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"Yo, yo, y—" a particular blue hedgehog we have all grown so fond of was rudely interrupted by a hiccup as he skidded to a stop at the sheriff's car, on his tiptoes to see through the window. "—Yo," he finished, smiling up at Tom.

"Yo," Tom leaned out the window with a smile, his eyes tired behind the aviator shades. "What brings you out here, my little blue friend?"

"I was on a run and I figured I'd visit," Sonic hummed with content. "Are we doing anyth—" another hiccup, how rude— "anything special tonight?"

"Why, you got a date?"

Sonic blushed. "N-No! I was just asking! It's Hallow—" he hiccuped again— "Halloween, oh my god."

"Someone has hiccups, I see," grinned Tom.

"Don't—" oh my, another— "don't remind me."

"Tsk," Donut Lord shook his head. "Put your arms above your head."

Sonic followed through, hiccuping twice before the "body hack" actually worked and he stopped, letting loose a relieved sigh.


"You're welcome."

"Now, back to what I was trying to say before rudely interrupted by that terrible, unnecessary body function," Sonic put his hands on his hips, "I only wanted to know if you and Maddie have any plans for Halloween tonight. Like, are we watching movies? Is Jojo coming? Or Wade?"

"Jojo usually comes, but this year, they couldn't make it. Sorry, bud."

Sonic was bummed by this, but perked up nonetheless. "I was looking forward to trick-or-treating for the first time, but that's okay. As long as I'm with you and Maddie," Sonic's cheeks reddened and he went pigeon-toed, bashful, "I'm happy."

"Aw, look you being a sweetheart," Tom grinned again, rather devilishly.

"Oh, be quiet!" Little Boy Blue turned away with scarlet cheeks puffed out in frustration. He then recollected himself and faced Tom again, sighing, "Guess I better make like a tree and leave. After all, speed is my middle name."

"I thought your middle name was The."

"Haha," Sonic sarcastically laughed to his human friend, but smiled genuinely before running down the road in a cerulean streak, causing Tom's meter to beep with a reading of three-hundred miles per hour. In an instant, Sonic came back, replying, "Y'know, I don't think I actually have a middle name, so I guess you'll have to give me one." He hummed and then zipped off in a blue streak again, running back to the house.

With the entire afternoon to himself, hours until Tom or Maddie returned home, Sonic decided to occupy himself in a way he never had done before. He decided he was going to put Animal Crossing on hold and do actual DIYs to surprise the humans who so graciously adopted him.

"Ozzie, it's Halloween," he told the golden retriever, "and these ding-dongs don't have any decorations."

Ozzie only raised his head from his doggy bed in question.

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