Black Dagger Brotherhood Fan Fiction

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Chapter One

Living in a new country, surrounded by new people, isn't as bad as I thought it would be. Especially seeing as the crime rate here is so much lower than my home town. Just the thought of walking out at night is frowned upon where I'm from. "Do you want to be robbed? Or killed? Or raped?" Those are not exaggerations, it's just that bad there. Criminals don't just steal to get by, they hurt people. They take pleasure in hurting people. Especially those they view as weak, so mostly women and children. Sometimes the elderly. Being female isn't fun as it is. I mean periods, mood swings, pain. Or worse, getting pregnant and the hormones, then the labour!! Just to bring a new life into this sick awful world. While men who are a part of it just go about their daily lives and move onto the next one as they please. But this is a new country. New people. A new start. So being a bit adventurous and going for a walk at night can't be all that bad I'm sure. Especially since stores here are open later and there are people moving about. It's strange to be shopping at night. It's strange to me that stores are even open at night.

As I make my way across the parking lot, I cant help but notice a flash of light from the trees nearby. It looks like a park of sorts, lots of trees.Maybe someone is lost there? Maybe they're looking for someone. Or maybe they're trying to bury a body... No, new place, new people. But rather not take a chance. Horror movies teach us that much, right? Leave the strange sights and sounds to themselves please. Just then a scream rings out and then unmistakably, the sound of a gunshot. I've heard that sound so many times before. To the point where you sometimes question whether its a firework or a firearm. My uncle was shot in the arm once, trying to help catch a burglar. He was standing in my neighbour's yard when it happened. Thinking about him, it would be wrong to just leave. What if there's someone that really needs help. What if I can help? I take a deep breath and slowly make my way to the trees, leaving my shopping at the first tree I reach. I walk in a bit more, as quietly as I can, that's when I hear it. A groan, off to my right. I creep towards a figure leaning against a large tree. It looks like a man and he seems to be injured. I can smell the blood. It must be quite bad. He has a weapon near him, I can't see very well but I'm hoping by approaching him with my hands up that it will show him I mean no harm. As I slowly crouch towards him, his head turns in my direction and his hand goes straight for his weapon. I freeze, but he makes no move to pick it up. Instead, it looks like he's gesturing to me but I can't really see what. "I won't hurt you, I just want to help", I say as I crouch down beside him. He's clutching his abdomen, the blood flow stemming from there. I take off my jacket and press it against his wound. He grunts in pain but holds onto it too."You need to leave, I was trying to tell you to go away," he whispers as he keeps looking around."Where's the person that did this to you?" I ask. It seems like he is going to pass out. There's so much of blood around him. "They were taken care of," he mutters. We hear a noise nearby and he passes me a gun from his jacket. "Can you shoot?" he asks. "Does paintball count?" I answer. He starts to chuckle but coughs a little, he brings his arm up to stifle the noise. "Just focus on staying alive, I will do my best," I say. "Why are you helping me? You don't even know if I'm the good guy or bad guy," he says quietly. "Like that would matter if you end up dead. " I reply. "Oh no," he mutters and tries to sit up. I push back at his wound to keep him still and keep the pressure on and he sags back down with a grunt. Just as a man walks towards us. As he gets closer I cringe at the sweet smell coming off him. Gross. I pick up the gun and look at the guy fighting to stay conscious. "That's the bad guy," he says and shoots him before I can react. Head shot. The man crumples to the ground. "You need to get his weapons off him. Hurry," he whispers. Before I can make a move forward another man comes through and checks the corpse. Then stabs it through the chest and a bright light goes off. What the actual fuck. Another man comes barreling at the newcomer, rushing him to the ground and they start fighting. I keep applying pressure to the wound while keeping the gun in my right hand. "My name is Blay," says the wounded man. I look at him in surprise. Is this really the time. How is he so calm. "Shea," I said. Then I notice that his eyes are trained on the two men and his gun still raised. I guess he's not that calm after all. Another blinding light goes off as a man comes around the tree Blay is leaning on. That smell, it's like baby powder. It's so strong. Even in the dark I can see the sick look on his face as he stares at Blay and raises his knife. I shoot him, in the abdomen but he just stands there and keeps going so I keep shooting. Abdomen, chest, maybe he has a bulletproof vest on? But the sweet smell gets worse. Fluid leaks out of him but he wont stop and then I finally get a head shot. He collapses to the ground. I look at Blay but he's barely awake now. The other man is engaged in another fight. Then I feel strong arms grab me from behind and disarm me. I scream out, as loud as I can. I scream for someone to save him. But a hand clamps over my mouth as I'm forcefully dragged away. I fight as much as I can, especially when I see the black van I'm being dragged towards. The man holding me grunts as one of my fists connects with him. "Enough!" he says and then everything goes black.

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