Chapter 11

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Author pov
Jimin fall a sleep while crying*someone knock on the door*
Jk:come in*doctor walks in*
Doc:prince*bow down* you can take prince jimin with you, he is ok now..
Jk:thank you doctor*taehyung was about to wake up jimin but jungkook stoped him*don't tae*he picked jimin up in his arms and stare at his face,he whisper*
Jk: sorry jimin, i am really sorry*tear fall out of his eyes, taehyung put his hand on jungkooks shoulder*
Tae:lets go prince, he needs to rest*jungkook nods, and made there way to the castle*

Time skip at the castle
Jungkook pov
As we walked in i was shocked to see my and jimins father..
Jk:appa..* dad looked at me with smile but his smile fades when he saw jimin in my arms*
Jm father: what happened to him?*curious*
Jk:u-um h-he didn't eat w-ell so fai-nt* i lied i can't let them know anything or they will be really disappointed at me*
Tae:i think you should take him to the room, he needs to rest* i nod
Jk:i'll see you later*i went to my room

Autor pov
Jk father: taehyung?
Tae:yes king*he said bowing down
Jk father: i wanted to ask you something* taehyung become nerves*
Tae: y-yes
Jk father: if its ok with you and yoongi i wanted to say...please live in a castle with us*taehyung was shooked*
Tae: i m sorry?
Jm father:He want you and yoongi to live in a castle
Tae:sure*smiling* but don't mind me asking.. W-why?
Jk father: we can never forget what you fathers has done for us, they had lost there lifes for us* he looked down looking sad*just want it to give you guys a happy live
Tae:thank you so much i will never do anything that will disappoint you*kings smiled at tae and then tae left*
Tae pov
I was looking for yoongi, i looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him, i went back to my room and jump om the bed, then i heard someone throwing up so i got up and went to the bathroom and saw my kitten(yoongi) throwing up, i went near him and pat his back.
Tae: Are you ok kitten?
Yg: yeah, i am fine..
Tae: yoongi i want you to meet me in the garden at 8pm please*i said roughly make yoongi looking up at me*
Yg: tae are you mad at me?have i done something wrong?*he asked *
Tae:i will tell you but not now meet me in the garden at 8.* with that i lay on the bed at fall a sleep*

Jimin pov
I felt someone hugging me so i open my eyes and saw jungkook, i am happy that he apologize for his behavior before but i am sad and disappoint on myself that i couldn't protect my child*tears started to roll out of my eyes as i was sobbing covering my mouth not trynna wake jungkook up, someone knock on the door lightly , i get of the bed and opens the door*
Jm:oh hey taehyung, what brings you here?
Tae:can we go somewhere else i don't wanna disturb prince*i nod and then we left the room*
Jm:so what do you wanna talk about tae?*i asked you know i love yoongi..
Jm: sooo...
Tae:i w-wanna propose him*
Jm:REALLY* i jumped and hugged tae*you can't even imagine how happy i am...
Tae:i need your help
Jm: of course, i' anything for you two..
*tae told me the plan*
Jm: ok but don't hurt his feelings too much or i'll-
Tae:i promise i would never,....thank you, and sorry for disturbing your sleep*i shook my head as no*
Jm: i wasn't even sleeping, take care*i was about to leave but tae called me*
Tae: prince*i turned around*
Jm:yes* he walk up to me and said*
Tae:both kings are here and they don't know anything, prince jumgkook said that you fainted thats why we were at the hospital please don't tell them"
Jm:hmm but i have one condition..
Tae: i'll do anything.
Jm:then stop calling me prince and call me jimin from now on..
Tae: ok, but not infornt on kings ok*i nod*

Timeskip at 7:40pm
Yoongi pov

I am sad, because tae is acting rude to me.. i still dont know what i had did wrong*
Knock knock*
Yg: come in*jimin walked in*prince do you want something? *i said standing up from the bed*
Jm:hyung, dont call me prince call me jimin..
Yg:ok ok what brings you here jimin?
Jm: i want you to come with me, but please wear this* he showed me a beautiful sweater...

Author pov
Yoongi wore the sweater and came out jimin looked at him in aww
Jm:hyung do you even know how good you look?* tae gonna die out of cutness jimin thought*
Jimin check the time and it was 7:56pm*
Jm:ok ok lets go we are already late*he dragged yoongi out of the castle*close your eyes.
Jm:just close it* he put blind fold on yoongis eyes*
Yg:wth are you doing jimin*jimin lead yoongi to the garden at the back of the castle*
Jm: ok, hyung don't you dare to take this blind fold off, and if you did will never in my life talk to u again* jimin said while letting go of yoongis hand*
Yg pov
Yg: jimin, where are you going?
Jm:i am right here, just don't take off the fold yet, ok at the count of 3 take it off 1....2....3 * As i took of the fold i was amazed by the sight in front of me*

I was suprised as i remeber that tae told me to come at the garden at 8

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I was suprised as i remeber that tae told me to come at the garden at 8...
I turned aroung with tears in my eyes and saw taehyung on his knee my eyes widened and my tears rolled dowm my check as i saw a ring in his hand..
Tae: Y-yoongi...will y-ou marry m-me*he said while closing his eyes tightly*
Yg:i will* i cried as tae put the ring on my finger, i hugged taehyung, he started to cry*
Tae:i love you yoongi*he said while sobing*i have something else to show you, follow me..*i nod and follow him
He put his hands on my eyes*
Tae: ready?*he removes his hands from my eyes*
Yg:y-you did this?

*i nod and follow himHe put his hands on my eyes*Tae: ready?*he removes his hands from my eyes*Yg:y-you did this?

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Tae: not all jimin helped me alot*he said while back hugging me*i love you...
Yg:i love you too, and thank you so much for everything you had done for me,and making this day best day of my life*

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