Chapter 3

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Author pov

Jk father: jungkook are you done??
jk: yes
Jk father: please take jimin to his roon i think he is not feeling good...
jk: but dad he know the way can't he go by himself ??*with annoyed expression*
Jk father: Jungkook don't be rude with your future husband...
*Taehyung chokes*
jungkook panics and give him a glass of water while patting his back lightly....

Tae: i m sorry... congratulations prince why didn't you tell me earlier i am so happy for you two.

jk gave him a fake smile*
jk: thank you
Tae: and i can take prince jimin to his room if you don't mind?* said tae while looking at jimin*
Jm: thanks taehyung* smile
Tae: my pleasure.
As they were about to exist jungkook called tae name which made him turned but still walking backwards which led him to bumped into someones chest....

Taehyung's pov

As i turn around to jungkook i bumped into someones.i immediately turn around and apologized to the guy...He looks so...

Tae: oh i m so sorry sir i didn't mean t-
??: its ok *with a cute gummy smile.

i just couldn't stop staring him, his face is just too mesmerizing ... until i heard jimin shouting...

jm: YOONGIIII HYUNGG!!! * Small prince run up to the guy and hugged him*

Tae: min yoongi?
yg: yes taetae...

i didn't know what to do i was really happy i hugged him really tight*

Jk pov

i saw tae hugging the guy so tight like he would run away, i was so angry, who is he to tae?*

jm father: Mr.Jeon he is the leader of our worriers... Min yoongi
Jk father: Its nice too meet you, oh and i am  sorry I forget to introduce you taehyng..
He is kim taehyung leader of our worriers and he is just like jungkooks brother* my brother no way, i was so angry that i got up and left the dining room*
i was in my room thinking about who is that yoongi to taehyung....

Jm pov

jm: can i take them to my room please *i requested to jungkook's father with puppy eyes*

Jk father: sure
Jm: lets go!!* he pulled tae and yoongi to his room..

As they walked in jimin close the door and turn around...
Jm: now explain what was that in dining room humm???
yoongi looks at tae smiling like an idot...
jm: OMG!!yoongi hyung are you blushing... Please tell me do you guys know each other? and if u do how?please pleasee pleaseeeee-

Yg: okayy ok, so~

* 8 years ago*

tae pov
My father was a warrior and he always wanted me to become one
he sent me at the mountain called faith. In that mountain there are many secrate caves which were used to train worriors for war...
I was standing in one of the caves that are for trainees, i was so lost because there was no one there...But then i felt presence behind me, i turned around as fast as i could and saw a young guy with sword pointing at me...

??: who are you???and what do you want?
i couldn't say a word he was the most beautiful person i had ever saw...
??: Answer me
Tae: i-i am kim taehyung*bow down
??: ohh you are our new traniee...
Tae: ye-yeah
??: i m sorry i didnt mean to scare you
??: by the way i am yoongi,Min yoongi


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