chapter 1

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Jungkook P.O.V
I was painting peacfully until heard the knock on my door.

Jk: come in
as i said that a maid walked in.

Maid: prince, King is calling for you.

Jk: ok.... u can go.

Maid: he said right now.
*While looking down scared*.
i got up from the chair and went to his room.


*Knock Knock*

Jk father: come in
as soon as i walked in i was surprise by King Park and a young male sitting in front of my father. I walk up to them.

Jk : annyeonghaseyo.
*while bowing down*

???: annyeonghaseyo.

* with a pretty smile*

Jk father: Take a seat jungkook.
This is prince jimin.

*I took a seat beside the pretty Boy.*

Author P.O.V

Jk father : so as you know times are really  rough for both civilizations and you two are the most powerful princes right now sooooo...
He looks at jimin's father*

Jm father: So.... We are deciding to give a crown to you two and bring both civilizations together.

jungkook Was thinking who will get the crown if there will be two prince
But his thoughts were interrupted by a sweet, honey like voice...

jimin: and how are we going to do that?

Jk father:Emmm so we decide that you and jungkook are going to get

*Jungkook and jimin shoot there heads up at the same time looking at there fathers in shock*

Jk: What????

jungkook looked over jimin While jimin was looking down.
Jm father: look child its for both yours and your people safety.

Jk father: so are you okay with our decision??

Jk : i need time to think....

Jk father: if we dont get answer by tomorrow jungkook we will take it as yes.

Jm father: what about you jimin??

Jimin P.O.V

I was lost in my thoughts but i got distracted when someone called my name...

Jm: yes?

Jm father: do u agree with our decision?

i look over to jungkook.

Jm: if he agrees...and if It is for protection of our people then yes i agree...

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