chapter 6

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Jk pov
I woke up and didn't saw jimin on the couch*yoan,Then someone opened the door and said*
Jm:Good morning*smile
*i rolled my eyes*

Jm pov
Jm:sorry*I looked down *
Jm: Your father is calling you for breakfast*with that he get up from the bed and went into the bathroom ,i left the room*
*i was siting there waiting for jungkook but yoongi hyung whispered something in my ear*
Yg: did u sleep well last night?
Jm:i did hyung...
Jk: good morning*he take seat infront of tae*
tae: good morning prince
Jk:*smile*good morning*he didn't reply me earlier, i feel bad why is treating me like this *tears fall from my eye, i looked down as fast as i can*
tae:prince jimin are you okay...*i nod
Jm: yes, dont worry.*fake smile, I wish i was taehyung because of the way jungkook treats him*

Jk father: sooo.... i am going somewhere for 2 weeks and its your responsibility to take care of your people jungkook and jimin..
Jm: you are going out of our territory?
Jk father: yes but dont worry, i will come back in 2weeks*smile*
Jk: when are you leaving dad??
Jk father: After an hour*king jeon left the dining room*

Yoongi pov
  i saw jimin looking tired, he had his head on a table while his hands on back of his neck....
   yg:prince are you sure you are ok?? worried*
Jm:my neck is hurting really bad..*his tears fall down as he cried like a baby in pain.

Yg: i'll call the doctor for you, you should rest, tae i am sorry we can't go today I have to take care of prince...
Tae: its ok, prince health is more important*he smiled at me*
yg: thanks....*i picked up prince and took him to his room*i had called the doctor he'll be here anytime*
Jm : thank you and sorry *looks down
Yg:sorry for what?
Jm:because of me you and taehyung has to change your plans..
Yg: you are more important to me more than anything* i love jimin like my little brother and can't stand someone hurting him*

   taehyung pov
Jk : if you dont mind, where were you guys going??
Tae: we were planing to go to our teacher....
tae:the one who trained me...
Jk:okay, i can take you if its ok...
Tae:no no its okay, i dont wanna waste your time..i think you should go to prince jimin he is not in good condition.
Jk: taehyung i wanna tell you something.
Tae:yes,what is it?
Jk:sigh* I l-*yoongi Walks in*
yg: taetae i think we can go prince falls a sleep*he noticed jungkook*I am sorry prince i didn't noticed you*

Jk: its ok, bye tae*he left

  Jk pOv
I opened the door of my room and found jimin sleeping on my bed,i walked close and examine jimin's face and saw a tear rolling down his cheek i slowly wipe the tear of his cheek but he opened his eyes and jumped off the bed looking down, terrified

Jm : i am sorry, hyung layed me on the bed.
Jk: what happened?
Jm: my body is hurting*still looking down*
Jk: why?
Jm: probably because i had never sleep on couch*why is he not looking up*
Jk: look at me* he shake his head as no which pissed me off*I said look at me* he looked at me with teary eyes*
Jk:you can sleep on the bed from now on, but still don't touch my things without my permission*He nod with a little smile*

king jeon already left*

Author pov
yoongi and taehyung knock on jimins room door*
Jm:come in
Yg: prince, how are you??
Jm: hyung i already told you don't call me prince,please call me jimin please...
Yg:okay, jimin but are you feeling better now..
jm : i am, thank you
Tae: but what caused the pain??
Jm:maybe wrong placement of pillow*nervose laugh*and taehyung i am sorry because of me you and hyung had to cancel your plans...
Yg: we actually didn't, we went there after you fall a sleep.
Jm: really, i want it to go with you guys
*sad pout z
Tae*place a hand on jimins hand* next time promise..
Jm: thank you so much for everything u have done for me*looking at tae and yoongi*
yg: you are my brother and i can give my live for you*jimin hugs yoongi*
Jm: i love you so much hyung,thank you..
Yg:i think you should take some rest now get better*smile
tae/yg: good night
Jm:good night..*they left the room

tae pov
i was thinking about how a prince can love a servant this much. It's nuts like prince Jungkook treats me bad but their bond is really different and pure.

Yg: thinking about jimin*I noded*i know him since he was born*
Tae: how?
Yg : as you know my father was a warrior for jimin's dad/king at the war my dad lost his life while protecting queen and at that time she was pregnant with prince jimin, since then king and queen took care of me and when jimin was born i promised my self that i will protect him from every danger.
*i was staring at yoongi with teary eyes*
Tae: i love you
yg: i love you too..ahh don't cry now *said yoongi while wiping taehyungs tears off*
Tae: please don't leave me again..
Yg: i won't, never* he touch my lips with his thumb*can i?? *i nod and he connect his lips to mine*
I threw my hands on his neck pulling him closer, he break the kiss but i pulled him in the kiss again i don't want to stop i want to feel him for forever,i was out of breath but i didn't stop*
Yg: t-ta-e i ca-n't b-bre-ath*i pull away both breathing heavily*
Tae:sorry,yoongi are just..too addicting*i can't belive what i just said,i looked away embarrassed*
Yg: oww my little tiger is shy*he went to my neck and start sucking it leaving marks behind,i let out a small moan,i push yoongi of from me and hover above him*
tae : let me tell you what this little tiger can do to a kitten like you*i start taking of his shirt kissing every part of his body*
Yg :please tae*said yoongi while moaning*
Tae:please what?
Yg:i want you*with that i lose my control and take all of my and his clothes *
Tae:beg kitten
Yg: hurry up tae i want you plea-ahhh*as he said that i push myself inside him*
Yg: ughh tae it hurt*he cried out*
tae stoped,after a minute or two *
yg:tae u can*taehyung start moving again in yoongi but this time yoongi feel pleasure instead of pain and start moaning immediately*
Yg: f-fas-ter tae
Tae:as you wish*tae starting going faster, under him yoongi was a mess moaning and sweating*
tae: i love you so much
Yg: i lo-ve -u t-oo
tae: can i mark you yoongi*yoongi nod,tae went close to his neck smell yoongi's scent, his eyes changed color and then he pressed  his fangs right above elders collar bone ,yoongi groan is pain*
yg:ughhh tae it h-hur-t
*tae kissed mark he just made making him whimper.**
Sleepy yg: i love u-*he fall a sleep*
Tae chuckle at yoongi's cutness*
Tae:i love you too kitten*fall a sleep while hugging yoongi*

But did they know someone was behind the door angry and emotional by what he heard from the other side if the door*

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