chapter 5

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Tae pov
tae:yoongi-ahh king is calling  for us...*i said while runing towards yoongi*
Yg: why?
Tae: i dont know lets just go* i said while pulling him....i knocked on the kings office door*
Jk father: come in....

*as i walked in i saw both kings jeon and park*
Yg: how can we help you??

*yoongi  said while bowing down.*
Jk father: sigh* as you guy know that both princes are  getting married so we want you two to stay here for both prince protection...

tae:but what about the soldiers?
Jm father: dont worry about them they will be fine, and its just for few days or maybe weeks...

Yg: as you said king...

* jk father called the maid*

Jk father: please show them there rooms.

*maid showed as our rooms and then left, we were in yoongi's room sitting on a bed but yoongi said something*

Yg: sooo when are we getting married?

*said yoongi i blushed really hard because he rarely says things like this*

Tae: um- * i was about to said something but yoongi pushed me on the bed and hovers above me*

Tae:y-yoong-*he didnt let me finish again and start kissing me,but he stop when the knock on the door was heard*

Yg: aghh, who is it?*as soon as we heard the voice we sit up*

Jm:yoongi hyung can i come in?
Yg:yes...*prince open the door and hugged yoongi*

jm:i am so happy that you gonna stay here, you know i was so bored

*said  jimin with a cute pout that made me smile*

Tae: you are more beautiful than i have I seen in paintings.

*i can see little blush on his cheeks*

jm: thank you but after seeing you i dont think i am that pretty.

*he smiled at me, but then he walked towards yoongi and said something*
Jm : umm i thought you got bad taste hyung but i see you~good choice*he said  teasingly*

tae: prince its not li-
Jm: i know i know, i can tell maids to shift your things here with hyung if its ok hyungie??

Yg: thanks
Jm:shhh thats my order, have fun..bye.

* with that he left the room*
Yg:dont worry we'll continue later

*with a smirk on his face*

Author pov*

Priest: Do you prince park jimin accept prince jeon jungkook as your husband?
jm:smiles* i do
Priest:Do you prince joen jungkook accept prince jimin as your husband?
*jungkook eyes were looking at taehyung who was standing behind jimin smiling*
Jk: i do*without looking at jimin
Priest: congratulations know you may kiss your husband.
jk looked at jimin who was looking down, jk pull jimin closer and then kiss him everybody start cheering, jk whispered something in jimins ear*
Jk:this was a biggest mistake of your life*

time skip at night*
Jm pov

*we came back and i went to my room
I take a shower and change my clothes, i was about to lay down but then i heard a knock on my door, i open the door and there was standing my father-in-law*
Jm: yes...
Jk father: dad*smile
Jm: yes dad
jk father: why are you here and not in Jungkook room??
jm:i was-
Jk father: go to Jungkook's room i will tell maid to shift your belongings.
Jm : ok dad thank you..*i knocked on jungkook's door*
Jk:cOme in*as i walked in he looks angry*
Jk: what do you want?
Jm: your father told me that i should be living in this room from now on*jungook stood up*
Jk: no i am not living with you in one room*these words hurt ,i was almost about to cry, jungkook was about leave but then i said*
Jm: I will sleep on the couch please don't go or they would get mad..Please.

*jk sigh and turned to jimin who was looking down*
jk: ok, but don't you ever dare to touch my belongings...*i nod and went to the couch and lay down facing his back to jk*

Jk pov
*i always read before going to sleep but today i couldn't focus on the book my mind was on what is the relationship between yoongi and taehyung, i turned my face to jimin,who was sleeping while pouting*
jk: does he know the relationship between them?*then i fall a sleep while staring at his face*

next morning*
Jm pov
  *i woke up by the knocking on the  door, as i opened the door i saw maids with my bags in there hands*
Maid: Good morning prince*bow down* king Jeon told us to bring your things in this room.
Jm: sure*i moved aside they put my things in order and then left....

Taehyung pov
I woke up and saw a beautiful angel already looking at me, i smiled at him and said*
Tae: Good morning
yg:i love you* yoongi said making me smile wider.
Tae: i love you too, now get up and get ready*i was about to get up but yoongi pulled me and hover on me*
Yg: we didn't continue what we left of yesterday* i blushed but push him and run into the bathroom*
yg: yahhh dont run, you gonna hurt yourself*smile


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