Chapter Six

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Months go by. It's really easy to live here. Not just because of Fritz, doggen extraordinaire, but because of the amazing people here. They're pretty easy to get along with. I tended to keep to myself and they would give me my space. They would come by to check on me from time to time when they didn't see me for a while though. When I first got settled into my room, I hardly ever left it. I tried getting used to being around them. In the billiards room or entertainment room. They wouldn't get in my space when I was there. Scared they would spook me maybe. I first met Lassiter in the billiards room. I love to read. So I usually take my book with me to read in there. Having people around makes for good background noise, makes me feel less alone. I took to using large hoodies and sweatpants, because really, why the hell would I need to dress up. I usually keep my hood on and low except when I'm spending time with Bits or any of the other adorable children. I prefer to observe people, it generally takes me a really long time to get used to others. Even longer to trust them. Everyone has always been nice though. So, I was busy reading, sitting on the two seater. I had gotten to a really good part so I folded my legs eastern style and hunched over the book, trying to absorb as much as I could. When my book was ripped out of my hands. I turned to the left in surprise to see Lassiter calmly looking at the cover. Needless to say, I was speechless. Never have I ever seen someone with so many piercings and chains and who dresses the way he does. "Harry Potter, huh" He looked at me with a grin. "What the hell," I replied quietly. "Oh, yeah, I'm Lassiter. Don't worry, you'll get used to me soon enough. I make it a mission to keep things exciting in this dreary place." V snorted, "Exciting. He means it's his mission to be really fucking annoying." Lassiter leaned towards me conspiratorially and stage whispered, "Everyone loves me, V just has a hard time admitting it" "He's not the only one with a hard time," drawled Butch. "You can keep your hard time to yourself thanks," retorted Lassiter, which led to a lot of F bombs in reply. Then Lassiter turned his attention back to me as I removed my hood. I leaned forward, closer to his face, "How the hell do you see? You have no pupils." "And no brains," said V, "But he still manages to be a pain in the ass." "Are those contact lenses?" I asked as I mused out loud and kept peering at his eyes, "They don't look like contact lenses." "Try not to get to close to him, we aren't sure what diseases he carries," said Rhage. Which led me to realize I was in Lassiter's personal space and I quickly backed off, "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I looked away and reached for my hood but stopped in my tracks when I realized he was glowing. Like a fucking neon sign. I stared at him in awe. "I can see perfectly. I'm an angel," he grinned. "Fallen angel," said V, "Personally, I would have preferred Lucifer." Lassiter rolled his eyes, "Pfft, you say that now!" "Why? Is it too late to swap you out?" asked Rhage. "No returns and no refunds," shrugged Lassiter. "Who the hell would even pay money to have you," mumbled someone else. Just then Manny walked in and went straight to the stereo system. There's always rap music on full blast around here. I'm not a fan but I should be getting my headphones soon so that will take care of that. After Manny pressed a few buttons, 'Sulfur' by Slipknot started playing and he flopped on a sofa. I leaned back and closed my eyes enjoying the music. "Shea," called Blay as he sat down, "Don't tell me you like this music?!" Manny looked over at me as I nodded. "Really? Which is your favourite?" he asked. " 'Dead memories' and 'Before I forget'. Corey Taylor's voice is awesome." "For sure," Manny said with a grin, "He's also in-" "Stone sour," we both said with a grin. "Man, I'm so glad you didn't die," he said. "Manuel!" chastised Payne as she sat beside him. But I was already chuckling, "Yeah, thanks for that, by the way." Manny showed me a thumbs up while chuckling too. That was ultimately the start of me integrating a bit better into the household. Lassiter is one of the people I'm closest to now. He's an absolute clown. Always goofing off and making everyone laugh. But I can't help thinking he must have went through a lot. It's like he does all that to keep the pain at bay. He and V have some serious issues but I've heard that things between them were worse before. I find that difficult to believe. 

I jolt awake with a scream but clamp my hand over my mouth as the lights switch on. I close my eyes and try to get my breathing back to normal. 'I'm in my room. I'm safe.' I start chanting. I don't think the nightmares will ever stop. There's a knock on the door. "She's okay," calls Lassiter as he gets up from the sofa beside my bed. I jump in surprise but I really am glad he's here. Lassiter speaks to them at the door, I think it's one of the Bastards. Yeah, Zypher. He pops his head around the door to see for himself. I smile and give him a thumbs up. "Well, I don't blame you," he says, "Waking up to his face will do that to anyone." I grin and shake my head, "Don't be so mean to my dear Lassiter." "None of us know how you put up with him," he shrugs and waves before leaving. "No idea what he's on about, I'm freaking adorable," says Lassiter as he sits beside me on the bed. I chuckle, "Damn straight." He clutches his chest in mock offense, "Language, little Missy!" He pauses for a bit, "Seriously though, when are you going to speak to Mary?" I feel the smile slip off my face. "I'm fine. I don't need to talk about it." He sighs, "You're one of the smartest people I know and yet you still choose to be stubborn and make bad decisions." I raise my eyebrow, "Decisions?" He puts his hands up in mock surrender, "Okay, one bad decision, multiple times." "I know if I talk about it, it's going to get worse," I scrub my face with my palms, "The nightmares will stop. I'm doing things to help." "Kung fu, huh. Didn't picture you to be into all those Japenese-y types of things," he rolls his eyes. "Firstly, it comes from China. Secondly, you've watched anime with me!!" I push him playfully. "Ah yes, I met Hinata thanks to you!" he grins. I smile back. "What is it?" he takes my hand. He can read me so well. I shake my head, "My brother really likes her too." He nods in understanding and puts his arm around me so I can snuggle up while he gets comfy. "I told you, you don't have to sleep on the sofa," I yawn. "I wasn't sleeping," he rests his chin on my head. "Ew, stalker," I mutter. He chuckles, "I was meditating before you scared the shit out of me." "Sorry about that. And thanks for carrying me up here, I can't believe I fell asleep in the billiards room." "Yeah, who would have thought that rock music would be like a lullaby for you," he laughs. "What can I say? I'm special." "That you are," he says as he plays with my hair. "I don't get nightmares when you sleep beside me, so you can rest if you want. Meditate." "Okay, but don't blame me if my glowing wakes you up." I chuckle, "A snuggle buddy and a night light, how awesome are you!" "The awesomest!" he exclaims. I grin as I focus on his heartbeat which lulls me back to sleep.

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