chapter 4

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Tae pov
??: by the way i am yoongi,Min yoongi.
Tae:Its nice to meet you.

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jm pov
jm:wahhh thats cool but-
yg: ok prince its late i think we should go, you should sleep now.
jm: bu-
Tae: good night prince.. *Said tae while pulling yoongi with him out of the room...

yoongi pov
Yg: i missed you so much tae...
Tae: really then why didn't you come back to meet me hm??
Yg: i was about to come but then the war started and as a leader i got to take care of everything especially Prince jimin...and then i became so busy with training other soldiers that i couldn't come,I am sorry.

Tae: its ok, but don't leave me this time please...
Yg: I won't, promise.

* as i said that tae pulled me closer as, I felt lost in his honey brown eyes until we heard someone*

Cough* cough*

i panicked and pull away from tae i looked at the person and it was... prince jungkook*

Jk pov
I was walking in the hall thinking about how taehyung hugged yoongi , but i saw something that made my blood boiled, taehyung and yoongi were so close looking like they were about to kiss...

So i fake cough to get their attention*
tae: oh hi prince!
Jk: what are you doing here? Its late.

*said jk while looking at yoongi*
Yg:i was- i mean we were in prince jimin's room.?
Tae:because he wanted to ask us something....
Yg: i think i should go bye taetae

*then he bow down to me and left*

Tae pov
As yoongi left i started to feel uncomfortable*
tae: i think i should go*as i was about to leave prince pull my wrist and pinned me to the wall*
Tae: p-prince what are you d-doin-
Jk: first answer my question* i can clearly see anger in his eyes, but what did i did wrong*
Tae: wha-t q-question?*i was so scared by the way he was glaring at me*
Jk: who i-*he was about to say something until heard a door open*
sleepy jm:  what are you guys doing here at this time?
Tae: nothing, i was about to go but saw prince jungkook, i thought he would need help so i stoped, but i think he is ok so i should go take care have a good night* i walked away from them and took a deep breath*

Jk father pov
i called a maid to call jimin and jungkook but than i saw jimin coming down*
Jk father: Good morning jimin, did you had good sleep??
Jm:*smile* yes..
Jk father: can u do me a favor...
Jm: yes
Jk father: can you go and wake jungkook for me?
Jm: sure....*Jm went back up to jungkooks room*

Jm pov

I knocked on jungkooks door but didn't get any response so i decided to go in... i saw him sleeping while pouting * oww cute- what are you thinking jimin but i mean i am not doing anything wrong we are getting married right?*
Jm: jungkook please wake up your father is calling for you*i sit on the floor by the bed looks at him face but suddenly he opened his eyes making me stand up...*
Jm: umm good morning your father is calling you for breakfast please come down stairs.

Jungkook pov

I felt like someone was watching me so i opened my eyes and there was jimin. He stood up immediately *
Jm:good morning your father is calling you for breakfast please come down stairs.
He was about to left but i don't why i held his wrist and i can see his cheeks turning red, i left his wrist and sit up*
Jk: um yeah tell dad i am coming* he nod and left the room*
*i did my morning routine and went down to dining room*
Jk/jm father: Good morning jungkook
Jk: Good morning
Jk father: jimin, jungkook you guys should pick your wedding suits we fixed your marrige date.* i continue eating in anger and didnt say anything*.
Jm: father what is the date?
Jm father: this friday 2days later..
Jk father: thats why you two should go and pick your suits...
Jk : Dad just pick anything for me..
Jk father: no, jungkook you have to go with jimin and pick your own clothes you are not kid anymore you may leave in 1hour. I looked at jimin it looks like he was about to cry, but why?*
Jk: Are you done?*i said while looking at jimin and he just nod a little.*let go then.. i will be waiting outside..

Jm pov
after jungkook said that he left I was about to get up but then....
Jk father: son please don't mind he was not always like this and i am sure you can change him*he smiled at me which i returned it with a tiny nod.


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