Chapter Sixteen

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It's a good thing that it's cooler now. I don't need an excuse to cover up and wear something baggy. Dean said it's casual, nothing to dress up for and not to bring anything. That doesn't feel right by me though. Fortunately, Luchas knows a thing or two about alcohol and picked out a wine for us to take with. Fritz brought me to the address that Dean texted me. Luchas insisted on dematerialising here first, just to be sure it's safe. I think he probably wanted to see if it was really busy too. I told him I wouldn't be comfortable if it was. He was relieved when I said so. He was also relieved that Mayra's family isn't a part of the glymera. I'm worried about him being on his own. I know he prefers it but he hasn't been out of the house much. Q took him shopping a few times before we could come here, but still. I told Luchas to come with me and Fritz but he was so insistent. Even though he knows that V already scoped the place out. I had to let Wrath know where I was going. I joked about him not having to worry about checking the place out because I'm not a flight risk. But he said it had to be done for my safety and Luchas's safety too. So I couldn't argue with that. Their home is quite far from Wrath's place. I can't help noticing how cozy it looks as I get out of the car. Luchas pops up next to me and waves at Fritz. He offers me his arm as Fritz leaves. I smile as I hold onto him. "You look tired, Shea. Are you sure you're up for this?" he asks. I crinkle my nose, "Rather get it over and done with, don't you think?" He nods but still looks worried. "The nightmares?" he asks. I shake my head, "No, just too much on my mind, I guess."Dean greets us at the door and I introduce him to Luchas. Dean shakes his hand and looks a bit confused, "I thought..." I frown, "What?" He shakes his head and welcomes us in. Luchas gives him the wine and we step into the house. There's so much of warmth, it really feels like a home. "Shey, you're looking a little under the weather. Are you okay?" asks Dean. I nod. "I'm fine. Just haven't been sleeping very well. My body is trying to get used to a nocturnal schedule," I smile. He doesn't look convinced, "You've lost weight as well." "Yup, been on a new diet. I'm glad it's working," I grin. He squints at me but doesn't say anything further. He takes us into a living room. It's quite large and there are people paired off or in small groups lounging around. A few heads raise as we walk in. I probably should have asked if having a human here would be okay. There are a lot of curious stares and a few whispers. Dean ignores this and takes us around introducing us to a couple sitting nearby. Mayra comes in with a tray of pastries and sees us. She smiles and makes a beeline for us. She places the tray on a table that's near us and gives me a hug. "I'm so glad that you could make it!" she squeals. I try to keep the surprise off my face but I don't think I'm doing a great job. I see Dean trying to hide a chuckle behind his hand but his shoulders are shaking. "Uh, thanks for inviting me," I say as I tap her back. We pull away and introductions are made. She looks back at me with a smile, "Do you think we could talk for a bit? I've wanted to meet you for the longest time." "Oh, well actually," I look up at Luchas, secretly asking for help. Dean steps in and puts an arm around her waist, "Actually, we really should get the rest of the food out here. We wouldn't want to be poor hosts. I'll help you." She gives his waist a squeeze, "You are right, of course." She looks back at me, "Later then. I really hope you two aren't in a hurry." I smile as they turn to leave. Dean gives me a wink before turning his attention back to her. "He saved you before I could. He knows you really well," says Luchas as he grabs a pastry and pops it into his mouth. "Yes, well, we have known each other for a long time," I shrug. "These are delicious," says Luchas as he takes another one. He brings it towards me with a smile, "You really need to eat more, Shea." Before I can take a bite, I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to find a male beside me. He bends down to get a better look at my face and I feel Luchas tense up next me. But then his face splits into a grin, "It is you! Shea, right?" I look at him tentatively and then my eyes widen in surprise. I have seen him before! "Enoch?" I ask in astonishment. He laughs, "I knew it!" He pulls me into a hug and I reciprocate, still in a state of disbelief. "I can't believe it," he says as he pulls back, grinning. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Mayra is a friend of mine. You're looking well," he says. "What a small world," I muse, "It's really good to see you! You're also looking well." I notice Luchas step in closer and I introduce them. "Who invited you?" asks Enoch, "I need to thank them." "Both Dean and Mayra invited me but I know Dean," I reply. "Are you two related? He hasn't mentioned you before though," says Enoch curiously. "Well, we're family of sorts," I say hesitantly. "How do you two know each other?" Luchas asks confused. Luchas and I haven't spoken about our times in captivity so there's no way he could know. "Shea saved my life. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for her," Enoch says solemnly. "We saved each other. I wouldn't be here if you hadn't gotten through to the brotherhood," I say quietly. I look around and notice that we're alone in this corner. That's good, I don't want anyone hearing any of this. A look of comprehension crosses Luchas's face. "I got Enoch free when he was brought to the warehouse," I say to Luchas quietly. "He promised he would get me help and he really came through," I smile at Enoch as I finish speaking. "It's the least I could have done," he murmurs, "You were exceptionally brave. I don't know what would have happened..." I pat his arm, "That's not worth thinking about," I say. He nods and I see his adam's apple bob as he swallows. The atmosphere grows somber and I feel Luchas take my hand. I give his hand a small squeeze and I smile, "You know, I'm glad I decided to come here after all." Enoch cocks his head slightly, "You didn't want to be in a room filled with vampires?" I drop my jaw in surprise, "Vampires? I thought that's just a myth!" Enoch hesitates in surprise and I chuckle. "That's mean, Shea," he says but starts chuckling too. "Sounds like a good joke. Care to share?" asks Dean as he joins us. Enoch shakes his head, "Shea was just being silly." Dean frowns, "You two know each other?" I feel the smile start to slip off my face. "Oh yeah, we've met before," I say with a wave of my hand, like it's no big deal. Enoch catches my drift and plays along, "Yeah, I knew you were a human of course. Which is why I had to come over to see if it really was you after I spotted you here." "Where did you guys meet?" asks Dean. Enoch begins to reply but starts to sputter. "Where's Mayra?" I ask, taking Dean's attention away. "She just went upstairs quickly, she should be back soon," he says. He still looks like he wants to ask more questions. "Good, I wanted to spend some time with her," I say. "Me too," says Enoch, "I haven't seen her in a while actually." I check my phone and see a voice message from Jane. "Would you guys excuse me? I just need to make a quick call," I say and I go outside. I take a deep breath in and try to hold back the cough tickling at the back of my throat. I take a few shallow breaths until I have things under control and I start opening up my phone to access the message. Just then, I hear the door click shut and see Luchas, "Are you okay?" I nod, "Yeah, Jane left a voice message so I thought I should check it." "Do you want me to leave?" he asks. I shake my head. Dean steps out to join us, "Everything alright?" I nod. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" he asks. "Sure," I say. Luchas turns to leave but I grab his arm, "No, you can stay." He and Dean both frown but Luchas stays beside me. Having him here helps. Dean grits his teeth but continues, "How did you meet Enoch?" I fold my arms, "Why are you so hung up on this? What difference does it make?" "Because, Enoch hasn't left his house for months. The last time he went out, before tonight, was the night the lessers took him." We pause and I try to look surprised. "That's really horrible. I'm glad that he's decided to come out tonight," I say quietly. "You're keeping something from me, Sheanna," he says as he comes closer to me. He's definitely upset, he rarely uses my full name. "You are being a poor host. Shouldn't you be with your guests," I gesture towards the door and Dean grabs my hand. Luchas steps forward but I'm holding his arm and he stops. "How did you get this, Shea?" asks Dean as he shows me the scar on my hand.

T stands over me with his special knife. The one with the really jagged edge. I stare straight ahead, seeing nothing. He flashes the knife before my eyes and I flinch. "Don't worry. I won't take your eyes from you. How would you see what I do to you. How would I see that look of horror and pain in your face without those eyes," he sneers. He runs the edge of the blade on my forearm, lightly and then he presses in so that it cuts deep enough to make me bleed. His eyes shine and he grins as he sees the blood spill. He licks his lips in anticipation. "You still don't want to tell me their names, do you? That's fine by me. You're the best plaything I've ever had." He grabs my face, forcing me to look at the blade digging into the top of my wrist. "There's so much more I can do to you. So many ways to make you hurt," he moans. He opens up the fist I made and presses my palm down flat against the chair's arm. He holds my fingers down and his breathing gets heavy and ragged as his grin widens. "I want to hear you. Scream for me! Scream!" he yells as he plunges the blade into my hand. 

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