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Jm pov
tae:its not what it looks prince..
*tears started to fall out from my eyes, now he will not even believe me that its his baby,i burst into tears*
Jm: j-jungkoo-k pl-ease lis-ten to me
Jk: there is nothing to listen,  i thought we can love each other, we can live a beautiful life together...but i was wrong, and i cant believe tae, how can you-
Tae: enough prince, i would rather kill myself then cheat on yoongi...
*jungkook came towards me and held my wrist and drag me out till the door of the castle, he called one of the gaurd and tell him to bring one of the horses*
jk: get out of my realm!!* i was shocked looking at him with teary eyes*
Jm: pl-ea-se l-iste-n to m-me*crying
jk: get out* he push me towards the door...*i bowed to him before getting on the horse and riding off*

Jk pov
Tae: *tears falling from his eyes*prince you can cut my head of for being rude but i have to say that"you have never understanded him your are the most cruel person i have seen and i am surprised that person like jimin can love didn't just kicked jimin out you also kicked out your child*i looked at him confused*
tae: yes, he called me to tell me that he is pregnant, he didn't told you because he thought you don't love him so you would not love that child either... its still not late yet you can go and stop him.

meanwhile jm pov*

the horse was so fast that we already had cross the jeon's territory*

*But my body hit the sandy ground with a heavily pain as an arrow hit me on my shoulder*
Jm:Ahhh* i got up and saw a young lady with a crossbow in her hand while smirking at me*
Jm: why did you attack me?* Unable to see her face clearly i fall on the ground as my body felt numb and darkness took over my eyes*

Author pov
they were looking for jimin everywhere as the night passed*

Jimin woke up with the light shining on his face he sit up and realize he is in random room he ran towards the door as he opens the door he saw someone he didn't expected*
jm : prince jack...
Jack: hey, sweety *he said trying to touch jimin's face but jimin moved backwards*
Jack: dont you dare reject me*said jackson while pulling jimin toward him by his waist*
jack: i will maybe...maybe not*jimin eyes widened,and he start to struggle more to release himself*
jm: please leave me*crying*
Jack: oh boy you even cry pretty*he push jimin on the bed closing the door behind*
He hover above jimin, who was hitting his chest and yelling at him*
Jack: SHUT UP!!*he yelled making jimin stop struggling but still crying, Jack went to jimins neck and start kissing his neck*
Jm: please stop!! i am begging you please!!*crying, jackson rips jimin's shirt off and start kissing his trembling body leaving marks behind, but he stoped when he realized younger stopped making any noise he looked to and found Jimin had passed out*
Jack: lucky*he got up to call the doctor*

Meanwhile Tae pov

right now i am comferting yoongi who can't stop crying*
Yg: i failed tae i failed, i couldn't protect him, i Broke the promise*start crying harder*
Tae:what promise?
Yg:th-e pro-mise i made to the qu-een, that i will prot-ect him, i will never leave his side, but i failed to fulfil theses promises* i started to cry by looking at yoongi, i had never saw him this broken*
Tae:dont worry kitten we"ll find him*i hug him,and he cried on my shoulder*

Jk pov
I was siting in jimins old room crying,regrating my decision, i had looked  everywhere ,but can't found him, guilt not leaving my body because i know that it all happened because of me..
Until my mind went to jack, i ran out of the room to jack's room, i couldn't found him but i found a letter*
*Good morning Who ever is reading this i just want to say that father called me so i had to go please tell this to jungkook if you are not jungkook.*
i don't believe him, i went to taehyung room knock on the door*
tae:come in*as i walked in i saw yoongi crying*
Jk: i think i know where jimin is*yoongi stood up wiping his tears*
Jk: i am not sure but i asked guards they told me jack was with a girl and i think it was jennifer..
tae: so?
jk:didn't you see the way jack was flirting with jimin, and i know if he got a chance to take jimin away from me he will not let it go..
Yg: so lets go and bring jimin back..
jk: lets go there as a friend..
Tae: what?
jk: we will tell them we are here to meet there father and stop the hatred between us two...
tae: you think its save?*i nod
Jk: we are going to leave tomorrow morning.*with that i left the room*

Jack pov

Jack:WHAT? thats not possible it looks like he don't even liked him* jack yelled at the doctor*
Jen: calm down jack, as you said if jungkook don't like jimin he probably didnt know about the baby*she smirk
Jack: what do you mean??
Jen: you know what i mean brother,if you want to make jimin forget jungkook then you have to erase everything that connects him with jungkook, and the main thing right now is the baby....

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