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Accidentally waking up at seven a.m., Sonic decided to start his day an hour earlier than he was used to; he was unable to fall back to sleep for whatever reason.

After brushing his fur, quills, and teeth, he slipped on a sweater and headed downstairs to grab his shoes and go for a run, but he groaned at the dreary day behind the curtains.

Rain. And not to mention, freezing rain, ugh.

No running for Sonic, that was certain. His mood was instantly ruined and he glared at the weather. He slumped at the window and watched the cars go by, which were very few, and soon enough, was lost in thought, content though annoyed he couldn't go run.

"What to do?" He tapped his chin. "I should probably eat food, but what?" He scampered to the kitchen and observed all the areas that held snacks, but none were appealing to him.

In the cabinet, wrapped in plastic was some sort of pastry that fit perfectly in his hands and was a cinnamon color topped with some sort of strangely shaped nuts.

He read the label, "Banana nut muffin? Looks like a cupcake without frosting." He opened it and sniffed the food, drooling at the fragrance—it smelled just like a banana!—and hurried to the table to eat it. When finished, he proclaimed to Ozzie, "Friendship ended with chili dogs. Now muffins are my new best friend." He laughed, only joking, but the pastry he had just indulged in was a close second. Ozzie only tilted his head, flummoxed by the hedgehog and his antics; Sonic went back to the cabinet and ate another one, humming in delight.

"Good morning," came Maddie's voice as she walked into the kitchen moments later, dressed in an oversized shirt and slippers as her pajamas.

"Morning!" Sonic replied back with a mouth full of the muffin. "These are really good, you know that? 'Cause I don't think you do. Maddie. Whatever this is, it's really good!"

"It's a muffin," she giggled, pinning her hair back. "You never had one before?"

"No," he answered after he swallowed, then proceeded to peel the paper back to bite into it again with a cute, quiet, "Nom". Quietly, he added, "If it never ended up in your garbage, I never had it." That was slightly under his breath at the reminder of his previous routine.

Unfortunately, Maddie had heard that and she was overwhelmed, but composed herself, asking as if everything was fine, "Garbage?"

"...Oh, you did hear me," Sonic mumbled again, staring at the last bite of his muffin for a few seconds. Softly, he answered, "I... uh, ate out of your garbage... before, y'know... Sorry I gave you a raccoon problem..." He finished off the breakfast pastry and tossed the wrapper in the trash can. "They kinda followed me."

Maddie exhaled quietly to herself, her heartstrings once again being tugged as they often were when Sonic would speak of his ten-year isolation. To brighten the mood, she smiled and kissed his head, "Well, babycakes, you never have to worry about that again."

At this, Sonic smiled, and extended his arms for her to pick him up, which she did very gratefully, and he wrapped his little blue arms around her neck in a hug.

"So, what do you wanna do before fart-face wakes up?"

Sonic giggled at Tom's new nickname, shrugging, "Dunno, milady. What should we do?"

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