6|The smelly male gender

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Hey Jenny. I hope you are coming to 'The Golden Carnival' tonight. Meet me at the Ferris wheel at midnight.

- Ava 

 Why does she want to meet me now? I'm pretty sure I made myself clear. Is this some kind of prank or something, cause I'm not falling for it. To be honest this was getting me really riled up now.

"Jenny, are you going or not? You have to pick your brother up.", mom disturbed my thought process.

"Going mom.", I groaned.

I took my phone and slipped on my Vans sneakers. As I was about to step out, I asked my mom something.

"Hey mom, are we going to The Golden Carnival tonight?"

"You can go if you want to, but only if you take your brother along."

"Why? Doesn't he have his own friends?"

"If you want to go, you have to take him along since you're grounded."

"Since when was I grounded?"

"Jenny don't argue with me now."

With that I walked out and slammed the door shut. Why do I have to take Daniel everywhere I go?

I walked out of the driveway and towards' The Soccer Club For Boys'.

I hate going there. It always smells terrible. I mean who wants to go to a place ful of sweaty little boys running around wildly, chasing after a stupid ball.

As I reached there I was greeted by that god awful smell of boy sweat which made me want to puke. Gah!

I have to find the washroom to empty the contents of my stomach. No, I have to find Daniel first. Where is he?

I walked towards the field and saw that he was still playing with other boys. I was five minutes early.

That's when I see the soccer coach coming towards me. I hate in when he comes to talk to me.  He acts like a pervert and smells like man sweat mixed with boy sweat. His T-shirt is always torn from somewhere and you can see his chest hair which goes up to his neck. When he speaks, he does so while spitting fumes of disgusting rotten breath and saliva. I don't really think he understand the concept of dental hygiene.

"Hello Jennifer! How are you doin'?", he said spitting venomous fumes of bad breath.

"I was great Coach Brunswick, until you came.' I muttered the last bit under my breath.

"You here to join the club finally?", he asked me excitedly.

 "No, I'm here to pick Daniel up . Is he free yet?"

"Yeah, yeah I'll just call him over.DANIEL! OYE DANIEL! YOUR SISTER IS HERE TO PICK YOU UP!", he screamed.

Daniel looked towards me and gave an audible groan.

He walked towards me and said.

"Why isn't mom here to pick me up?"

"I had promised her to pick you up. I'm not interested ok! You smell awful. Go take a shower."

"I'm not gonna shower here, the bathrooms are gross!", he whined real loud, making everyone look at us.

"Ok fine! Stop whining. Let's go."

When I started walking away, he asked me to carry his bags because they were 'too heavy for him'.  My eyes widened at the amount of bags I had to carry. "Why do you have so many bags!"

He shrugged his shoulders. I groaned and picked them up.

While we walked back, my phone started ringing. I had so many bags in my hand and my phone was deep in my jeans pocket. Damn it!

"Hey Daniel , can you take my phone out of my jeans pocket please.It might be mom."

He started moving the bags covering my jeans pocket which hit me in my stomach.


After some more bags thrown towards my stomach which was done intentionally for sure, I picked up mom's phone panting.


"Hello? Sweetie what happened?"

"Nothing.. I'm on my way home. Why'd ya call?"

"Oh, I need you to run to the supermarket and get some groceries. I'll text you the list."

"Ok fine mom. I don't think I can run though. Bye!"

I turned the other way and started walking.

"Hey where are you going. Home's that way dumbo", spoke the annoying mouth of my stupid brother.

"No, we have to go the supermarket. "


"To dump you there!"

He shut his mouth with that.

It was getting kind of awkward so I tried to start up a conversation.

"Hey! Do you want to go to the carnival today?"

"Which one?", he quietly asked.

"The Golden Carnival, duh."

"I don't know"

Why was he acting all weird so suddenly.

"Hey, I'm not actually gonna dump you there ya know?"

"I know that, it's just that I miss dad."

"I miss him too Daniel."

"Yeah I know. Remember we always used go to the carnival with him.", he spoke sorrowfully.

"I know kid. Sometimes I really wish he was here with us and hadn't travelled that day."

We continued walking in silence.

"Hey, something is seriously wrong with mom and Dave . I hear them fighting over the phone everyday", he told me.

"I know, I hear them too. Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. Mom told me to take you to carnival with me. But when we reach there, you can go away with your friends alright? Don't tell mom."


With that,we walked the rest of the way in silence. I felt kind of good being nice to Daniel 

When we reached the innocent looking supermarket, I was unaware of the chaos that was going to happen there and the kindness was going to turn into absolute rage.



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