Just leave me alone now." I saw Emma behind Amanda. I pushed her out of my way and made my way towards Emma.

"Hey Em!" I greeted. "Hey Jenny. Why were you talking to Mandy?", she asked me looking behind me and raising her eyebrows to someone.

I looked behind trying to find out who she was raising her eyebrows at, but only saw a flash pink walking down the halway.

"Me? I would never talk to princess sparkles and since when have you started calling her 'Mandy'?" I asked.

"Since today" she rolled her eyes. Weird she never rolls her eyes at me unless it's in a good natured way."Umm okay? Let's get to class before we get late"


As I was eating my Bologna sandwich I thought about Emma's behaviour. She has been acting pretty weird for the past few days. She started flipping her hair out of no where whenever something annoyed her. She started being kind of rude to me.

"Hey Jenny"

I turned around to see Emma standing behind me with Amanda followed by my group of old friends who were trying their best to not look me in the eyes.

"I'm going to be sitting with Mandy and her friends today. Hope that's fine with you. See you later", with that she walked away before I could respond. What is wrong with her.?Why would she be sitting with Amanda and leave me out? Weren't we good friends?

I felt really disgusted. My appetite was over and I suddenly felt sick.

I left my tray on the table and quickly made my way towards the girls bathroom, but had enough time to catch a sympathetic look from Ava. 

I felt hot, sticky tears roll down my cheeks. I was shaking with sobs, that I didn't know I held inside. 

 Everyone was leaving me.

I felt a presence behind me and saw Ava giving me the same sympathetic look.

"Don't look at me like that", I snapped.

"Are you okay?", she asked me softly.

"As if you care about me", I scoffed.

"Look, I'm sorry for whatever happened today at lunch and before, but trust me, I never wanted to believe any of that-"

"It's too late Ava" I cut her off. "You made your choice that day, now leave me alone"

"We both know very well that you don't want to be alone right now. Come on Jenny, don't distance yourself away from people."

As I faced her and started deeply into her eyes, all I found was care, love and worry swimming in the light blue pools. 

All the memories came flooding back to me...



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