chapter 2

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Jungkook P.O.V

* i was showing jimin his room since my father told them to stay here tonight*

Jk: why did u said yes??

Jm : i said as far as u agree..

Jk : are you Sure about this marriage??

Jm: do we have an other option?

jk: why didn't the queen came?

Jungkook had no idea why he felt worried when he noticed jimin's small smile dropped.

jm: i 've lost her when i was 11.....

Jk: oh I didn't knew that sorry * i stoped by the door and open it*

Jk: there you go prince* jimin smiled at me*

Jm: thank you*while walking in*

Jk: umm sooo would you mind telling how your mother.... only if you don't m-

Jm: she got killed....during war

Jk: with us?

JM: No, our own people.
What about yours?

Jk: i have never saw her neither any of her pictures...*he sigh before changing the topic*  I'll sent some clothes and then you can come down for dinner..okay?

*jimin nods with a little smile*

Jimin p.o.v

I walk down the stairs looking for dinning room but bumped into someone....

Jm: i m so sorry...* i looked up*

???: are u prince jimin* the boy immediately bows down* i am so so sorry are you okay?

Jm : its okay, don't worry i m fine...

???: do u need any help with anything?

Jm: yes, can you please help me find the way to dining room... Please

???: sure , by the way i am kim taehyung i am a warrior.

JM: ohh its really nice to meet -

a voice intrupted me*

Jk: what are you doing here i was- oh hi taehyung...*with a big smile on his face*

tae: annyeonghaseyo *bows down

Jk: jimin i was looking for you from about 15min..

jm: i m sorry i was lost.

Jk: if you don't mind you can join us for dinner.... Tae

Tae: it will be my pleasure bu-

Jk: i don't take no as answers.. * jungkook grab mine and taehyung hands and dragged us to the dining room...
Jk father: ohh taehyung what brings you here??

tae: i just came to take my weapon that i forget yesterday...But prince-

Jm: is it ok if he join us?

* looking at king jeon*

Jk father: sure , why not? take a seat taehyung.

*with a smile on his face

*taehyung was about to sit by me but jungkook tap the chair by him and signaled taehyung to sit by him.

Both kings were busy talking while jungkook and taehyung were talking and laughing with each other....That make me feel little lonley.

jungkook P.O.V
i was talking to taehyung but got interrupted by my fathers voice...

Jk father : son why aren't u eating anything??

*i looked up at jimin and his plate looked untouched*

taehyung: prince do you want something else to eat?

Jimin looked at taehyung with a smile.

Jm: no i am ok i am just not feeling hungry...

Jk father: i think you should rest you look tried..*with worried expression.


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