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is for
✧ 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ✧

As usual, our little blue hedgehog friend was up in his attic space of a room listening to music at a rather obnoxious volume, but Tom wasn't going to complain because the kid had a fantastic taste in music, so he jammed along while in the shower.

Now, when it was said Sonic was blasting his music, were you, by any chance, picturing him dancing about? Or obnoxiously singing along while playing a game? Well, you thought.

Sonic was lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling with a blank stare, fingers interlaced with one another and resting firmly atop his peachy belly. His legs were spread like a starfish, as well as his quills, and he wore only socks upon his feet—fluffy knee-highs, at that—as he continued to space out.

He was... thinking. Something he didn't like doing because it usually darkened his mood, but that Sunday evening, he was taking a moment to reflect.

It was about something Maddie said to him a couple weeks ago, something, ever since, she had been saying more frequently, no matter what mood Sonic was in or what time it was. She always said it, never caring if the hedgehog said it back, and most recently, Tom had started saying it, too. This something followed good mornings, goodbyes, and good nights, and one days Sonic was feeling down, they'd add the something after their attempt to cheer him up.

"I love you."

That was the something.

His cheeks heated up and his heart was erupting in his ribcage. He had no idea what to do with those words. He had watched movies and listened to songs about such a topic, knowing it was quite powerful, but... why did it upset him? Why did he freeze and stutter?

Longclaw never said those words, he figured, but I noticed in some movies, they show it rather than say it. That's what she did, she always showed it. But Tom and Maddie, they have shown it, too up until recently. Those words... What should I do with these feelings?

I should say it back—only if I mean it, of course.

You think maybe you're uncomfortable because you're starved of such a concept? You spent ten years, quite literally, living under a rock, and Longclaw never said it, but it was clear she did very much love you. And you loved her, of course, replied the other side of him.

I've been living here for awhile, now. Shouldn't I be comfortable?

Doesn't mean they've fixed you. Just because you glued the pieces of the shattered glass together doesn't make it fixed. It's completely fine you don't feel comfortable. You never had this before. It's all new to you. You don't have to say it back, you know. If you're uncomfortable, just say. They love you and they'll help you through it, if you'll allow them. They're saying it because they're ready to. You take your time to get ready and they know that.

Won't they... won't they get mad if I don't say it back? What if they think I'm this terrible kid? What if they think I don't appreciate them and everything they do?

You don't have to say it. It's not about how they feel, it's about you. You say it when you're ready. They won't dislike you for not saying it back. That's real L word, right there, and when you are ready, and you do say it back, you'll both be so happy.

There was a silence as both Sonics took in each other's words as the CD ended and the music stopped. He continued to lie there on his bedroom floor in thought, hugging himself tightly as tears crawled down his cheeks and to the floor.

He tried very hard not to freak out, remembering Tom's words: "It's okay to be upset, but don't let your power take control of you. You own it, you tell it what to do."

Sonic drew in a deep breath, calming his nerves so he wouldn't spark hot enough to make the power go out, closing his eyes.

"You're okay," he whispered to himself. "You're loved and appreciated for all you do. They understand, don't be upset."

"Sonic! Come eat!" came Tom's voice and Sonic's heart jumped.

"Calm down, you're fine!" he told his pounding heart, bolting up to a sitting position. He rocked back and forth for a minute, breathing rhythmically. "Just talk to them." His eyes widened. "Yeah, talk to them, Sonic." He rose to his feet and scampered down both sets of stairs, standing idle in the doorframe before the kitchen and the living room. "Guys?"

They both faced him, their expressions unreadable.

Oh my god, they're going to hate me. No, they aren't! Shut up! Just tell them!

"What's up?" Tom smelled the distress and he spoke quietly, coming closer to the hedgehog, running his fingers through the cerulean fur for comfort. Maddie joined in next to him, pausing in setting the table.

"I was thinking," Sonic looked down at his socks, one foot on top of the other in his anxiousness, "about... those words you guys use."

Tom and Maddie looked at each other, flummoxed, but returned to Sonic for him to continue.

"I was thinking about it a lot, and I was uncomfortable..."

See? Everything's fine. Just tell them.

"But now I understand why I was... and I'm gonna work on being comfortable again."

Patiently, the humans listened, giving the hedgehog their full attention without a falter.

"Those words you guys use... The words you always tell me almost three times a day..."

There was a long pause before Sonic met eyes with both of them, and he managed a very small, anxious smile.

"I love you, too."

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