Chapter Seven

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Any meal at the huge dining table is great. A family that eats together, stays together. That's what my father always said. I think most people would say that a family that prays together, stays together. But seeing as we weren't very religious, he decided the former version worked better with our family dynamics. I feel a shoulder bump to my right and look up to see JM signing, "What's up?" "Oh, you know, the usual," I smile. He shakes his head and slowly signs so I can follow, "You have that frown on, the one you get when you're thinking about serious things." "Please, I'm always frowning, nothing new there," I shrug. "And you're playing with your necklace again," he signs as he raises his eyebrow. I look down to see he's right. "Yeah, we picked up on some of your habits," says Blay from my left, "You're a fidgety one." "Blame it on all the sugar I eat," I say as I tuck into my dessert. JM whistles to get my attention and asks what I have planned for the night. "I'm going to visit Safe Place. See if I can help out a bit." JM nods and flashes a thumbs up. Xhex takes a seat beside him and they start conversing. "Is Fritz taking you?" asks Blay. "Yup. He's awesome!" Q, sitting beside Blay, grins, "He is. How about I fetch you from Safe Place when you're done?" "But you guys finally have a night off rotation. I'm sure you have better things to do." Blay shakes his head, "Actually I'm helping out at the training centre." "I would drop you off too," starts Q, "But Blay and I have a few things to do before he goes downstairs." Blay blushes and I can figure out the 'few things' they're going to be busy with. Q grins when he sees Blay's expression and winks at me. "You're sure it won't be any trouble?" I ask, grinning back. I can't help it, these two are just so damn cute together. "You'd be doing me a favour. Layla is away with the twins and with Blay being busy, I won't have much to do. I would rather not spend the time watching the crap Lassiter has on TV." "You're breaking my heart, Qhuinn," says Lassiter. He places a hand on my shoulder, "You have a minute?" I nod and excuse myself before following him to the library. "What's going on?" I ask. "Are you busy today?" I shrug, "I was going to go to Safe Place but if you need me-" "No, that's good. When you have some free time, just let me know. It's nothing urgent, just some books I need help going through." "I can start as soon as I get back. Are the books from here?" He grins, "We're gonna have to go on a little excursion to get them actually." I raise my eyebrows, "Oooh, where to?" Fritz comes in then. "Whenever you are ready, madam," he says with a small bow. Lassiter plants a kiss on the top of my head, "See you when you get back." He winks and disappears before I can say anything more. True to his word, Q is ready and waiting when I leave Safe House. I jump into the hummer and sink into the comfy seat with a sigh. "Busy night?" Q asks as he gets us going. "I could spend hours and hours there. It's just, knowing what some of them have been through..." "They're true warriors," he says sadly, "So are you." He looks over when I don't respond, "Still having nightmares, huh." "Did Lassiter say something? I swear you guys gossip like old maids," I grumble. He snorts, "Old maids. Really. And I haven't spoken to Lassiter in a while." I raise an eyebrow at him. He shakes his head, "You have circles around your eyes. They're getting worse." "Reminder, put on concealer before leaving your room," I mutter. "You know we ask because we care. You're family." I sigh in defeat, "I know, I know. It is appreciated. It's just..." "You don't wanna talk about it. Yeah, we know. But Mary is chilled, you know. I've even spoken to her a few times. It's really helped." I look out the window and fiddle with my necklace. "Anyway, this isn't some sort of intervention," he says as he nudges me. "I went to see Luchas today," he says with a smile. "I saw him yesterday. He seems to be coping a bit better. He was in the pool, which was surprising," I reply. "Yeah," starts Q, "He's thinking about moving into the mansion." I look over in surprise, "Wow, really? He just seemed to want to be away from everyone. But that's great! It means he's improving, right?" Q nods slowly, "It seems so. He started talking to Mary recently. He didn't want to say anything about it but I'm just glad it seems to be working." Q looks over at me, "He wants to stay in the room next to yours though. He asked specifically. Will that be okay?" "Are you kidding!" I grin, "Would be awesome to have my hospital roomie staying next door to me." Q sighs in relief, "I'm so grateful for you. Not just for saving Blay's life. You being here, it's made such a difference to us." "Don't get all sappy on me now, Q. You're gonna make me cry here," I smirk. He ruffles my hair with a chuckle, "You are spending way too much time with Lassiter!" I shrug, "He's cool." "He is but don't you dare tell him I said so!" I make a cross over my heart as I grin. I stretch out my legs, "So when is Luchas moving into his room?" "Well, either tonight or tomorrow. He seems like he wants to get it done soon." "Good, let's go see him when we get back. We can help him assimilate a little." Q starts to look grim, "I don't know if he's ready for this yet." I squeeze his forearm in comfort, "Your brother is stronger than he looks. This is just a step to getting him back on track." Q nods in agreement.

 We go down to Luchas as soon as we get home. Luchas is sitting up in bed, his legs dangling off the side. He smiles when he looks up,"Hey, you two. How about we get out of this boring place." "Boring, huh," says Q, "Not that long ago you wouldn't have dreamed of leaving here." Luchas rubs the back of his head, "Yes well, things change." I bump my shoulder against his playfully, "About damn time too!" He smiles as he glances at me, "Such a way with words you have." We get Luchas set up in his room, which really didn't take long at all. Fritz had everything prepared. Blay joins us as Luchas looks around. He still has a limp but at least he's mobile now. "It's more than I expected, or deserve," he mumbles. Q throws an arm around his shoulder, "That's a load of bullshit right there." "Truer words have never been spoken," I agree. Luchas hangs his head. "I should get going," I start towards the door, wanting to give them some space. "I'm right next door if you need anything," I say as step out and quietly close his door behind me.

I wake up with a frantic scream, clutching my abdomen. My room door bursts open as I look down at my hands, expecting it to be covered in blood. "What the fuck!" exclaims Q with his gun pointed into my room. Blay and Luchas are right behind him. Luchas's eyes are peeled wide. "I'm sorry," I say as I catch my breath, "I'm fine. Really." Blay folds his arms across his chest, "That's it. You're going to speak to Mary. Whether you want to or not." "I'll speak to her when I'm good and ready," I reply. "Stop being so stubborn! It's for your own good," he counters. "I appreciate the concern but it's got nothing to do with you," I reply curtly. "Fuck that!" he yells as he gets closer to me, "It has a fucking lot to do with me." "No, it doesn't, Blaylock!" I say as I sit up straighter, "You need to get over this. It isn't your burden to bear." "Fuck you," he snarls as he gets in my face, "I was the one who got to you first. I was the one who saw your guts spilling out and tried pushing it back in after getting you off that fucking meat hook that you were hanging from! So, you don't get to tell me it has nothing to fucking do with me!" "Blay, stop," Q pulls Blay back, away from me. Blay wrenches his arm away, "I'm sick of her being so aloof about this!" Lassiter appears between Blay and I, "It's because she doesn't remember all of it."

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