Chapter Five

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I rip the curtain next to me aside to find the source of the noise. There's a man on a bed identical to mine, he's positioned upright and clutching his chest. His breathing is ragged. "Are you okay?" I ask. He turns to me in surprise. His eyes narrow as he takes in a deep breath. "What is a human doing here?" he asks with a frown. "I know people in high places apparently," I reply sarcastically. The way he said 'human', like I'm disgusting. I'm not a big fan of the human race. Let's be honest, we're destroying the planet just by existing. But I don't deserve that level of rudeness when I'm trying to be polite. "You must, seeing as the king is allowing you to be here," he says grumpily. "The king?" I ask in surprise. "Wrath son of Wrath, is our king." His frown deepens at my expression of shock. "Maybe I shouldn't have said anything," he mumbles. "Who are you?" I ask curiously. "You still haven't told me why you're here," he retorts. "They saved me from the lessers that abducted me," I reply and look away. "Why did they take you?" he asks, his voice softening. "Your turn to answer," I look over at him. "Luchas," he says as he looks up at the ceiling, "I am Luchas."Luchas is Qhuinn's brother. As it turns out, he's actually a pretty cool hospital buddy. We attend physiotherapy sessions and try the exercises together. He's taught me about vampires and how things work as far as he knows. Blay and Qhuinn drop by often as well. Blay still feels guilty about the abduction. I've told him he shouldn't be but he still gets that look sometimes when he thinks I'm not paying attention. I've met some of the other house members as well. Luchas sometimes prefers not to interact and pulls his curtain closed when he wants some sort of privacy. It's been a few months and I've started to feel more and more like myself. Well, not as friendly and bubbly as I used to be, but whatever. I think Luchas was abducted too. I've seen signs on him. Some parts of a few of his fingers were cut off. His injuries were pretty bad too. It seems more psychological though. Vampires heal fast from what I've heard. But he won't leave here. Qhuinn tells him they have a room for him but he always refuses. He won't speak about his wounds either when others ask. I don't pry, I'm not willing to talk about mine so I don't expect him to talk about his. I've been practicing my water exercises in the pool when Q (Qhuinn) shows up. He pops off his shoes and lets his feet sink into the water as he sits at the edge. "Hey," I call and swim to surface beside him. He grins down at me, "Looking good there." I grin back. His smile slips away as he grows somber, "Thanks for being there for Luchas. Before you came around..." I give him a minute to collect his thoughts. "He's been in a bad way. Since you're here, he's trying. It's more than I could have hoped for." "I haven't done anything. He doesn't talk about what happened to him," I reply. "Neither do you," says Q as he let's his elbows sit on his thighs. He seems more tired than usual. "Is everything alright?" I ask. He nods, "You don't need to change the subject, I won't ask." "I wasn't," I start defensively but I stop speaking when I see Manny approaching. He does the same as Q and dips his feet into the water. "So, it seems you're ready to properly move into the house. There's a room set up, whenever you're ready," he says with a smile to me. He starts a conversation with Q about something or the other while I go silent. The thing is, if I go then Luchas will be all alone again. But maybe he will leave if I do. Then I need to still speak to Wrath about me earning my stay. They still refuse when I bring it up. I have savings kept away and V can easily access my accounts. I cross my arms on the pool edge and place my chin on it. "Penny for your thoughts?" Q remarks as he splashes some water at me. Manny is gone it seems. Q notices me looking for him. "You get really deep into that head of yours sometimes. Won't hurt to share your thoughts every now and then. Some of us may even have something useful to say," he smirks. "Are the twins doing well?" I ask. He snorts, "As evasive as ever I see. They're all good. Just that their sleeping patterns are a bit out of sync at the moment. But that's nothing major." Blay arrives and they both wait as I go change. Blay said Wrath wants to see me. We go through a tunnel and finally step into a foyer that's just... Majestic. Blay chuckles as he sees me standing there with my mouth agape. "Come on," Q throws his arm around my shoulder, "You're gonna catch flies if you keep your mouth open." I grin and nudge his side playfully. Blay loops my arm in his and we go to Wrath in his study. I see some of the Brothers leave the study as we enter. I'm pretty sure I've met them all at one point or another. We discuss logistics and V has a great idea. He suggests using my savings in the stock market, so I can use some of it for the household and if it's lost then it will be payment enough. But Wrath says V is excellent with stocks so I will definitely be well financially. I've met with all the ladies of the household already and heard about Safe Place. I tell V that he should please send them money from any of the profit made. When I've adjusted well enough, I'm hoping I can help Marissa and the others there. Once all the arrangements are made, Blay and Q lead me to my room. Which is stunning and larger than I expected. The place is a mansion. They tell me there's a lot of rooms that still aren't in use. They leave me to get used to my new environment. I scan my surroundings. Ever since waking up, I feel like I've never really been alone. It's like there's always someone watching me. I know about the cameras set up for safety but this is different. I narrow my eyes as I look around again but as usual, there's no one there.

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