chapter 10

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jack:i think we should not hurt the baby i am ok with the-
Jen :listen brother i don't care if you are ok with the baby but i am not i can't let him had a child of the person that I love and don't tell me you are feeling bad for jimi-
Jack: ofcourse not, why would i, i had waited for so long and now i finally have him so no one can take him away from me...Not even jungkook*

Jimin pov
I woke up and someone was hugging me i smile thinking its jungkook, but as i realized what had happened to me i push the hand away running towards the door.I open the door trynna find the exit*
Jen: good morning prince*i turned around and saw the girl who hit me with an arow*
Jm: what do you want? what have i done to you?*she start walking towards me while i took steps back*
Jen: you have taken what's mine.
Jm: and what is it?
Jen: *chuckle* don't act so innocent you know what you have taken..
jm: i don't eve-ahhh*Jimin took a last step forward as he heard Jack shout...he lost his balance as he unknowingly took a step back on the first stair*

Jack pov
I woke up but didnt saw jimin and the door was open wide so i run as fast as i can, i saw jimin was about to fall*
Jack: JIMIN!!*as he looked at me he took another step back and slipped , I was about to go to jimin who was crying out of pain down stairs but jennifer stoped me*
Jen*smirk*he is fine, don't worry and isn't it's what we want..
Jen: he made are work more easy..
Jack: jennifer leave me i don't know what are you talking about?
Jen: he is holding his stomach because of the pain... Sooo that means the baby is... *  i stoped as i heard what she said, i turned around and looked at her*
Jack: are you sure?*she nodded while smirking*
Jen: mission one is already finish, before we even started*she left ,i looked over jimin who was crying out of pain looking at me*
Jm: p-ple-as-e*tears start rolling down my cheeks,i couldn't hold it anymore so i ran down stairs pick jimin up bridal style, and went to find a hospital for werewolfs, i was on my horse while holding jimin in my other arm*
Jack: please help me someone!*i ran in the hospital,with jimin unconscious in my arms*
Doc: PRINCE JIMIN!!*doctor ran towards us with a strecher, i layed jimin on the strecher and then they took him in room, i am feeling so guilty if i loved him i should have protect him instead taking his happiness away*i was crying on my knees*

Jk pov
we are outside of the jack's castle..
jk:i am thousand percent sure jimin is here...
Guard: you can go in prince* he said while bowing down*
Jk: thank you*we walked in with a smile on our faces*
Jen: its been a long time we have meet my prince *she said walking down from stairs, yoongi wispher something in my ear*
yoongi: prince i can smell jimins blood, its so strong but where is he?As i looked at her i couldn't control my anger and yelled*
Jk: WHERE IS MY JIMIN!!!*she make a confuse face
Jen: how should i know isn't he your husband?
yoongi: Dont you fucking dare play with us*he yelled*
Jen: and who are you talking to me like this?
Tae: you don't have to know...
Jen: ohh i got are yoongi aren't you,I have hear-
Jk: DONT U FUCKING DARE TO CHANGE THE TOPIC*i feel like i step on something so i look down and saw jimins ring and ...Blood. I picked up the ring and smell the blood it was hundred percent jimins blood*
Jack: he is in hospital*i turned around and saw jackson with blood on his shirt, he fall on his knees and burst in lnto tears.
Jack: i am sorry jungkook, i am really really sorry i didn't mean to hurt him when i realized i shouldn't have done what i did it was too late*he cry harder and yell while pointing at jennifer*
Jk: jack where is jimin?*tears filled my eyes*
jack:I had to take him to park's territory because i couldn't find any hospital for werewolfs* i got up and said*
Jk: lets go please take me to my jimin
Jen: jungkook you can't go, why can't you understand how much i love you please dont do this to me*she said while crying*
tae: if u had loved him, you should have cared about his happiness his feelings and most should have cared about the person he love, sorry to say but your love was not true(fake love~)...*with that we make our way to the hospital*
As i walk in everyone stood up bowing at me, i ask a doctor*
jk:where is prince jimin?
doc:he is in room 221*he looks scared*
Jk:thanks*i run towards the room,as i open the door i saw jimin laying on a bed,eyes closed, tears where visible on his cheeks*
Jk:j-ji-min*he opens his eyes but keep looking at the ceiling, tears keep rolling down his eyes while sobbing*
Jk: jimin i a-am sor-ry* cry *jimin lets g-*knock on the door was heard*
Jm: come in*he said in shaky voice, doctor walks in and bow down with sad expressions*
doc: i-i am really s-sorry * he looks down,jimin sit up*
Jm: wae?* almost crying
Doc: we can't save the b-*jimin burst into tears while shaking his head*
Jm: no no this can't,this can't happen*he was crying his heart out*
No. ...please say its not true please*i was looking at jimin trying to hold my tears, and i am guilty how will i ever forgive myself it all happened because of my misunderstanding, tears started to trail out of my eyes*

Author pov
yg:jimin!*yoongi ran in the room but stoped when he saw jimin and jungkook crying*
Tae: j-jimin its not what i am thinking right?*tae asked holding his tears*
Jm: i couldn't*sob* protect my child tae*taehyung started to cry softly while hugging jimin comferting him*

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