chapter 7

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Jk pov
  I was in a hall walking towards my room until i passed by the door,i stoped by the door of that room, what i heard next break my heart*
yg: f-fas-ter tae
Tae: as you wish*i was so angry at yoongi, but i heard something that make me even more heartbroken *
Tae:can i mark you?*no tae you can't do this to me, tear ran down my cheeks, when i heard yoongi moans*
I ran to my room crying,not noticing jimin sleeping on the bed...

Jimin woke up by the sound of door being slammed he saw jk Sitting on the couch crying, he went to jk with worried face*
Jm:j-jungkook what h-happened?*jimin ask scared*
Jungkook: its none of your concern.
jimin went to bed and burst into tears he coverd his mouth not trynna any noise but jungkook heard his sobs and looked toward jimin*
Jk: WHY ARE YOU CRYING, IT ALL HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!*shout jungkook make jimin flinch and sob harder*
Jm: don't yell at me,i don't even know what i did that make you hate me this much*
Jk: why did you even came here at first i never want it to marry you it was a force marriage and you said yes so that is a punishment for saying yes.
jm:but why only i am getting punisment for saying yes didn't you said yes to?
JM: And what is it?
Jk: the person i love don't love back, he love someone else and that someone else came here because of you!!
Jm: this is not an punishment for saying yes this is a punishment for the way you are treating me,did you get it how it felt to see someone you love not caring about you...*
Jk:You mean you love me??
Jm: i think you should go sleep now its late..
Jk hold jimin's wrist*answer me first.
jm nod, jk pushed jimin to the wall*
Jm: ughhh what are you doing jungkook.
Jk: I Will Never Love You..but I can fulfil your filthy imagination*jimin eyes widened*
jm: w-what do you mean*almost crying*
Jk:you know what i mean..isn't that's what he want HUH!!!*he said taking his coat off...jimin push jungkook away, and try to ran out of the door but jungkook was faster he grabbed Jimin by his waist and threw him on the bed*
Jm:please jungkook don't do this
Jk:but isn't what you want huh?
Jm:jungkook thats not wha-*jungkook cut him off by kissing him,jimin was trying to push jungkook off from him but jungkook held his hands above his head*
Jungkook start taking jimin's clothes off*
Jm: please don't do this jungkook
*crying hard*
jk undress himself and start kissing and sucking on jimins neck , jimin was crying while putting hand over his mouth trying not to make any noise*
jungkook thrust himself in jimin and start thrusting in fast pace not letting jimin adjust*
Jm:ughhh*jm cried out of pain*
P-ple-ase j-jungkoo-k *cried* stop*jimin scream out of pain*
Jm:UmmmM*jimin cried harder as jungkook increase his speed,while covering jimin's mouth*
Jungkook was receving so pleasure that he did something didn't meant, Jimin scent was attracting jungkooks inner vampire so much that jungkook couldn't control and sinks his Sharp teeth in jimin's neck and marked him,jimin scream out of pain in his neck*
Jimin: JUNGKOOK UGHHH!!please stop*but jungkook don't want it to he never imagine he could like this so much*
Jk:ughh*he cum inside jimin,and looked at jimin who is already fainted,jungkook fell on the bed and fall a sleep immediately*


Jm pov
  I woke up and saw sleeping jungkook in front of me,tears start to fall out of my eyes by thinking about last night,its true that i wanted him but not like that, not by force i wanted him from his heart, and with love. I saw his eyes moving so close my eyes. I could feel him staring at me but i keep my eyes closed, i can feel him getting off the bed. I opened my eyes a little to see if he is gone and yes he was gone. I sigh as i sit up and again my whole body was hurting *

Tae Pov
I woke up and saw my kitten in my arms already staring at me*
Yg: Good morning*smile
tae: i love you too*he chuckled i smiled at his cutness, but he groan and held his neck, making me smile wider*
yg: i am in pain and you are smiling*sad pout
Tae: because i know why its hurting..
tae: because i marked my kitten*he show me his gummy smile,while siting up*
Tae:you don't remember??
Yg: no, i was only focusing on your beautiful face*he is so cute*
tae:lets take a bath*i said while picking yoongi up*
Yg: together??
Tae: so whats wrong with it??
Yg: Nothing*blushing
I placed him on sink and keep staring at him*
Yg: is there is something on my face*i chuckled*
Tae: you know i had pick a right name for you kitten, you do look like a cat*He pout which making me kiss him, he wraped his hands around my neck  and i put my hands around his tiny waist, we pulled away conntecting our forehead while breathing heavily*
tae: your the most precious thing in my life*tear fall out of my eye*i am sorry yoongi.
Yg: for what?* concerned*
* I bursted into tears, yoongi hugged him*
Yg: tell me whats wrong?
Tae:i thought you ran away because you liked prince jimin*i said feeling shamed on my self*
Yg:first of all i didnt ran, i leave because of the war, and i never had any feelings for prince jimin  except as a yonger brother, the only person i ever had feeling like love is you and no one can change these feeling from my heart.
I smiled at him and hugged him*
*yoongi wanted to see prince jimin so we went to his room and as we opens the door he get startle thats when i notice the mark on his neck i smile feeling happy for him*

Yoongi pov
Jm: hi , what brings you here??
yg: just want it to see if you are doing okay*i noticed the mark on his neck making me feel happy for him, i walked up to him and hugged him* take care.
Jm: thank you.

   time skip after a week
  i was siting on the bed reading book,suddenly i feel like throwing up,i ran in the bathroom as i came out of bathroom jungkook was outside*
jk:what happened??
Jm:nothing...*i probably have eaten something wrong, should i tell yoongi about it?I was about to left the room*
Jk: where are you going?
Jm: just going to get some fresh air* he nod then continuing with his book*
I went out looking for one of the maid so they can call the doctor.
Tae: prince are you looking for something??
Jm: umm yeah for a maid...
Tae: can i help you with something..
Jm: umm can you call a doctor for me i am not feeling well*
Tae: sure*smile
I went to my old room*after sometime doctor came in*
Doc:*bow down* hello prince
Jm: hello, take a seat...
Doc:thank you* he said while siting down*so... Can you explain what is happening to you?
Jm: yeah, i feel like throwing up every hour and feel extremely hungry but when i eat something i throw up, probably after 10 minutes.
Doc: this will sound akward but did you had s-*i nodded quickly* okay.
He then check me up then smiles at me..
Doc: congratulations you are pregnant*i was shook,happy, and sad at the same time but i just smiled*
Jm : thanks, Umm can you give me a favor?
Doc: anything for you my prince...
Jm:please don't tell this to anyone i want a suprise them please
Doc: As you wish prince*bow down
Jm: thank you..
doc: my pleasure.*As the docter left i burst into tears*
Jm:why why why what if he don't accept it, he already hates me, i fall a sleep while crying*

i woke up and looked at the clock and i was shocked i slept for 2 hours i didn't even realize, i get up and went to Jungkook's room.

  Jungkook pov
I was siting on the couch waiting for jimin*
Jk: didn't he said he is going to get some fresh air, does it took 2 hours to get fresh air*
Suddenly jimin open the door and I get off from the couch*
Jk: where were you???
Jm: in my room.
jk: don't play with me jimin answer my question,where were you???
Jm: why do you even care?*he started to walk towards the bed i held wrist and pulled him close to me*
jk: answer me*Soft tone
Jm: i fall a sleep in my old room*he said not looking at me*
Jk: you could have said this the first time i had asked* i kissed his forehead and release him, i saw his face he was looking surprised, i chuckled at his expressions make him looked at me*
*i realized what i did so clear my throats and went back at the couch*

Jm pov
I am so hungry know, but i don't feel like getting up, I turned around and saw jungkook reading a book*
Jk:hmm*he said without looking at me*
Jm:umm nothing sorry*my stomach growl making jungkook looking at me,i looked down feeling embarrassed*
jk : you are hungry?*i nod a little, he get up from the couch and went out of the room*
Jm: i am sorry little one i forget you are hungry too*i said while touching my belly and smile*
The door opened*
Jk: food is not ready now you can eat this for now*he give me the bucket of fruits*
Jm: thank you*he nod and about to sit on the couch*you know you can sit here, i am not gonna eat you*he get up from the couch and sit by me on the bed, should i tell him about it??*

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