12. Funerals

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Becca sat at the table, leaning against her boyfriend as she ate her lunch

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Becca sat at the table, leaning against her boyfriend as she ate her lunch. Peter's arm was wrapped around her shoulders. It had been a month since the fair and Lagos incident, Becca had tried to check in with her mother and uncle. Her brother even. But none were answering, she felt isolated from her family. And Peter could feel it radiating from his girlfriend. But despite not hearing from her family, her friends were still there for her, trying to cheer her up.

"So what're we doing for the study group this time?" MJ asked as she was leaning into her own boyfriend, Harry.

"We always do it at your house, MJ, why not someone else's this time?" Harry asks, "Shake things up." He suggests.

"How about your house, Harry?" Ned pipes up, "You're the rich kid in the group, your house must be awesome." He states with a smirk on his face as he eats his pizza roll.

"It's possible we could have our study session at my house, but i'll have to see when my Father is out of town." Harry answers, "He doesn't like visitors."

"But you threw that party two months ago." Michelle pipes into the conversation, her eyes not looking up from her book that she was reading. "Did he not know about that?" She asks. Harry was the resident party thrower at Midtown. Despite his dad's wishes, he would host parties that sometimes got out of hand. Resulting in Harry being grounded, but his father was never around and Harry needed to be around people.

"No, he doesn't know about that. If he does, he hasn't punished me for it. Which isn't like him." Harry mutters, shrugging, "It is what it is. Father's never been great at being there for me so i've just learned to depend on myself."

MJ leans into Harry to comfort him, kissing his cheek. The Asian teenager smiles, looking down at his girlfriend, pressing his lips gingerly to her forehead. Becca smiles at her friends exchange. Then looks up at Peter with her own gaze.

The boy with her heart in his hands looks down at her, his curls coming down on his forehead. Becca giggles then pushes his curls back a bit so she can see his face better, "You need a hair cut but i love your curls."

"What a cruel world you live in, Fia." Peter teases. His senses pick up someone behind them, looking behind him and Becca, his eyes widen, "Doctor Bryne." He mutters in shock. The rest of the table then looks up in shock.

Ned fumbles with his pizza roll, letting it fall back onto the plate, "Oh my gosh, it's Doctor Bryne." He stutters out, shocked by the presence of the famous doctor.

Becca's blue eyes widen when she looks back and sees her mother, "M-Ms Liza." She mumbles in shock, Becca knew something was wrong. She could sense it from how her mother was conducting herself. The normal sparkle in her mom's eye is gone. Mary is hurting, and all Becca wants to do is help her mother. "What is it?" She asks quietly.

"I need to speak with you, Peter can join if he'd like." Mary mutters quietly. The mother stands off to the side as the young couple in question turns back around to face their friends.

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