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"You think if I concentrated, like, really super hard," a boy of blue, standing thirty-six inches tall, was talking a mile a minute to the human in front of him, grinning as he spoke, "that I could use my superpower to charge your phone like Shazam does? 'Cause that would be super awesome—can you imagine?" Sonic threw his arms in the air with excitement, hugging his face as he thought about it. "Oh, Donut Lord, I'd be throwing lightning around like confetti! Bam! Shoom! Pow!" He began to shoot at the surrounding trees with finger guns, his cute sound effects echoing throughout the woods.

"I would prefer if you didn't shoot lightning," Tom replied, scooping Sonic up from under his armpits as they approached a fallen tree. "But I'll be honest and say—" he grunted as he leapt over, placing Sonic back on his feet— "it'd be cool. Assuming, of course, my little blue friend," Donut Lord's smile was quite the contagion, for Sonic grinned right back, "you kept it under control."

"Absolutely!" Sonic saluted the sheriff and puffed out his chest.


It was a bitter evening in November, the sun low in the sky, soon to be orange with the early winter twilight, but despite that, it was beautiful. Not a cloud in sight, just a pretty, pink sky stretching out beyond the horizon, holding hands with a blushing sun, and said star might have smiled down upon the frost-bitten Green Hills, but to Sonic, it seemed it offered no warmth; Sonic was still frozen, inside and out.

Yes, he may have been extremely overdressed (courtesy of an overprotective pair of humans) with a thick knitted sweater under a hoodie, which was also under his winter coat, as well as sweatpants lined with fleece—and not to mention, a scarlet scarf and two pairs of socks snuggled in faux-furred boots. Why, Sonic Wachowski was bundled up and comfortable in his layers to the point he might have began sweating!

Was he still cold?

Yes. Yes, he was.

His fluffy peach cheeks were like delicate pink roses from winter's chill, and his little black nose was a dripping faucet as if to prove a point; he couldn't deny that he was cold if his life depended on it, his facial features giving him away. 

"How much further are we walking? And where are we going? You never even said. Can we take a snack break?"

Tom lifted his jacket sleeve to glance at his watch, chuckling, "You just had a snack break." He looked down to the cerulean hedgehog, whose bottom lip delicately trembled.

"Yeah, well," Sonic's brows knitted together, "I want another one."

Sonic slid his tangerine backpack off from his back only to slither his arms through it again, the pouch now in the front. Still walking beside the Donut Lord, he unzipped it and rummaged around for the snack that spoke the most to him.

A group of mumblings as he scanned his option, quiet "No"s filling the human's ears, and then suddenly, a gasp, followed by a very excited, "Yes!" as he finally picked his prize. He pulled out an on-the-go pouch of trail mix, and tore into it immediately, stuffing the excess plastic in his bag before zipping it back up.

Tom chuckled quietly to himself as the sound of crunching, stealing a glance to look at the silly hedgehog below. The smell of peanuts lingered in the air as they continued to follow the snowy trail, and despite Sonic's distraction with his snack, he did not stray, staying three inches from the sheriff.

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