Chapter Three

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I woke up to a huge noise. I open my eyes in surprise, only to see a table go flying across the room to join the one that was just thrown. Oh no. I should have kept my eyes closed. T turns around and sees me awake. He charges towards me. He grabs me by the throat, lifting me up, along with the chair, into the air. "What the fuck did you do!" he yelled in my face. All I could muster was a gasp. This is it. Finally. I start to relax. "Oh no you don't!" he says and he flings me to the ground. I end up on my side, still attached to this damn metal chair. He pulls me up by my hair. "You wont be dying just yet!" he snarls. "How did you do it?!" he yells. "I didn't," I start but he grabs my throat once again. "Don't fucking lie!! That is not how I tied your wrists. That isn't the same knot!" Well, so much for covering my ass on that one. I just hope Enoch made it out. That's all that matters. "When did you let him out?! What time was it?" he asks as he shakes me. "I don't know," I gasp out. "Was it fucking night or day? You dumb bitch! Was the sun up?" his eyes are wild, spit flying as he continues to yell. "It was dark," I mutter. "FUCK!! YOU BITCH!" he bellows and punches me in the gut. I'm back on the floor. I see him glowering over me, "I'm going to really make you wish you were never born. You think I've been hard on you before? Think again!" The last thing I remember is getting punched in the face. I knew I was going to die here.

I'm floating. Did it finally happen? Am I dead? It's like I'm numb. What's going on? I hear noises. But I can't open my eyes. I can't see. I must be dead, or it was all a dream. Maybe. "Fuck! Those bastards!" I hear a voice from far away. More voices. More swearing. Angels wouldn't swear if they existed, right? I hear shuffling. Then the pain, like every neuron is on fire, all consuming. Once again, everything goes dark.

Is that... Beeping? What on earth. I keep my eyes closed and try moving my fingers and toes. They seem to work. I slowly open my eyes. Am I in a hospital? "You're finally awake," comes a voice from beside me. I freeze but the beeping gets faster. A woman comes into my line of sight, "It's okay, you're safe. Just calm down. Breathe." She's wearing a doctors coat. "My name is Jane," she says with a smile. "Do you mind if I perform a quick exam? Just to make sure you're healing well?" I nod in response and feel tightness on my back. "You can stop me if you ever feel uncomfortable," she says as she goes to her instruments. I space out as she does whatever she needs to. "We thought we were going to lose you for a while there but it looks like you've gotten through the worst of it. Would you like some water?" she asks. I nod and she feeds me some. Who knew drinking some water could be euphoric. "My necklace?" I ask. Jane pulls open a drawer and hands me my necklace with the ring dangling on it. "It may be better not to wear it for now," she says. I nod as I hold onto it. A large man with a goatee enters the room and so does a man with long dark hair and dark wrap arounds. He has a dog on a harness. Is he blind? The beeping speeds up again. Jane walks up to them and speaks to them in a hushed voice. They converse for a little bit and then she turns to me. "This is my husband, V," she says gesturing to the goatee guy. "This is Wrath," she gestures to the huge, long haired guy. "This is George," says Wrath as he reaches to pat the dog's flank. "You're safe here," starts Wrath but just then two more large men enter the room. The red haired man smiles when he sees me, "Thank goodness, you're awake." I just look at him. Why does he even care. He steps towards me and sees me flinch so stops. "It's me, Blay. You helped me out that night. I've wanted to thank you for a while now." Blay! I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. "I'm glad you're well," I say, trying to smile. He introduces the man beside him as Qhuinn. "We have a few questions for you," says Wrath. "I have a few of my own," I say. "We wont hurt you. You really are safe here," says Blay as he comes closer to my bedside. Jane looks like she's about to leave. "Jane, thank you for helping me. Can you stay, please?" I ask. Having another female around would help. She looks over at Wrath but she says that she will. "We need to know if you told them anything," says Wrath. "I don't know anything to tell them," I say. "You knew Blay's name," says V. "I didn't tell them that," I respond. "You really didn't," says Wrath in surprise, "The state you were in, I thought..." "Why didn't you tell them?" asks Qhuinn. "I would have wasted my time trying to save Blay if I was just going to give his name to them. Besides, what would be the point. After what they were doing, if I said I did know something then they would just think that I was hiding more information. Things would have gotten a lot worse a lot faster and they would never have believed that I didn't actually know more." V raised his eyebrows while taking out a hand rolled, "Smart," he says, "But they could have just killed you." "I'm not afraid of death," I reply. Wrath smiles tightly, "Well well..." he mutters. They have strange accents I noticed. "How long have I been here?" I ask. "A few weeks," says Jane. Weeks. "They had you for almost a month," says Blay quietly, "I've been searching for you ever since that night. I asked V and Qhuinn to start the search while I recovered." "Thank you," I say. He shakes his head, cutting me off. "We couldn't find you. In the end, you ended up saving yourself." I frown in confusion. "Enoch," says Qhuinn. Thank goodness, he got out. "Do you know what they were planning? Did you hear anything?" asked Wrath. "I need to know about this war first. I need more information," I respond evenly. "Those baby powder smelling bastards are called Lessers. They're our enemies," says V. "Why the war?" I ask. "They're hunting us. Trying to rid the world of us," says Wrath. This makes no sense. They can't rid the world of all people. "Why you guys?" I ask. All heads turn to Wrath. "Lessers were created for the sole purpose to hunt and kill our species. Vampires," he grins and his long sharp canines gleam in the light.

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