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Wedding day
Yoongi pov

Priest: i announce Min yoongi and Kim taehyung husband and husband, u may kiss the groom*taehyung cupped my face as he get closer he said*
Tae: i love you yoongi and i ll promise to take care of you and our child* he snaked his hands around my waist and attached his lips to mine, everybody start cheering, tae break the kiss and rest his forehead on mine*
Yg : i love you tae
Tae:i love you too my kitten
Jm pov
*i was looking at yoongi and tae love for each other was visible in their eyes, i thought about the way jungkook looked at me on are wedding day, his eyes were filled with hatred, without me noticing tears were filling my eyes, i looked towards jungkook, he was looking at his feet looking...sad. "Do he still love taehyung, is he regreting marrying me" i thought.As he turned his face towards me i looked away*
Jk: jimin-shi
Jm:hm*i said without looking at him*
Jk: jimin look at me*i looked down,he keenled down infront of me and cupped my cheeks*what happened princess?*i look up at him*
Jm:do you l..love him.*i wisphered, jungkook's eyes widened*
Jk: Who?*looking at me confused
Jk:ofcourse not, why would you think that..
Jm:b-but you look sad....i thougth you are sad because you still have feelings for him😔 i m sorry ....*i looked down feeling bad*
Jk:u r not wrong i am sad*jimin look at jungkook with teary eyes, jungkook kneeled down infront of jimin holding his cheeks* but not because i still love taehyung but because...i couldn't give you attention and love you deserved, i could make are marrige special, i am sorry jimin....
Jm: no it not your f-
Yg: are you planning to propose my brother again*jungkook gets up from his knees, smiling*
Tae: jimin-si you crying?*jimin wipes his tears as getting up from chair*
Jm:Nope, by the way congratulation to you two.
Jk: yeah congrats, and t-

Author pov

???: yoongi-ahh*everybody looked toward the voice and their was standing a tall handsome man smiling brightly...when yoongi saw his face he become surprise*
Yg:Mark...*they hugged each other*
Mk: so u think its not important to invite your friend at your wedding huh?
Yg:I m sorry, but how did you get here, who told y-
Jm:i did....i knew u two were really close so i thought he should be here*jungkook hit me with his elbow lightly*
Jm: what?*i wisphered
Jk: who is this?*he wisphered back
Jm: he is yoongi hyung's friend, they are trained together*
Mark: How are you taehyung,its been a long time i saw you..but everything i heard about you from others was correct...
Mark:i mean your are beautiful as i heard....*tae blushed"but i m sorry not trynna sound rude but*he looked towards jimin*prince jimin is still the most beautiful one*jimin and taehyung turned red out of embarrassment, but there were two people who were turning red out of jealousy, yoongi and jungkook*
Jm: lets go inside, its pretty hot in here
Tae pov
*we were in dinning room, having dinner, i feel yoongi holding my hand tightly, i looked towards him , he had uneasy expression on his face while his other hand was on his tummy, then it clicked me( he is going to throw up )
Tae: well guys i m done i m tired so..
Good night lets go babe*i said looking at yoongi*
Yg:good night, sleep well*as we walked in the room yoongi ran towards the bathroom, i followed him and rub his back*
Tae: you ok kitten*he nod his head sitting on the bed*you want something to drink?
Yg: i m fine tae don't worry a lot* i pulled him to me and sat him on my lap he put his head on my sholder closing his eyes*
Tae: how can i not worry about my life hm?*yoongi wishpered*
Yg:thank you *his eyes were still close he looks like an angel right, i peck on his forhead, nose, then lips making him giggle in his sleepy voice*i love you
Tae: i love you too*we fall a sleep in each others arms*
Jk is in his room waiting for jimin to come, he went to show mark his room...jk took a deep breath standing up to see whats taking jimin so long but the door opened reveling my princess*
Jk: what took u so long i missed you* he said pulling jimin on the bed hugging him tightly..*
Jm: *giggles* i was checking if hyung is alright
Jk:hm, well i have a question.. if u don't mind?
Jm: go head* jk: promise u won't be mad* jm:go head promise i won't get mad*
Jk: how did you and yoongi met? I mean you know why yo-*jm cut him off*
Jm: you wanna know why i take him as my hyung when he is not? Hm?
Jk: y-yeah
Jm: yoongi hyung's father gave up his life to save my eomma and my life so eomma decided to took care of him we had grown up together but he always say he knew he don't belong to the royal family and just wanna be like his father so since i was 7 he left to get trained as a warrior and thats how he met taehyung too*a tear left jimin's
eye* we were attacked eomma told me to respect yoongi hyung because he and his family had to face a lot of trouble because of us and since then yoongi hyung protected me* the tears were rolling down his face as he was sobbing hard*
Jk: w-what abo-ut ur father? He didnt try to save ur mother?
Jm: the one who attacked was my uncle and he loved his brother so much that he didn't even thought about his family*jimin hide his head on jungkook's neck sniffing his scent, it helped him calming down*
Jk:i m sorry i didn't meant to bring back bad memories* jimin shook his head
Jm: its ok, u should have known my past your are my husband after all* he said sleeply smiling at jungkook*
Jk : ur sleepy? Jm:hm
Jm: i love you*he wispered* jungkook start kissing jimin all over his face*hehe jungkook-shi~ let me sleep~
Jungkook giggled and wisphers*love you too.. good night princess have sweet dreams about me*and they fall a sleep in each others arms as well.....

thank you so much for reading this cringy fanfiction....love you guys

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