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"Now, Sonic, please promise not to anger Aunt Rachel in any way. Just do as she says." Maddie's orders were rushed as her and Tom were practically running out the door.

"Unless she tells you something bad!" Tom interrupted his wife, his pointer and middle fingers extending to the I-have-my-eyes-on-you towards his sister-in-law.

Rachel rolled her eyes at the sheriff. "Listen, don't put me in a situation! No way I'm an alien's aunt! I still refuse to believe youse adopted it!"

"Okay, Rachel!" Maddie's frustration was clear as she opened the door. "Just please, okay? Thank you so much, but please?" She blew the hedgehog quick kisses and rushed out the door, dragging her husband with her and he wasn't able to give the proper goodbye.

He managed a, "Behave!" over his shoulder, but that was it. Wherever they were going in such a hurry puzzled Sonic, and even more so that he wasn't allowed to come with. He was afraid of Rachel since she didn't like him, but he looked to the positive side and that was spending more time with Jojo.

Sonic was left in the center of the living room with his neon red backpack over his shoulders and Ozzie's leash looped around his wrist, the dog sitting quietly on the floor. Rachel drew back the curtain to watch her sister and her (delinquent, as Rachel says) husband drive off in a hurry down the road. She then turned to Sonic with a scowl, keeping her distance.

"What the heck am I supposed to feed you?" Rachel's annoyance would be hilarious if Sonic wasn't so terrified of her.

Sonic softly answered her, trying to sound polite, "Whatever you make, I'll eat it. Except mushrooms. No mushrooms, please." He vigorously shook his head in disgust at the reminder of the vegetable.

"Well, that's one thing we have in common. Not sure if that's a good thing or not," she muttered, hands on her hips. She then sighed and raised her muttering to the regular speaking volume. "Jojo will be home soon—" she jabbed her pointer finger at him— "and if I catch you tryin' poison her precious brain, I won't hesitate to get the broom!"

Sonic wasn't sure what "get the broom" meant, but regardless he gulped and nodded, unhooking Ozzie from his harness as the dog whined. As soon as he was freed, he hopped on the blanketed section of the couch, knowing Aunt Rachel's rules.

"I guess we'll go over some rules, you blue pineapple—" Sonic smiled at the nickname that was supposed to be an insult, but it disappeared as soon as Rachel scowled— "so you better pay attention; I'm not repeatin' myself. One: no running! I saw the funny stuff you can do. Heck to the no! If you damage anything, your bottom will be grass!" She glanced down at the shoes her daughter gave to him. "And two: no shoes inside. They go by the door."

Sonic made haste to remove them and set them by the door on the cubby she pointed to, but blushed, worried his feet might smell and upset the already distressed woman.

"I think that's all the rules. Ozzie, am I leaving anything out?" she asked the dog, who said nothing. "Oh, right. Blue pineapple? Don't sit on my furniture except at the kitchen table. And as far as sleeping arrangements, you're lucky Jojo has a bunk bed."

"Or else...?"

"You'd sleep on the floor. I don't care what Maddie says, I don't want blue fur all over my furniture."

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