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Sonic was snuggled up in his beanbag chair with Maddie's jean jacket wrapped around him like ribbon as he played his Switch in handheld mode. Maddie, who was trying to do laundry, took notice to her missing article of clothing she swore she put in the hamper to wash and began to search the house for it. It wasn't until she went to ask the hedgehog if he'd seen it that she got her answer.

"Hey, pumpkin," she smiled as she ventured up the stairs.

"Hey." His eyes were glued on the game, with its screen inches from his face, but still acknowledged her.

"Any reason you have my stinky jacket?"

"I'm cold. And it's not stinky, it smells like you and Donut Lord. And a little bit like Ozzy's breath."

Maddie chuckled. "Sweetie, if you're cold, you could have chosen any of the clean blankets we have so many of." She pushed some hair behind her ear.

"But I wanted your jacket."

Maddie smiled at the sweet remark. "I know, but it needs to be washed. You can have it when it's clean."

"Too bad. I'm wearing it," was Sonic's bratty answer, glaring at the Switch screen in annoyance that he experienced another game over.

It occurred to Maddie he wasn't going to hand it over so easily, which was fine, she wasn't angry, but she'd admit she was a bit annoyed. Nevertheless, she shrugged it off. It also occurred to her the hedgehog had no articles of clothing and with winter coming up, he might get cold with nothing but socks, shoes, and gloves. Her heart then ached in the thought of how managed all those years alone in the woods; she tried not to think about it.

She left without a word and his eyes left his game briefly to watch her go, but then quickly refocused. Maddie had an idea as she finished the laundry and had a moment to herself. She looked to the pristine notepad on the table and scribbled something on it, a note to her darling husband, before grabbing her sweater and returning back to the attic steps.

"Hey," she called up, surprised he had gotten out of his chair to look down. "Come, we're going out."

"Out?" Sonic hurried down the steps to join her side, still holding his Switch. "Like, outside?"

"No, out out. In public."

"But... you guys said—"

"—I know what we said, but this is important. I need you to come with me."

Sonic grinned. "Sweet!" He followed her to her car and once inside, buckled himself in the passenger seat, continuing to play his game as she drove to a local retail store.

When the car was parked in said store, he saved and turned the game off, looking quizzically at their destination, asking, "What's this place? And why?"

"You'll see."

He smiled warmly and handed her his Switch. She popped it in her purse in a hidden compartment, zipping it shut before exiting the car. In the parking lot, the small hedgehog clung to the dark-skinned woman, quietly observing all the humans of all shapes, colors, and sizes that gathered around the next door Starbucks.

"You humans sure like your coffee."

"Tell me about it," she huffed at the reminder, looking both ways before crossing the lanes to the front entrance, but was tugged right back.

"Maddie!" Sonic had screamed and pulled her towards him as hard as he could as a teenager and their expensive car came flying down, not stopping at the stop sign that was specifically placed next to the two at the crosswalk. The human's heart briefly stopped, for it all happened so fast, and stood there for a few seconds longer to gather herself.

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