Chapter Fifteen

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It's been about three weeks. Jane took my blood to check about my bloodline. She said that for now, it could just pick up if I have any genetic markers that may link me to vampires. With the transgression they picked up that Butch is actually related to Wrath. How wild is that! I don't mind not knowing details, I just need to know if the transition is an option at all. I still haven't seen Lassiter. I'm really worried. I've tried calling him once but I felt bad because he's probably doing something really important if he's not around. He didn't show up though. I mean, he could visit at least. It's like he's just vanished. I can't even go out looking for him because I've been stuck in my room a lot. I've been feeling more and more tired lately. I've asked about him but whoever I've spoken to had said that he seemed fine the last time they saw him. Hardly anyone has seen him recently though. The billiards room is so quiet without him, it felt weird the last time I was there. My phone rings, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Hello?" I answer. "Shea! I'm glad you picked up! It's Dean, is it okay if we talk for a bit?" "Sure," I say slowly, trying to hide my surprise. "I know this is unexpected. I went to the audience house and Safe Place but I didn't see you around. Mary saw me at Safe Place one night and gave me your number after I asked. I hope that's okay," he says quickly. Of course, Mary. She's the only one who knows what's really going with me. She must have thought this wouldn't be a problem. She's right, it's actually nice to hear his voice. "It's fine. What's going on? Is everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I just realized that we hadn't exchanged numbers when we met. I had no way of checking how you're doing," he says. "Oh, that's sweet. How are you? How's Mayra doing?" "We're good. Actually, Mayra's been worrying me to get you to come over. She's heard about you from me often and really wants to meet you officially," he hesitates a little, "The thing is, she doesn't really have many friends. Especially female friends. She's the only child and she's spent most of her time with her cousins. I think she feels like you're someone she could connect with." I shut my eyes as he goes on. "I don't mean to put any pressure on you or anything like that. I just want you to know that she doesn't have any bad intentions." "I don't think I can make it," I say. "But I haven't even told you when..." he sounds hurt. "It's not because I don't want to, Dean. I mean, I can't say that this isn't a weird situation. It's just that I've been a bit busy lately." He sighs, "It's okay. I didn't expect you to just say yes. I was hoping though." He pauses before continuing, "Are we okay? You and me? Or are you going to cut me off?" That probably sounds drastic but he knows me well. I've cut people off before for a lot less. It generally makes things easier for me. "We're good. We spoke things through remember," I say sincerely. "Good. Because I meant what I said. You will always be family to me." I look over at my night stand, my necklace and ring lying there, "I know, you're important to me too." "But not important enough to come over when invited," he says playfully. I can picture the smirk on his face. "How did I not see that coming," I grumble. "After all these years, Shea. I'm disappointed," he mock chastises. I snort, which makes him crack up. I chuckle along with him. "Ah, I've really missed talking with you, Shey." I stop short. I take a breath and try to keep it together. I never thought I would ever hear him call me that again. Or that I could ever speak to him again. Crap. "Shey? You still there?" he asks anxiously. "Yeah, sorry about that, got distracted," I say calmly as I rub at the ache in my chest. "Is it Lassiter?" he asks steadily. "Actually, you don't have to answer that," he says quickly. "Anyway, if you change your mind, we're having a small gathering. Just some of Mayra's relatives and a friend or two. If you end up getting some free time, we would love it if you could join us. You can bring someone with you, if it will make you feel more comfortable." "Why don't you text me the date and time and I can let you know?" I ask. "Of course. I- uh, I really hope you can make it. Whenever we have these... Well, Mayra knows more people than I do here. It would be nice to have someone I know well come over. But like I said, no pressure." We say our goodbyes and I flop on the bed. Like I needed one more thing to worry about. My phone goes off, I check to see a message from Dean. It would be easier not to go. To stay away. Especially with me looking a bit different. The treatment hasn't exactly been kind to me. I've lost some weight, which I don't mind. But I don't feel like me. On the other hand, I would feel horrible if I didn't go. He said more than once that he would like for me to be there. A knock on my door pulls me out of my thoughts. Luchas comes in after I answer. He looks at me and frowns. I smile, "Hey, good to see you!" "Hi," he says as he comes closer and takes a seat on the sofa, "How are you?" I swing my legs off the side of my bed and sit up, "I'm okay and you?" His eyes narrow, "You've lost more weight since I last saw you." "Didn't I tell you? I'm on a diet. Looks like it's working," I grin. "What is going on with you," he mumbles. "You came at the perfect time," I say, "Dean called and he invited me over for a small gathering at his place." Luchas cocks an eyebrow, "Are you planning on going?" I shrug, "I'm really not sure. I'm in two minds about it." "It seems like it may end up becoming awkward if you go," he says. I nod, "I was definitely thinking that. He did say I could take someone with me though." Luchas leans back and stretches out his legs, "Then Lassiter would go with you." I hesitate, "Actually, I haven't seen him for a while now. Have you seen him recently?" Luchas frowns, "I did see him over a week ago but just from a distance and then he was gone." I bring my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on them, "Did he look okay?" Luchas nodded, "He seemed fine. When last did you see him?" So, he has been around. It's not like popping in just for a second would have hurt. "It's been a few weeks..." I look at Luchas with a small smile, "I'm sure he just has a lot on his plate." Luchas rubs his chin thoughtfully, "You must be right. The billiards room has been free off him for quite some time now. Qhuinn mentioned it too." Luchas leans forward, "Well, if you do decide to go, I could go with you. If you can't find someone to go with." I look at him in surprise, "You hate being around people." He raises his eyebrows and grins, "You have absolutely no filter, do you?" "I'm sorry, I meant no offense," I scrunch my nose in annoyance with myself. He chuckles, "That's okay, Shea. It's one of the reasons I like spending time with you. It's refreshing. There isn't the pressure of having to constantly say the right thing or to be spoken to in a specific manner." He sits on the bed and I turn to face him. "I don't like the way they look at me. I'm... Well, you know well enough. Of course, if they are a part of the glymera then I would rather not have to go. I'm quite sure I'm done with the aristocracy and their ways," he says as he looks me in the eye, "I would go with you if you wanted though." I grasp his hand in both of mine and smile wide, "As long as you are sure, I would love it if you would join me. I will find out if there will be anyone from the glymera there first though." "You really would take me with? You know they will probably stare, don't you?" he asks skeptically. "Luchas, do I look like I give a damn about their opinion?" He smiles slowly. "That being said," I continued seriously, "If anyone disrespects or upsets you in any way, they will have me and my anger to deal with." He smirks at me, "A bit protective, are we?" "You bet. And if you feel uncomfortable at any point and want to leave, that's perfectly fine by me." He gives my hand a squeeze. "I'm surprised you offered," I say. He sighs, "Mary says I need to try and socialize more. I move around the house a lot more now but she said I should get out of my comfort zone every now and then. I can't think of anyone else I would rather do that with." "We could start small if you want," I say, "Maybe go to the mall or grab a bite. It doesn't have to be anything as complicated as a social gathering just yet." He shakes his head, "I don't want you going alone. I know you could take Blay or Qhuinn-" "-Actually, I wasn't going to ask them. They've been helping me out a lot. You know, dropping me off and fetching me," I stop short. "I have noticed that you've been going to Safe Place more often lately." I grab my phone so I don't have to respond, "Dean texted me the date and time. You're sure about going with me?" "Definitely," he says as he gets up to leave. He opens the door but turns back before leaving, "Oh and Shea?" I look at him curiously. He looks stern, "Stop dieting. You were perfectly fine as you were." With that, he leaves.

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