chapter 8

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Jk pov
i got up from the couch and sit by jimin continue reading my book, I turned my head towards jimin and it looks like he was thinking about something*
Jk: is there something wrong*i said while keeping my eyes on the book*
Jm: umm j-jungkook i want a tell you something*he said scared
Jk: what is it*still not looking at him*
Jm:*take a deep breath* i am p-*someone cut him off by knocking on the door*
Jk: come in...
Maid came in *
Jk: what happend?
Maid:prince there is someone in your living room, asking to meet you*
jk: okay i am coming...
*i walked out of the room leaving jimin alone, as i went in the living room i saw a person siting facing his back towards me,he got up from the couch and turned making me able to See his face
Jk: Prince jack(prince of another vampire civilization and jungkook's cousin)
*i was shock and angry, shocked because i didn't heard his names in years and angry bcuz his father was the reason my mother lost her life*
Jack: hello brother,how are you doing?
I heard that you got married, so sad that you didn't invited me...
tae ran into the living room*
Tae:prince jungkook,prince jimin fainted*i can see jack admiring tae looking at him from head to toe*
Jk: he was hungry, thats probably why he fainted, try to wake him up and bring him in the dining room*he noded*
Jack:i see, you really don't like him don't you*he smirks at me*You are probably regrating rejecting my sister*i chuckled making his smirk fade away.
Jk:regretting, me rejecting that bitch,*chuckle* not at all,i am happy that i rejected her, because my husband is a fucking definition of beauty and not only from outside but inside too, you can join us for dinner if you want to*cold tone
Jack:why not*little smirk appeared on his face...i rolled my eyes and went towards dining room*
*the table was filled with food, After a minute or two yoongi opened the door for tae and jimin*
As they walks in jack's eyes widened he stood up*
Jack:prince jimin?*jimin looked at him and smile*
Jm:hello, prince-*he looked at yoongi*
yg: jack*Jm nod
Jm:hello prince jack its nice to meet you*take his hand out to shake hand with jack*
Jack:*still shock*hello*took jimins hand, and smile*
jk:i think you should eat something jimin, or you will faint again*jm nods*
As we were eating jack's eyes keep looking at jimin, then he said something*
Jack:prince jimin, u r prettier than i have heard and seen in paintings*jimin looked at him and blush*
Jimin:what paintings?*jm asked confused*
Jack: we have your painting in our castle*
tae:really but why?*he asked confused*
jack:i thought every castle had at least one painting of prince jimin*
Jk:and why do you think that*raise his eyebrow*
jack:as far as father told me,its because he is the most beautiful prince to ever existed*
yg: sooo...
JAck:i dont know, thats the only thing that father told me and I never had problem looking at that painting so i never asked any question...
Jm: thanks*jm said while smiling and blushing really hard*
jack: but thats not fair jungkook you didn't even tell me you are marrying the most prettist person alive*
Jk: i think you should stop flirting with my husband and finish your food*he said with and annoyed tone*

jm pov
I was siting in the middle of tae and jungkook eating peacefully unti i felt like throwing up, i get up and ran towards the nearst bathroom*
i throw up but felt someone rubing my back,i wash my mouth and looked up and saw someone i wasn't expacting*
jm: J-jun-gkook
Jk: what happened*he was looking worried*
Jm: no-nothing* his eyes widened..I noticed he was gazing down my neck*
Jk:WHO??*he yelled at my face,making me scared*
Jm: w-what?* he turned me around and i see my reflection on the mirror,thats when i noticed the bite mark on my neck*
jk: who did this?*he don't remember, that he marked me*
Jm: you did it..*looking down
Jm:you marked me*still looking down, he pressed me to the door*
Jk start to think about when did he bite jimin, when he though about the night when he heard yoongi and tae*
Jk: shit*he hit his fist on the wall making me flinch*
Jm:J-jungk-ook i-i am p-*and again someone cut him of by knocking on the door*
yg:jimin are you okay??
Jm:yes hyung, thanks
Yg: are sure, can i come in??
Jm: no, hyung thanks i am ok,you should go to taehyung.
yg: okay, take care*as he left jungkook gets out of the door*
Jm: jungkook please listen to me* he ran behind jungkook*
He went back to the dining room*
Jack: are you ok prince?*i only nods and sit back on my chair*
Jm:wispher in taehyungs ear*tae i want you to meet me in my old room at 9:00 please*
jk calls a maid and said*
Jk: please clean up one of the room for prince jack*she bowed down and left*

time skips to 8:54
Jk pov
I was siting on the bed thinkin about jimin*
jk:its not his fault, i should have treated him better*i said to myself, my feelings for taehyung have already changed because i know i would never make him happy as much as yoongi does...I think i should find him and apologize and tell him my feelings, I was in hall looking for jimin but stoped when i saw him entering his old room with tae*

Jm pov
I pulled tae in my room, i took a deep breath and say*
Jm : taehyung i am telling this to you because i think you are the only one who understand me in here?
Tae: what is it?*Worried*
jm: i am pregnant*his eyes widened*
Tae: really!! U are not playing right?!!
Jm: I swear..i am not playing* He excitedly jumped up to hug me but his foot slipped and he lost his balance causing me to fell on the bed with him above me, and at that point someone opened the door*

Jk pov
I was so happy to tell jimin my feelings, but my heart shattered when i saw taehyung above jimin, my mind didn't went to jimin first but it goes on taehyung,i can't believe he is cheating on yoongi, they stood up when they saw me, tae hands still on jimins shoulder holding him*
tae: its not what it looks like prince....

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