Chapter 12

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Next morning
Tae pov
I woke up from the noise of someone throwing up, i ran to the bathroom and saw yoongi*
Tae: are you of kitten?
Yg: i fine don't worry to much..
Tae:i think you should rest..
Yg:tae i am ok..
Tae: nope i dont think so* i said while picking yoongi up and getting out of the bathroom, i lay him down on the bed, and pull blanket on him*
Tae: don't get up,you need to rest and get better, then i will tell king that we wanna get marry*he smiled making me smile, i connected our foreheads.
Tae:i love you, get better soon i'll bring you food you have to eat something have good health*i kissed his forhead and get up*
Yoongi:taetae*i turned around*i love you too*i smile and left the room*
I went to prince room but he was not there so,I decided to go the kitchen to cook something for my kitten, but stoped when i saw prince jungkook*
Tae: prince*he stoped and looked at me with smile, i smiled back and walk towards him.
Tae: huh?
Jk:call me jungkook tae.
Tae:ohh ok....jungkook i wanna ask jimin something do you know were is he?
Jk:hmm..did you checked the room?
Tae: i did..i'll meet him later*sigh
Jk:you can ask me, if its the way i am hungry lets go eat something*thats when i realized that yoongi havent ate anything*
Tae: i was actually going to cook something for yoongi wanna join me??
Jk: i mean you can tell chef to cook him something..
Tae:i know but i am feeling like cooking*he chuckled and then noded*
Jk: ok, lets go then

Jimin pov
I am siting by yoongi, he is sleeping resting his head on my lap*
10 mins ago
I was feeling like talking to yoongi its been a long time i didnt talked to him, so i went to his room but heard someone throwing up...i went to the and knock on the door,yoongi opens the door, he look pale
Jm: are you ok hyung?
Yg:i dont know, i am throwing up since 2 days i can't lay still..and
Jm:ok ok hyung, i think you should rest, i think you are stressed thats why..

Back to present
Jimins pov
He is saying everything that was happening to me when i was....pregnent*
I looked at his face while he was sleeping, if thats a thing i should tell tae and take care of him*tae opens the door with tray in his hand and behind him jungkook...
Tae: jimin what are you doing here??
Jm: i just wanted to meet hyung, but he falls asleep...
Tae:jimin i wanna talk to you
Jm:tae i wanna talk to you*we said at the same time*
Jungkook looked at us like"wtf"
Jm:tae i wanna tell you something i don't know if its true or not but, i want you to know*tae nod and place the tray on the table, i looked at jungkook*
Jk:ok ok i am going*he left
Tae:what is it jimin*i looked at yoongi and then back at taehyung*
Jm:tae, i think...hyung is pregnent*his eyes widened, and i can see tears in his eyes*
Tae:h-how do you kn-know?*he said tears rolling down his face*
Jm: because he is feeling the things i had felt when i was..*i said while wiping his tears away from my thumb*i'll call the doctor, to confirm..take care of yourself and hyung for me,will you?
Tae:i will, promise
Jm: i cant lose him after jungkook you guys are the only one i can trust and love*tae nodded and then i left to go to my room*
*as i walked in jungkook pulled me closer by my waist*
Jk: sooo, what does my princess talked about? hm?
Jm: jungkook its shouldn't be important for you
*i said pushing him away sitting on the bed, resting my head on the headboard closing my eyes, i felt air on my face, i opened my eyes and meet jungkook's eyes, i couldn't look away, his eyes were mesmerizing*

Jk pov
I went more closer to him, i can't belive i treated him like shit, he is just so so beautiful, he opens his eyes as i saw his beautiful eyes i couldn't think of anything except him, he moved more close to me and connect our lips ,it feels like my heart stoped he wrapped his hands around my neck pulling me closer while i was still shocked, but when i realized what is happening he pulled away..
Jm:i a-am so-rry*he looked down
I wrap my hands around his waist pulling him making him layed down ..
Jk: what you think the heck you are making me feel like this*i can see the blush on his cheeks*
Jm: your husband*he whispered in my ear..i was about to kiss him but the knock on the door interupt me again
ugghh* i sigh looking at the door, i sit up*
Jk:come in*suddenly tae ran in and hugged jimin, and start jumping*
Tae: congratulations jimin you are gonna be dad i am gonna be uncle*my eyes widened*
Jm: wh-what?
Tae: ohh i mean u gonna be uncle i m gonna be dad* still jumping excitedly*
Jm: really?!*tae nod, i am really happy for him*
Jk:congratulations tae*he hugged me and its the first time i didnt feel butterflies in my stomach*
Tae:thanks...jimin please take care of my kitten i dont know anything... i dont know what to feed him or...
Jm:tae, you and hyung are same, you two gets hyper too fast*i chuckled*i will take care of him more than i did to myself..
Tae: thank you so much*he hugged jimin Last time before running out of the room*
Jm:i am happy for them*i felt sad as i saw jimin looking at his belly*i sat by him, he looked up with tears in his eyes*
Jk:jimin*i said holding his face* i am really sorry it all happened because of me if i would understand none of this would happened, i am really sorry*tears rolling my face*
Jm: its okay jungkook, if i would be at your place i think...i would do the same thing*i hugged him
Jk:i love you jimin
Jm i-i love you too*i can feel him crying on my shoulder*jungkook i want you to talk to dad about hyung and taehyungs marrige for me pleaseee*i smiled
Jk:anything for my princess* he blush and hit my shoulder playfully*
Jm:yahh, stop it *blushing hard


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